A Thousand Years

Pairing: Drake/Hannibal King

Rating: PG13-NC17

Summary: Drake decided to sleep because of a very human feeling: loneliness. Hopefully in the distant future he would find what he always wanted, a mate.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters unfortunately. No copyright infringement is intended. This work of fanfiction is for nothing but pleasure.

Author's Note: I'm sorry that it took me longer to update than normal. Work has been so hectic lately.

Chapter 4

Whistler watched Blade enter the Nightstalkers' hideout and was overcome suddenly with dread. He was not looking forward to introducing Blade to Hannibal. Whistler hurried after Blade, hoping to intervene in the imminent meeting. "Fuck, I should have called and had them tie King to a chair and gag him." He muttered while trying to catch to up to Blade.

Whistler luckily found Blade leaning against the conference table looking at a fidgeting Hedges. Sighing in relief, he made his way towards the metal table and sat down. "Hedges did you finish going through that book I gave you?"

"Yeah Whistler, I did." Hedges murmured looking at the imposing hunter.

"Good. Go gather the rest of the group and get them in here" Whistler ordered, silently hoping in vain that Hannibal would keep his mouth shut for once.

Blade watched silently as Whistler's ragtag bunch of hunters enter the room. The babyface from before enter first followed by a blind woman. They weren't hunters so they must be the brains of the operation but he had his reservations about the blind woman. The last two that enter are the ones that caught his attention.

One was a girl with long wavy brown hair and was wearing some kind of workout clothes. The clothes allowed him to see that her body while still feminine had hard earned muscle beneath her flesh. She was easily the youngest in the room but she had an air of danger that emanated around her. She was a true hunter like her father Whistler.

The last one to enter is the one that demanded Blade's attention. The young man was about the same height as him. He had a slimmer but well muscled build compared to his own bulkier build. He would be considered highly attractive by both human and vampire standards. The fiery eyes were his most captivating feature but it was his scent that Blade's attention the most. He smelt like a human but underneath that human scent was a hint of a vampire scent as well.

"Blade, meet you team." Whistler said from his seat, watching Blade closely. "Hedge is our computer expert and the one who does all the research and weapons building as well. The woman who entered after him is Doctor Sommerfield. She is an expert hematologist, geneticist, and chemist. The last two are the hunters of the group, my daughter Abigail and the other is Hannibal King."

"Are you sure he is even awake old man?" Hannibal questioned, unimpressed by the stoic man before them. "He hasn't moved since we entered the room. People that can see perfectly only wear sunglasses inside a perfectly lit building for that reason you know."

"Whistler is this some kind of a joke?" Blade snarled, his opinion of these misfits plummeting down the drain. "They won't survive against a clan as large as the Talos clan especially that mouthy two year old."

Hannibal sneered at Blade wanting to plant his fist in the uptight man's face. "Listen Mr. Personality, I know the Talos clan better than anyone here and I understand vampires better you probably ever will."

"I highly doubt that boy." Blade growled, baring his fangs at the idiot human.

Hannibal ground his teeth together, itching to shoot this infuriating man. Abby curled her hand around his bicep in a silent warning that he decided to ignore. "When you spend five years of you fucking life as a full vampire and as Danica Talos fucktoy on top of being her party favor as well, you can't help but learn a few things."

"ENOUGH!" Whistler yelled, looking between Hannibal and Blade. He was actually surprised at his ward's reaction to Hannibal. That was the most emotion he had ever seen Blade show in all his life. "We all need to work together and take care of this Dracula business. Now Hedges tell us what you found out from that book."

Hedges nervously looked at the once again stoic Daywalker then at Hannibal who was vibrating with anger. He stayed silent for a few minutes waiting for the tension filled air to clear. He cautiously started to fill the team in on what he had told Hannibal earlier.

"So you are basically saying that we are fucked Hedges." Abby stated, her intense gaze never leaving Hedges face.

"Yeah. There is no known way to kill Drake." Hedges muttered, squirming under her intense gaze.

"I may have a way to kill him." Sommerfield said suddenly, garnering everyone's attention. "I've been working on something called Daystar. It's an airborne virus that would only target vampire DNA."

Hannibal looked at Sommerfield skeptically, wondering what the catch was. "That sounds great Doc but there has to be a catch. Am I right?"

"Unfortunately yes, Hannibal. I don't know what effect it would have on you Blade" Sommerfield informed. "Also in order for it to work I would need Drake's DNA. His DNA is pure and can be found in every vampire around the world. Without that common link the virus won't work."

Whistler sighed while getting up from the table slowly. "Well we got a lot of planning to do. Blade, Abby, and Hannibal should go pay Vance a visit while Hedges and I will try and get some weapons ready. Sommerfield you can get back to work on that virus and keep Zoe busy as well."

