I'm back~!

Apparently, today is Earth Day, so here's another hastily whipped up Neru/Kikaito fic.

The reason she met him was because she was bored.

It was summer, school was out, and she had nothing to do. No friends to text, no phone to text with (her phone had broken, and she had no money to buy a new one), nothing.

So the great texting champion resorted to watching people out of her bedroom window.

A red-haired man, cheerfully encouraging his white-haired girlfriend on a jog, a boy with a bird on his shoulder, some girls dressed as cats…

Every day, the people changed, replaced by others, except one.

A blond teen who picked up trash on the streets.

Day after day, she'd see him with a trash bag and one of those long tools for picking up stuff too gross for human hands to touch, getting all the crushed soda cans, the cigarette butts thrown away, the wrappers casually dumped.

And day after day, he'd do this for an hour in front of her house before moving on to other areas.

She didn't exactly go out there, happily picking up trash with a random guy (even if he was pretty cute), but she did start to notice things, like how so many people littered, and how it had almost become a part of the natural scenes, where people were used to seeing trash mixed among the grass and trees.

It sickened her. And gave her a purpose.

After a week of making such observations, instead of staying in and staring at passerby's she didn't know, she walked a little further down the street, away from where the golden boy was working, and cleaned trash there, ignoring the stares and calls of some jerks, but smiling back shyly at the praises and encouragements of those who cared enough to cheer her on.

It still frustrated her, to come back the next day and see more things littered among the ground.

Huffing, she started again.


"Oh, are you cleaning too?" a deep voice startled her, making her head jerk. The blond guy!

"Yeah…" she muttered. A slightly awkward silence past.

"Mind if I help?" Well, the awkwardness passed quickly enough.

She smiled at him, grateful. "I'd appreciate it."

"I'm Kikaito. Nice to meet you!" he chirped cheerfully, holding his hand out to shake.

She took it. It was much larger than hers, nearly engulfing her tiny one. "Same. I'm Neru."

Neither of them noticed, but if anyone else had paid attention, they would have seen the two glowing in happiness.

Whenever I write for this pairing, it's short. Ah, well...

I'd appreciate reviews, or voting on my poll.

Thank you for reading this!
