AN: This is based more off of the Avalon High movie than the book, except that I went with the book's ending of making Allie/Ellie (whichever you want to call her) the Lady of the Lake and Will King Arthur instead of having Allie turn out to be King Arthur, because the plot of this fanfic wouldn't work with that ending. Mr. Moore is still Mordred, though. This is mostly a Miles/Allie (implied Merlin/Freya) story. For the record, I love Will/Allie (Ellie), they're usually my favorite AH pairing, but this idea just wouldn't leave my head, and while I think there are some Marco/Allie/Will stories up, I have yet to see a Miles/Allie/Will one, so that made me want to write this even more. Why? Because it seems like no one else has yet.
Allie stood in the locker room, her mind whirling. She had to find Will, she was completely desperate to, but there was no sign of him; everyone was asking where he was. She only hoped they would get to him before his stepbrother Marco, the reincarnation of Mordred, did.
She drew in a long, sharp breath as Miles appeared, coming back from the other end. "No sign of Will in there."
"I need you to concentrate," she urged him. "Just tell me where he is." Her friend Miles was kind of psychic or something; if he really was Merlin, same as Marco was Mordred, maybe he could have a vision telling her where Will was before things went horribly wrong, spinning out of their control forever.
"I told you," Miles said, "I can't just make it happen on demand." What did she think he was? Some kind of fortune-telling machine? Just put in a coin and out came the answer or something? Unlikely. Even if he could make it happen like that... No, he didn't think he could stand it.
"Yes you can, Miles," Allie said softly, "I know you can do it."
"It hurts, Allie," he faltered.
"I know."
Taking a deep breath, knowing he had no choice, Miles closed his eyes and forced himself to concentrate. Also, he braced himself for the severe pain he knew would be forthcoming.
Come on, come on...
He winced and let out a faint sound of pain, reaching up and clutching the sides of his forehead as it came to him. It felt like he was being hit in the head with a brick!
Marco, leading-then finally pushing-Will, forcibly by the arm, into the school theater... Miles felt his eyes shoot open. "He's in the school theater," he told Allie. He panted for breath. "With Marco."
They raced out of the locker room, running as fast as they could for the theater.
When they reached it, there was indeed a boy, about the right age to be Will Wagner, lying on his back outside as if he'd been hurt.
Allie was about to throw her arms around his neck and demand to know if he was okay, except then she realized it wasn't Will.
It was Marco.
"Marco!" she snapped tersely, glaring down at him. "Where's Will?"
A groan of pain came from inside of the theater, and without even waiting for Marco's answer (what excuse, Allie figured, could he possibly have?) she and Miles left him there and went on in.
Marco watched them go without protest.
"Will!" Allie found Will, lying as Marco had been doing outside, near some kind of cardboard castle set on the stage.
"Allie." He sat up.
"What has Marco done to you?" She was sitting beside him now, petrified.
"Marco?" he echoed as she put her hand on his shoulder. "He was trying to warn me."
"No," Allie insisted. "Marco is Mordred; he's... He's trying to destroy you before you figure out who you really are."
He looked at her as if she were crazy. "What?"
"What I told you tonight, it's not a metaphor. Your destiny is to change the world."
Miles looked over his shoulder; something wasn't right.
"You are King Arthur," Allie finished telling Will.
A light above the audience seats came on and their teacher, Mr. Moore, was sitting there. "You should listen to Allie, Mr. Wagner."
They jumped in surprise.
Allie slowly began to stand up. "Mr. Moore?" What was he doing here?
Mr. Moore stood up, clutching his cane as he came towards them. "She's absolutely right."
Miles felt a shiver go up his spine.
"About everything," Mr. Moore continued. "Except for one small detail." He smiled, almost standing right in front of them now. "Marco..." He took off his glasses and his American accent suddenly became overtly British. "Marco's not Mordred." He slipped the glasses into his pocket. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." Gripping his cane and tossing it up in the air, catching it, holding it like a magical staff, he added, "I am."
"No," gasped Allie. "It's not possible, you can't be!"
