A/N: SOOO LOONG! I am so sorry T.T Don't kill meh! (hides behind computer) NOTE: I've been grounded and I'm going through a very tough time, for now my stories will be on hiatus until things work out or I'm not grounded anymore. I truly am sorry.

When Roppi awoke he was struck with confusion. Why was he in his bed? Wait...It wasn't his bed per say, just identical. He jumped out of the bed when an arm draped itself on his side and caressed him lightly.

"KYAAH!" Roppi floundered and fell out of the bed, smashing his head on the nightstand. Tsuki immediately snapped out of his morning grogginess and rushed to Roppi's aid, offering his hand. Roppi slapped his hand away and got up but his knees buckled.

With another loud thumb he fell again, but something was there to catch him. He glanced up and saw the concerned face of Tsuki. He growled and tried to shove him away, faintly noticing that he and Tsuki weren't wearing shirts, Tsuki had on pajama pants while Roppi was still in his black boxers.

"I'm fine let me go!" Roppi hissed, trying unsuccessfully to stand.

"Roppi-sempai! I'm sorry! I gave you a concussion! Here let me lay on your bed, I'll make breakfast and notify the office that you had an accident." Tsuki ushered him to his own bed and laid him on the duvet making a 'stay' motion as he took out his phone and dialed the number to the school.

"Ah, good morning! U-uh, hai, Hachimenroppi had an accident this morning and he got a concussion. I believe he was having a n-nightmare and he fell out of bed and hit his head on the night stand. Is it okay if I stay with him? Ah...Okay. Thank you goodbye." Tsuki muttered into the phone, he snapped it shut and smiled.

"What would you like for breakfast? I had to cook for my brother when we were younger, so I can make just about anything." Tsuki said sheepishly, Roppi found it strangely endearing.

"I'm not hungry, do what you want since you're gonna be here all day." Roppi sighed and turned around to sleep.

"About that...I kind of have to attend afternoon classes today. Though I'm going to be coming back at four, I'll bring dinner too." He smiled. Roppi groaned and nodded, turning around to find a comfortable position.

"Just go."

"But Roppi-!" Tsuki protested.

"I SAID JUST GO!" Roppi barked and threw his pillow at the fumbling blond.

He yelped and fast walked to the door, glaring at Roppi one last time before walked out the door. Roppi sighed and laid back, thinking things over in his head. How could he deal with this? Like his life wasn't totally messed up already? It was just barely getting back on track and now this idiot fell into his life! How fair was that?

He was just glad that his life had some semblance of order. A few years ago, it was different. His mother had to sell her body just to make ends meet and his father was an abusive fuck. It would have been better if he would have left, but he denied Roppi and his mother that comfort.

He couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad when his mother committed suicide, he didn't really care, she didn't like him very much either. He was a social disgrace, he wasn't flashy like her. Nor commanding like his father. He stayed in the shadows and kept to himself in his room, resorting to cutting himself and hiding from the screams of his mother.

She had taken a tip from Roppi and had sliced her arm clean open in the bathtub, apparent she was pregnant, with his father's child or not he didn't care to know. Though it was for the best, she had a load of diseases and passing that on to an innocent child was sickening. A child shouldn't pay for their parents sins. Roppi knew that the hard way.

His father didn't care much when she died either, he blinked and called the police, going back to drink on the couch. A few months after that he was found shot to death in their dumpy apartment. A drug dealer had broken in and shot him, his father had owed the man money for drugs. Roppi felt nothing and left to live with Izaya and his family. He didn't know if he was supposed to care, he believed that the love he had for his mother and father died when he was born. Bringing him into this god forsaken world was enough for him to hate anyone.

Bringing himself out of his self pity, he propped himself up and yawned. Today was going to be such a boring day.


Watching TV was not his forte. He had flicked through the channels several times through and he still found nothing but shitty daytime talk shows. Who cared if this woman was unable to perform certain unspeakable acts in the bedroom to please her nympho of a husband? Roppi sure didn't.

Times like these he kind of wished Izaya would visit him, but knowing of the pure chaos that followed the knife-crazy brunet was enough to quell the urge.

Four came slowly and like he promised Tsuki came back with several take out boxes filled with sushi and rice.

"Roppi-sempai, I hope you like sushi!" He chirped, until a loud thump from the room could be heard. Immediately he dropped the food and slammed open the bedroom door.

