Sometimes he smelled of lavender and vanilla, other times he smelled of peppermint and sugar candy. Ludwig always enjoyed the scent of Roderich whenever he came out of the shower, right when it was fresh and at its strongest. He would often hold his aristocratic lover during the night after his showers, simply smelling his hair and enjoying it. While most of the time Austria huffed and squirmed almost cutely, Germany knew that he enjoyed it. Whenever he buried his nose in the Austrian's silken chestnut locks he would feel almost as if he were in a field of flowers or in the kitchen when Roderich baked his sweets almost nonstop whenever he could make the time.

Yes, Ludwig had to admit that he quite enjoyed the scent of his lover; it was one of the most wonderful things in the world. There were just so many delectable scents that would invade his senses whenever he nuzzled his hair every night. Sometimes he smelled of flowers, sugary treats, or fruit, the smell that was simply Austria to him. "Stop that." Roderich would often huff out haughtily as Ludwig held him close in his strong arms, keeping him from escaping as he nuzzled him softly and gently, yet Ludwig knew better, he knew that Roderich quite enjoyed all of the attention.

Ludwig had known for a long time since their almost demonic union during World War Two (a union that still plagued him with nightmares on how he had treated the aristocrat), that Roderich was indeed a lonely man. He tried to display this air of haughtiness, but deep down he was a sensitive individual. Despite on how he would pout and huff about the displays of affection that Ludwig gave to him, he deep down actually was thankful for it, wanted it. When Ludwig was kept awake for whatever reason he would see the brunette's slim and graceful body curl up next to him, his usually stern and indifferent expression almost childlike in his peaceful slumber.

Ludwig also enjoyed his lover's work ethic. With Gilbert in the house it was just a blessing that someone other than himself managed to get work done and done properly. The German had never really seen anyone work so efficiently and with little to no complaints (having grown up with Prussia and all). Despite his more aloof attitude towards work, he still managed to get it done. How he had no idea whatsoever since almost every time he saw Roderich the brunette was either playing his piano and violin, or in the kitchen cooking some sort of meal or treat.

Even his personality was charming in its own right. Sure, the little master attitude was quite annoying for Ludwig, but he eventually learned that was a simple cover for Roderich. It was a shield to protect the sensitive man beneath, a trait that he had been told was weakness by everyone he knew ever since he could remember. His constant bitching became almost pitiful to Ludwig, since he knew exactly what the reason behind it was. Roderich was so many things, polite, methodical, intelligent, elegant, talented, sensitive, and in the rare moments, loving.

Everything about Roderich Edelstein Ludwig loved, even the man's ugly points he loved. He had loved him ever since he first met him, even if those feelings had at first been only platonic. Roderich was his love, his life, his very soul and he knew that Roderich felt the same way about him.

Wow...this is my first fanfic ever! I just sorta had the idea and kinda just ran with it until I couldn't write anything else. If Ludwig's super OOC than I'm sorry...I just kinda thought he would act like this around the love of his life! ;) Reviews would be appreciated! I would love to hear from you guys on how I can make this and possibly future stories even better!