"Ta-da," he sneered. "Surprise ending."
Just as he lifted his cane/staff, as if to do them some harm, Marco came rushing in and knocked him down into an open trap door under the stage.
Mr. Moore crashed against a number of musical instruments, a couple cymbals, and a few props currently in storage.
All of them-Miles, Allie, and Will-were instantly at Marco's side, looking down at the sprawled-out Mr. Moore below.
"That was really cool," Miles told Marco, nodding.
"You okay, Will?" Marco looked to his stepbrother, his face full of concern.
"Yeah," he panted. "I think so."
"Wait, this doesn't make any sense," Allie had to say. "You've been trying to destroy Will." How could he suddenly care so much about him?
"No," Marco explained. "I've been protecting him." He reached under his shirt and pulled out a silver medallion attached to a chain he wore around his neck. "Look," he said. "My father was in the Order of the Bear. And when he died, I swore to continue on."
"What about all the terrible things you did?" asked Allie.
"I needed to get Mr. trust me." He gave Allie a reassuring nod. "Allie, you were right. Will is Arthur and Miles is Merlin."
Miles looked at him excitedly, his whole face lit up. "I am? Really?" Grinning over at Allie, he sighed happily. "Cool."
"I want you to know that treating you guys the way I did was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." Marco gave them an apologetic look. "But I only did it to keep you both away from Will and out of danger." Now, to Will, "Sorry for all the things I did to you."
"What are you talking about?" Will said.
"Okay, let's just..." Allie stammered. "Let's just get out of here." She grabbed Will's arm.
But before they could all leave, Mordred appeared, coming up from below the stage where Mr. Moore had been crumbled in a useless heap a minute ago. No more school-teacher. Now he was an angry medieval knight, a traitor out for revenge, through and through. His cane even looked like a staff at this point.
The first thing he did was to lift and wave his staff angrily at Marco. Stupid boy! He'd nearly just spoiled everything!
A force shot out from the staff and knocked him away from the others, onto the stage floor.
"I was just going to try to destroy you, Arthur, by simply crushing your spirit," Mordred informed Will. "But I can see now that I'm going to have to take care of you." He paused and pointed at them. "All of you..." He looked hardest at Allie. "The old fashioned way."
Oh this is bad, thought Miles, really, really bad.
"Starting with this...pest..."
Seeing he meant Allie, Will exclaimed, "Don't touch her!"
But he was no threat, at the moment, to the staff. Its force shot right over him, straight to Allie, knocking her flat on her back, several feet away, just like Marco.
"Allie!" Miles ran over to help her. "Come on, Allie." He bent down and pulled her up onto her feet by the arm. Then he threw the first prop he could get his hands on at Mordred. "Ugh!"
Nothing happened; a magic force-field, part of the staff's power, no doubt, kept objects from hitting him. Even when Allie joined in throwing things, it didn't do a bit of good.
Miles grimaced. Yes, Mordred was evil, but he was also still his teacher. "I guess I won't be getting that A," he noted.
Mordred turned the staff on him next. You definitely deserve this, Emrys; I told you I would never forgive you!
Miles fell to the floor, hitting his side hard upon impact.
"Wha-" began Allie, rage building up inside of her. She couldn't explain it, but it was seeing Merlin (well, Miles, actually) hurt that snapped something inside of her. Like she knew he was going for Arthur (um, Will) next and that was bad enough, but going for Merlin (Miles) was already a step too far. He should not have done that.
She wouldn't let him hurt her friend. Either of them. No, not today. Mordred wouldn't win. She had to do something-anything. Finding a plastic sword on a piece of shimmery blue fabric roughly the color of a sparkling lake, she picked it up and tossed it to Will. "Catch!"
It passed from her, to Miles, who was up again now and standing between herself and Will, straight into the hands of Arthur, like a game of pass-it-on or hot potato.
Will stared at the plastic sword he held in pure bafflement.
Mordred laughed, long and loud. "Do you really think a silly toy sword is going to stop me?"
