Author's Note: It started off as a drabble, and before I knew it; it had turned itself into a Fanfic of multiple short chapters. Well, all right then.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I make no money what so ever from writing this drabble/fic, I just wrote it to keep myself entertained.
Warnings: This is Yaoi/Shonen ai/Slash, in other words, it's boy x boy, if you don't like, feel free to leave at any moment. Alternative Universe. Possible Ooc-ness. And Language.
Important Warning; Do keep in mind that this did start off as a one-shot kind of thing before it got too long and I decided to break it into small chapters, so the chapters will be short.
Pairing Chosen: Yuu Kanda x Allen Walker, ( Man).
Song Chosen: The Reason Is You by Hoobaskank
Rated: T, I think.
"Yuu? You're going to be late!" Tiedoll said loudly as he stood outside his son's room, knocking softly, "don't tell me you're still asleep," he continued as he opened the door and stepped into the somewhat dark room, "Yuu?" He called in question when he was greeted by an empty room, "Yuu?"
"What?" The dark haired teen questioned from behind the older male, "is there something you need, old man?"
"Hm, no. I was just checking making sure you were up and dressed, and from what I can see you are," the older man responded as he turned to face his son, taking note that the teen was indeed dressed in his new high school's uniform, "are you leaving soon then? I don't want you to be late on your first day."
"I am," Kanda responded without much thought as he walked past the older male to grab his book bag and keys before leaving the room again and heading down the stairs.
"Good, good. I'll be heading off to work as well. Chances are, I'll be home late, so go ahead and eat dinner without me if you'd like, oh, and try not to stay out too late, if you decide to go out, it is a school night," Tiedoll commented as he followed the older male down the stairs. He passed the younger teen who had walked into the kitchen, stopping for a moment to grab his jacket and keys. After taking a moment of making sure he had everything he needed he spoke as he made his way out the front door, "I'll be going now."
Kanda didn't respond as the older male left, choosing instead to loiter around in the kitchen for a few minutes before deciding on just grabbing an apple off of the fruit bowl on the counter; leaving the kitchen and walking out the front door not long after. He made sure the door was locked as he shut it behind himself and making his way over to his parked car.
Might as well get the day over and done with.
The school, as it turned out, wasn't all that big; granted it was still a pretty big campus but still smaller than his previous school. The students though, as he soon learned, were still as stupid and as annoying as ever; but he figured that was a given when it came to high school.
The only bright side that may or may not have cheered him up, even just a tiny bit, was the fact that he wouldn't be seeing that idiotic smug grin on Tyki's face anywhere on campus or any time soon. Though, he would admit he was somewhat upset by the fact that he wouldn't get another opportunity to punch said smug grin right off of his damn face.
But as he learned long ago; we couldn't always get what we wanted.
Ignoring the loud chatter and screaming around him he made his way to the main office; where he was told he needed to go to pick up his schedule for the semester.
"I'm here to pick up my schedule," he spoke as soon as he was in front of the secretary at the desk, "name's Kanda, Yuu." he continued on not waiting for her to ask for his name as she pulled a stack of schedules in front of her, already digging through them searching for his. Pulling the slip of paper from the stack, she looked up obviously ready to make small conversation as she handed over the sheet to him. He ignored her attempt, taking the sheet and leaving the office before she had even made it half way through her greeting.
Taking a look at his schedule for the rest of the year, he was half tempted to skip the day and go home or maybe even drop by the Café he'd been spending most of his days in. But again he found he wasn't all that interested in going, hadn't been for some time, which he refused to acknowledge may have to do with the fact that he wouldn't be running to the annoying moyashi any more.
Taking another look at his schedule he decided he'd stick around for the day, for lack of anything better to do. And with that final thought he made his way to his first class of the day.
Classes for the most part, he found, were pretty boring as teachers decided to spend most of the class period reviewing the syllabus for any new students before handing out a review quiz. Which he found pretty useless considering he was the only new student in most of his classes and they could have just given him the damn packet and he'd read it on his own, maybe.
He'd found the review quizzes a waste of time, too easy; but the teachers had gone on about how they needed to know what needed to be reviewed and to make sure that everyone understood what had been taught the previous semester before moving onto the new lesson.
Come lunch, he had apparently made a new friend. A redhead who called himself Lavi and who had decided that it was only right that he'd show the new kid around the school so he wouldn't get lost. And regardless of how many times he made sure to leave said redhead behind, the redhead always seemed to find him.
He'd even punched the redhead at some point because said redhead refused to leave him alone and wouldn't leave regardless of the many threats Kanda constantly made; but even that didn't deter the redhead he had laughed it off and gone on about some other useless fact or other, as he followed the darker haired male to the cafeteria, much to the disappointment of the crowd that had gathered around them as soon as he'd hit Lavi.
And regardless of his refusal to show his schedule to Lavi, for obvious reasons, they soon learned that they shared most if not all of their classes together; and in every single one the redhead took the seat right next to him, not once shutting up as Kanda had repeatedly told him to. Only quieting down for a bit when the teachers spoke before the redhead decided he'd very much rather talk to Kanda then listen to the teachers.
"You should meet my friend Lenalee," the redhead had said after school, still very much following Kanda around, "we're getting married one day, she doesn't know this yet of course, but it's only right that she meet my best friend! So what do you say? We can still catch her if we leave now," he'd spoke obviously ignoring the other's glare, "her brother shouldn't be here for another few minutes or so."
"No. I'm not your best friend. Go away or better yet go die," Kanda snapped as he sped up, wanting nothing more than to get away from the redhead.
"Aw, don't be like that, Yuu!" Lavi called out, "you can't then? That's alright you can meet her tomorrow, bye!" He continued to say as Kanda turned a corner and disappeared out of sight.
He debated the thought of dropping out of school as he threw his book bag and jacket into the passenger side seat of his car.
Author's Note: Sorry about taking to so long to update, I have no excuse, not really orz;;