"Oh my god! Roppi!"


Roppi awoke once again, noting that he didn't know where on this godforsaken planet he was at. From the obvious clues (the beeping from the many machines around him) he gathered that he was in the infirmary. Not the best place to be, he always got paranoid when he was stuck in one place for too long. You know with Shiki and that whole mess.

He glanced to the side and saw a mop of blonde hair, unkempt and very messy. His vision was still very blurry but it didn't take a genius to see that it was Tsuki. The reason he was here in the first place.

"R-Roppi-sempai?" A groggy voice piped up, despite himself Roppi found it strangely endearing that the boy had stayed with him. Of course the boy was probably guilty, Roppi wouldn't have blamed him.

"Roppi-Chan~!" A very annoying voice yelled and the door was violently slammed open.

"Flea! At least be respectful to your cousin and if not to the people around us!" Shizuo scolded vehemently.

"Aw, but that is no fun! Plus, Roppi-chan loves me! He said so himself!" At this Tsuki's face darkened considerably. Roppi coughed and glared at his elder cousin.

"I was nine, Izaya. Get over it." Roppi bit back. Izaya faked looking hurt and dismayed.

"Roppi~! That hurts coming from my own flesh and blood!" He sputtered. Shizuo only rolled his eyes.

"Here. We picked up somethings from your place, Izaya picked the lock so yeah..." Shizuo handed him the bag filled with his things.

"Also we got you these sketchbooks! Shizuo picked one out and I picked the other, a little gift from your future cousin-in-law, ne?" Izaya grinned, handing one black and red sketchbook while Shizuo handed the blue and white one over.

"Cousin-in-law? Izaya, you're joking right?" Roppi asked, gratefully accepting the two high-quality sketchbooks.

"Nope~! We decided since I'm a flea and he's a monster it doesn't matter. As long as he isn't one of my wonderful humans, there isn't any harm to it. Plus it's not like anyone else is going to love a monster!" Izaya chimed.

"Or a flea for that matter." Shizuo said gruffly.

"Exactly Shizu-chan, so you both can see the logic there."

"Yes, a very twisted sense of logic." Tsuki commented.

"But a logic nonetheless." Roppi added.

"And as logic goes, we did some serious thinking about it." Shizuo said.

"But gay marriage isn't legal in Japan, and are you going to get married while you're still in school? That's not too smart." Tsuki asked.

"We aren't getting married per say, we place a ring on our fingers, share everything, and tadaa! A makeshift marriage. Of course we are waiting till after we graduate, I am still underage." Izaya explained.

"That hasn't stopped you before..." Roppi deadpanned, Izaya only grinned in response.

"Tell me about it." Shizuo agreed.

"You both are so very mean to me~!" Izaya wailed and latched onto a spooked Tsukishima.


"That's sad." Roppi pointed out.

"Izaya isn't one to make friends, just enemies." Shizuo agreed again.

"So do you know when this wedding will be?"

"Not going to be one, though you two can be there when we sign the papers of course or whatever we have to do." Shizuo said, eyeing Izaya still latched onto his scared cousin.

"Tsuki looks like he's about to wet his pants." Roppi commented.

"Tsuki? He must like you since only Kasuka, Izaya, and I are the only ones who call him Tsuki." Shizuo said, an eyebrow raised.

"Well, we're somewhat friends. It's complicated." Roppi said, not really paying attention to the hysterically crying Tsuki.

"Anyway, Izaya and I were hoping you could visit us for dinner tomorrow, you know or when you get out of the hospital? Whatever is fine for your health."

"Okay, speaking of my health, did they tell you what I have?" Roppi asked.

"I think they only told Izaya since you guys are related. I sure don't know and Tsuki is a bit of an airhead to remember." Shizuo answered.

"Oh yes! The doctor said your brain hemorrhaged because of some head injury you got. He said if Tsuki had gotten home later you could've died." At this Izaya's face grew stormy. Roppi knew that he was one of the few people the informant cared for, pawns came and went but blood was for life. They both were practically brothers.


A/N: I'm ungrounded! Plus the last chapter I updated with was sooooo bad! I hate it sooooo much! So I worked more on it and made it a bit longer! I would have made it even more longer but when I'm sick my brain works very slowly. Sucks, I got sick the very first day of summer!