But the sword in Will's hand suddenly glowed and magically turned from a toy into a real weapon; a beautiful sword, unequaled by anything else.
"What..." Allie gazed in amazement. She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but for whatever reason she had not been fully prepared for this. "What's happening?"
Miles recited, "Any sword in the hands of Arthur becomes Excalibur..." That was what they had read in Allie's parents' book! Will was Arthur; and Allie had given him a sword!
"Impossible!" cried Mordred, his gaze going from Will holding Excalibur to Allie. "I thought maybe you could be the Lady of Shalott. Maybe. Though the fact that you never so much as glanced sideways at Lance was curious if that were true. The Lily Maid never even met Arthur, and yet you've been Will's shadow since you arrived at Avalon High. But the Lady of the Lake? The only one who can give Arthur a sword in accordance with the legend? Never. I would have never missed that and let you live this long, if that was the case, Allie. You would have had an unfortunate accident on your first day of school and been out of my way."
"And yet here we are," declared Allie.
Without thinking, Miles found himself softly chanting something; words that felt right in his mouth, as if he'd used them before, but words that were definitely not English.
The staff, he realized, it's mine.
In response to his chanting, the staff burned the hands of Mordred and flew to him. He lifted his hands and reached up to catch the staff in mid-air. "Whoa." He grinned. "Being Merlin rules!"
"Hey!" shouted a voice. "Hey! It's after hours, no one's supposed to be in here."
They whipped their heads around to see a security guard and a few policemen coming up the steps of the stage, and they did not look too thrilled.
Mordred, who oddly enough had turned back into Mr. Moore, looking much less warrior-like and more akin to a school teacher again, when Miles called back the staff, had an idea. "Officers! Arrest that boy!" he pointed at Will. "He brought a weapon to school! Threatened the life of a school teacher."
Quickly, Miles took the sword back from Will. It immediately became plastic again, and he, shrugging, as if it weren't anything of importance (and, really, it no longer was), dropped it on the ground at the nearest officer's feet.
"Good luck saving the world from Juvie, your Highness," mutter-hissed Mr. Moore, smirking at Will.
"I'm sorry," said the officer, clearly puzzled. "Are you saying this boy was threatening you with a plastic sword?"
"No, no. You oaf." Mr. Moore was losing his patience. "With a real sword!" He glanced down at the sword; it was obviously plastic. "Alright, that is a plastic sword. But it was a real sword, because she gave it to Merlin to give to him and it became whoosh! Excalibur! Because he... He is King Arthur..." Finally noticing the weird looks everyone was giving him, he snapped, "Oh come on! Who's the teacher here?"
"We just came in here," Allie said innocently, "to get some fake armor for the school mascot."
"Yeah, we had permission and everything," Miles piped up.
"I have no idea what Mr. Moore is talking about," added Will.
"Um, what about the kid on the floor?" The officer noticed Marco.
"Oh, him," Miles invented quickly, "he's got Narcolepsy. He's always falling asleep; we really can't take him anywhere."
Marco, who was starting to come to (unlike the others, he'd been knocked semi-unconscious when Mordred used the staff on him), and heard what Miles had just said, getting a vague sense of what was happening, quickly started fake snoring.
"They kidnapped me!" Mr. Moore shouted. "They're lying."
"I'm a national merit scholar," Miles said pointedly. "I don't kidnap teachers, I suck up to them."
"Wagner," said the security guard, who happened to be a big football fan. "Shouldn't you be on the field?"
"Yes, sir, I should be."
"Well, get out there and get us to state!"
"We really need to talk," he told Allie.
"Later," Allie said. "Right now you have a game to win."
He stared at her, his head cocked slightly to the left.
"Go!" she reminded him, laughing.
Mr. Moore's eyes widened. "No!" He lunged at Will's retreating back.
The policemen grabbed him. "They're going to love this nut-bar downtown."
"No!" he shrieked as they dragged him away. "King Arthur! I'm supposed to defeat him! I have to destroy Will! It's my destiny! It's my destiny!"
Miles fought back a chuckle.
