Henry watched from a few paces behind as Aidan bounded up the steps of 3638 and rang the doorbell. He studied the house silently, it didn't look like much. Just a small tri-level tucked between two larger buildings, making it look even smaller and out of place by comparison. Odd, he had always envisioned Aidan living in a somewhat grander home than this, something to flaunt and be admired. They'd always talked about how they would rise through the ranks of the vampire hierarchy together, and Henry had always had this image of them in this large, luxurious home with a water front view. Though in spite of this, or perhaps because of it this tiny house, with it's faded green door and shutters, and simplicity felt somehow fitting. He rather liked the looks of it.

Quaint. Homey even. Henry thought to himself with a small smile. Perhaps it's just that this is where he lives. The place that Aidan calls home. He does look quite inviting standing there,standing in the doorway. Looking at me. Expectantly?

"Oh!" Henry jumped as he realized that he'd sort of zoned out and now Aidan and another man where standing there looking at him with raised brows. He stepped forward quickly, "Sorry! Just caught up in my own thoughts." He tried to laugh it off.

"Is he always like this?" The other man asked Aidan with a note of amusement in his voice. Henry observed the man silently, blonde cropped short hair, slightly shorter than either of the vampires, and... He sniffed subtly, a werewolf? He arched a single brow at Aidan, his curiosity flaring to life within him, mixed with no small amount of trepidation.

What on earth is a werewolf doing in your home?!

Aidan must have noticed his feelings because he stepped forward and placed a hand on his arm. At the touch the Ghost Feelings flared up to intense levels, swirling with soothing and comforting reassurance. That bright warm star in the center burning ever more brilliant.

He'd been able to push the Ghost Feelings to the back of his mind on the walk here, but now, with the physical contact they could not. Would not, be ignored. This only further solidified his belief that the Ghost Feelings where in fact coming from Aidan.

That they were his emotions.

Though what that truly meant about them, and that star at their center was still unclear. The idea that all of these feelings were radiating from the other vampire, that they were swirling around within him, sent a thrill up Henry spine. It made his chest feel both heavy and light at the same time. He wasn't sure what to make of it all, but he would save that for later.

Aidan was speaking to him again.

"-osh. He's my roommate." Aidan gestured to the blonde, with a pointed look at Henry that clearly said, 'I'll explain later.' Then with another gesture, this time to him. "Josh, this is Henry. He's my..." He faltered for a moment, as though he was unsure what to say.

"His progeny." Henry stepped in, extending a hand to the confused, yet somewhat amused looking werewolf. "Pleasure to meet you."

Josh stared at his hand briefly as though he thought it may bite.

The irony was not lost on either vampire.

Then with a small sigh he reached forward a took the offered hand and gave a tentative, but firm shake.

"Same here." Josh replied with a small grin. Stepping away from the door and motion into the house, his grin growing slightly. "Wont you please come in?" He asked with exaggerated formality and s slight bow.

Both vampires walked past him into the house. The younger looking around the front room with interest. The older with his eyes trained on the other.

Spotting the girl curled up on the sofa Henry stepped forward and made to introduce himself, as was the proper, gentlemanly thing to do.

"Henry Durham, pleased to meet you!" He extended his hand again in greeting.

While not completely ingoring him she didn't turn to look either. Only muttered in a bored tone. "Yeah, same here."

Earning her three odd looks. One from a slightly affronted Henry, and the others from her equally confused and concerned roommates.

"Well!" Josh clapped his hands together with a great gust of breath. "I'm late for work. I'll see you later?"

Aidan turned at this, "Yeah, I was planning to stop by the hospital later to pick up some more..." He trailed of with a meaningful look.

"Oh, yeah! Obviously!" The blonde shrugged as though it was the most reasonable conclusion, "No where near enough to feed two hungry vampires in the fridge." With a shake of his head and a long suffering sigh, Josh made for the door. Lamenting quietly about the oddities that had somehow become the norm for him.

A/N: Sorry this has taken so long! I haven't forgotten! I promise. I've just been so caught up with everything else in my life. I know that's no real excuse to leave my poor readers high and dry like I have been, but I promise to try and do better!

And thanks to everyone who has taken the time to review. Even the ones who just say things like 'Please update!' It means a lot to me to know that people like this and want to read more.

Again sorry for the slow in coming updates. Just be assured that they will come!