Hey guys, its Brynne. I haven't updated in a really long time..I'm really sorry :( Review. Hope you like it. Anniee starts chat.

Anniee: Oh hot damn...Finnick's in my fammmmmm

CATO: You're crazy.

Clovie: Hahaha that is so true.

Anniee: At least I won the hunger games! I pity de fool.

Anniee leaves chat.

Clovie: I guess its just us...

CATO: Now that we're alone...we could do something together...

Clovie: Like put on shirts that say "life" on them and hand out lemons?

CATO: That's not what I had in mind...

Gale-the-Whale: IT'S THEEEEEEEEE



CATO: Way to ruin the moment, guys.

Glimmer Shimmer: Omg ikr Catew? And btdubz wht iz up with ur username Gail? I meanz whale skin waz so last capitol seeazon.

Clovie: Who cares about the capitol?

Gale-the-Whale: But...but...whales are my favorite animal. No h8.

Katniss the Hunter: My level of respect for you...just dropped. "No h8." Wth?

Peeta: Guys...I have a secret.

CATO: What is this...third grade?

Peeta: Sometimes when my mom gives me banana bread..I can't CONTAIN MY EMOTIONS!

Glimmer Shimmer: Woah..u cray.

Clovie: This is just embarassing.

Gale-the-Whale: So...Cato and Clove...I've heard some rumors.

CATO: What?

Gale-the-Whale: Well I read a couple of fanfics...and well you guys are in love. They have a ship name for you. Clato.

Katniss the Hunter: That is so true.

Clovie: WHAT? NO!


Gale-the-Whale: Don't be in denial. And when I say denial...I din't mean the river in Africa.

Peeta: That was a good one.

CATO: Well this is awkward.

Clovie: Tell me about it.

Clovie left chat.

CATO left chat.

Katniss the Hunter: Nah nah nah nah

Gale-the-Whale: Nah nah nah nah

Glimmer Shimmer: HAY HAY HAY

Peeta: Goodbye.

Gale-the-Whale: Well I gotta go..hunting.

Katniss the Hunter: Uh...same.

Glimmer Shimmer: I'm gonna ba-dazzle mi straightener.

Peeta: I think I'm gonna buy a fish and name it Pablo.

PLEASE REVIEW! If you have any suggestions or ideas please tell me them! OOOkayy byee!