Allie swallowed a giggle. "We did it, we stopped Mordred."
Marco got up, rolling his eyes at Miles. Narcolepsy indeed!
"Oh no," Allie groaned. "I just thought of something."
"What?" Miles looked concerned.
"What if this is just another one of my crazy King Arthur dreams, and in two minutes I wake up in my bedroom?"
He shook his head. "It's not a dream, Allie. You're the Lady of the Lake." His gaze shifted to his staff. "And I'm Merlin. Check this out." He concentrated on his staff and transformed it into a cool-looking pen. "Cool, huh?"
"Let's get out of here," Allie sighed.
"Wait!" said Marco.
She looked at him.
"Thank you." He got down on one knee reverently. "Milady."
"Oh, wow," she laughed, exchanging an awkward glance with Miles, "bowing."
And the three of them walked out, arm-in-arm, as if they'd been best friends for centuries.
Oh, wait, that was right, they probably had been.
*-One Week Later-*
Sitting down at lunch, Allie noticed something was off about Miles. He had that distant, tired look about him.
Marco was out of school for a dentist appointment, Lance was at home sick with the flu, and Will and Jen hadn't shown up in the cafeteria yet, so it was only the two of them at the moment.
"Miles," asked Allie, "did you have another vision?"
"Kind of," he said. "See, the last couple of days, it's like I'm seeing things, but it's not the future."
"Then what the heck is it?"
Miles swallowed hard. "I think it's Camelot."
"Camelot," Allie repeated.
"Yeah, like, when we all used to live there." His eyes shifted downwards, suddenly fixated with his lunch-tray. "In..." He looked both ways and lowered his voice. "You know, our past lives."
"When Will was Arthur, you were Merlin, and I was the Lady of the Lake?" Even though she was a believer (they all had to be, after defeating Mordred... Well, except for Jen and Lance, they hadn't been there and of course it really wasn't the sort of thing they could just randomly mention to them over burgers and fries), it still felt pretty weird, saying it out loud. She didn't think she'd ever truly get used to it.
Miles nodded. "If I saw what I think I saw, a lot of things about Arthur, from the legends... I'm not sure they got it right."
Allie shrugged. "Course not. My parents can't even agree on all the details; there's way too many stories."
Miles opened his mouth, then shut it, like there was something he wanted to say but he didn't know how.
Wow, thought Allie, Miles at a loss for words... That's definitely a first. "I almost wish I didn't tell them what happened with Mr. Moore... Ever since they found out I'm supposedly the reincarnation of the Lady of the Lake they won't leave me alone." She hadn't meant to tell them, but after the game they'd seemed so disappointed-especially her mother-that there was no epic public battle revealing Will as Arthur, that she'd had to take pity on them and explain that they'd been wrong about Marco but not about Will Wagner. Which, of course, resulted in her having to mention she was the one who gave him Excalibur, making her the Lady of the Lake. "They seriously came out with all these books last night, put them on the coffee table in front of me, switched off the TV, and started going over all the legends. They went on and on and on about how no one can even agree what the Lady of the lake was, and how some say she was a high priestess of an ancient pre-Christian religion or something-"
"She was a Druid," Miles blurted softly. "I mean, you were."
"How do you know?" Allie asked. "Did you see it in your vision?"
"Yeah, you were in a cage," he said, picking at his food. "I let you out. I don't think they allowed magic beings or Druids in Camelot's early days."
"Then what were you doing there, Merlin the magician?" teased Allie.
Dead serious, Miles replied, "I don't think they knew what I was."
"Wow, you really did see it," Allie noted.
"Not all of it," Miles told her. "Bits and pieces. I think I hid you after I got you out of the cage, for a little while, but I don't know what happened, how it turned out. How you went from a Druid to an arm under the water."
"Maybe it'll come back to you later," Allie suggested. "In The Once and Future King, Merlin lived through time backwards. Maybe that's why your visions don't always connect. Like, when Will-Arthur-was rising, you saw future things to help him, but now your mind's going back in time."
"You actually read The Once and Future King?" Miles asked, as if in shock.