Hannibal knew something wasn't right the minute they entered Vance's office. There were two bodies on the floor, blood flowing from their necks. He took a few cautious steps further into the office, looking for any more bodies. No sooner after he took those few precious steps away from Abby and Blade, Hannibal was whipped around with a muscular arm wrapping tightly around his neck. "Fuck." He yelped in surprise as a warm breath caressed his ear.

"So we finally meet Daywalker."

Hannibal shivered slightly as the deep rich timbre reached his eardrums. That voice was pure sex to his ears. Swallowing, he concentrated on Abby's tense face and Blade's stoic one waiting for them to make a move. He could only hope to be able to mostly ignore the siren like voice talking in his ear.

"So it seems Drake." Blade said seemingly unconcerned for Hannibal's situation.

Drake smirked at the warrior in front of him. "I've heard many things about you Daywalker. So far you live up to your reputation."

"What do you want? Surely you aren't here to gossip like teenagers." Blade sneered, ready for a battle.

Drake's powerful gaze never strayed from Blade's figure, taking in his opponent. He was about to reply when he finally took notice of a mouth watering scent infiltrating his nostrils. Turning his head, keeping one eye on the hunters, he buried his nose in his captive's neck and inhaled deeply.

"Hey!" Hannibal manly squeaked, as he felt a nose jabbing into his neck. "Quit sniffing at me. Abby shoot him before he tries to lick me."

"Quiet King." Blade hissed

Drake tightened his arm around the now squirming human, King, before returning his full attention to Blade. "We have a magnificence battle in our future Blade. You are a warrior of honor, on that deserves my attention."

"Why should we wait?" Blade growled, hand reaching for his iconic sword.

Drake's free hand grabbed one of the silver stakes from Hannibal's thigh holster, as he took one last deep inhale of King's delectable scent. Bringing the stake towards Hannibal's chest, he gently moved the sharp tip over King's chest in a gentle caress. "Blade, the games have only just begun." Drake stated, his fangs bared in a mock smile as he quickly stabbed King with the stake in the shoulder.

Hannibal yelped in pain, as the stake penetrated his fragile skin and lodged itself in the muscle beneath the skin. He gritted his teeth as he was suddenly dropped to the floor and saw Blade chase after Drake.

Abby rushed to her partner's side, gently probing the stake sticking out of Hannibal. "King, I got to take the stake out okay."

"Oh fuck me." Hannibal groaned as he felt the stake being pulled from his shoulder. Hannibal heard the hissing of a can and something being injected into his puncture wound before his world turned black.

Drake watched Danica's pacing form as she screeched at him with growing irritation. This woman was quickly becoming more of a headache than she was worth. He didn't answer or listen to just anyone.

"Blade wasn't suppose to know that you are awake until we were ready!" Danica shrieked, eyes a light with uncontrollable fury. "Also, you have no right to touch Hannibal King ever again. He bears my mark and that means he is mine to punish."

Drake's roar reverberated throughout the room as he felt his body shift into his demon form. He watched with great satisfaction as Danica and the rest of the vampires in the room start to whimper and quake with fear. "Learn your place woman. I am you king."

"But." Danica stuttered, terrified by the beast in front of her.

"Silence!" Drake demanded. "I do not answer to you. My plans for Blade do not revolve around your so called final solution. The hunter, Hannibal King, from now on belongs to me."

Danica looked at her King, anger slowly overcoming her fear. "My lord, King is mine and will always be mine. It is my mark he wears not yours and I will not give up my claim on him."

Snarling, Drake lashed out at Danica. His clawed fist striking her hard in the face, and he reveled in the sound of her jaw breaking from the impact. Pleasure filled Drake as Danica's pain filled whimpers reached his sensitive ears. "No, he is no longer yours. I have plans for him and they don't involve him being under your control."

Turning, Drake swiftly left the conference room and headed towards his room. Closing the door, he slowly calmed himself and let his body shift back into his human form. He has never been quick to anger but he will not let these simpering fools think that they can rule him. He would have to show them their place sooner than he thought with the revival of his court. His court's revival will allow him to establish a much needed pecking order.

Drake smiled a small but real smile at the thought of reintroducing his court to the vampire society. He had a feeling that if everything goes the way he plans he would be able to officially present his mate to his court and his people. He would finally have someone worthy to stand by his side instead of bowing before him and he also had a good idea of who wanted by his side for all eternity.

Hannibal King has been on his mind since he returned from his confrontation with Blade. Hannibal held no fear of him even when he could have easily killed him instead of just injuring him. King's scent still filled his nose and he couldn't wait to bury his nose back into the Hannibal's delectable neck. The scent was a powerful spicy smell with a hint of sweetness that made you crave more of it.

Yes, Drake had plans of claiming and turning the young tantalizing hunter; all of them had them never leaving his bed. He would soon have his mate beside him; all he had to do was wait patiently. He has been waiting for thousands of years for his other half and now his wait would soon come to fruition.