"Yeah." Allie crinkled her forehead. "You haven't read it?"
"No, I have," he assured her. "I'm just surprised you did. It's a pretty big book."
"Very funny, Miles." She rolled her eyes. Of course she'd read it! It was always lying around the house, her parents being who they were, and she had to have something to do on countless boring Saturdays when she was routinely the new girl no one had bothered to invite anywhere.
"Your name was Freya, by the way," he mumbled.
"In Camelot," he said, his voice barely a whisper now. "Your name was Freya."
"Freya..." Strangely enough, it did feel familiar, and there was something else, something to do with Miles, maybe, she could sense herself trying to recall. But she wasn't like him; she couldn't make herself have visions. She had her dreams, sometimes, her crazy King Arthur dreams (less and less often since Mr. Moore had been taken care of), but that was about it.
Miles sighed and pulled out the homework from his earlier classes. He always liked to have them done ahead of time. And, right now, it was a welcome distraction. A win-win.
"Miles, there's something else, isn't there?" Allie said softly. "Something you don't want to tell me."
"I can't remember how it turned out," he said. "So it doesn't matter."
"But, why-" she began.
Only, Will and Jen were coming over to their table now, and as Jen didn't know about all this 'return of Arthur' mumbo-jumbo, Allie had to let it go for the time being.
"Hi, Allie." Jen set down her tray and waved at them. "Hi, Miles."
"Hey, Gwen." He blinked and shook it off, forcing himself to stay in the present. "I mean, Jen."
"Hey, Allie." Will bent down and kissed her before sliding into the seat next to her.
A week ago, on the night of the big game, them kissing hadn't bothered Miles at all; he'd been happy for them, then. Especially for Allie, cuz he knew how much she liked Will. But things were getting so weird, with all these visions from the past, now that he remembered Freya (albeit pretty dimly, his memory teaming with huge gaping holes you could drive a truck through) and knew Allie was her reincarnation, seeing her with Will hurt in a way he couldn't explain. Not even to himself.
Miles looked up to see the girl he'd hugged the night of the game waving shyly at him. This was actually the first time he'd seen her since then. She'd gone away on a short vacation with her family. She had sent Miles a few emails and text messages, though, so there was a chance she was interested.
"Still think she's a vampire, Miles?" Allie joked.
"No," he half-laughed, remembering how the first time he'd seen that girl he had been too nervous to talk to her.
"Miles is blushing," Jen giggled.
"I'm not," he protested.
"Yeah, you are, your face is all red."
"Oh my gosh, Miles, you are all red," Allie laughed.
Will chuckled and gave him a light punch on the arm.
He could have tolerated the teasing if he'd felt more confident that it was in fact the girl he'd thought he had a crush on up till now that was making his face feel hot. There was no other explanation, but everything was spinning. He was over-tired, and he needed some air.
Miles stood up, a bit shakily, and began walking with his only half-eaten tray of food to the garbage bin, when a particularly stocky group of jocks more or less stampeded him in an attempt to get some Jell-O before the lunch lady was completely sold out.
He blacked out for maybe thirty seconds or so and then woke to his friends standing over him.
Jen looked a bit scared, bordering on hysterical, but Will assured her Miles was in fact not actually trampled to death and she calmed down.
"Are you okay?" Allie, kneeling beside him, exclaimed anxiously.
"I'm fine," he murmured. "Though, I think I saw part of my life flash before my eyes." He cringed and moved his jaw round, feeling a slight bruise on the side of his chin. "At least, I think it was my life. Was I ever talking smack to a dragon that sounded kind of like John Hurt?"
Will laughed.
Allie and Jen sighed in relief.
The bell for the end of lunchtime rang. Miles acknowledged the familiar, ear-spiting sound gratefully. Time to force his head out of the clouds and get on with the day. Maybe, if he was lucky, by the time the bell signaling the end of last period rang, he'd feel back to normal.
Well, as normal as a teenage kid who's recently found out he's Merlin from Arthurian legends reborn into modern-day America can ever be, anyway.