Uh..yeah…I know I should be updating 'Gioielli del Fato' (No worries! I haven't given up on it! :D) but this WAY too good to pass up… ^_^; Anywho I've been reading a lot of fanfics where Romano dies then however many years later Spain meets Romano's reincarnation buts I never seen on where it's the opposite! (that I know of anyway. If there is one please tell me. ^_^) So I decided to write my own thing of where Spain dies and then it's Romano who meets the reincarnated Spain! :D

I don't own Hetalia…correction. I don't think I would be ALLOWED to own it even if I could buy it… :/

Kay~! Long rambling is done! On with the fanfic! :D

No matter how many times he tried he could never forget….never ever forget that day, it didn't matter how hard he tried or wished to he couldn't forget. It kept playing over and over like a broken record.

"Ve~! Fratello! It's terrible! They just said that Big Brother's Spain place is in economic turmoil! They don't know if he's going to make it!" Veneziano cried out running into the room with tears in his eyes and starting to run down his face.

"CHE CAZZO?" As soon as the words flew from his mouth Romano immediately ran all the way to Spain's house. As he walked in instead of a cheerful Spaniard greeting him what greeted him was an eerie silence that was suddenly broken by raspy coughing. "T-Tomato bastard!" He cried out as he ran into the living room where Spain was laying on the couch in the middle of a loud coughing fit that was starting to bring up blood. Looking up Spain smiled weakly and whispered, " L-Lovi…you came to see me…"

"W-Why the hell wouldn't I bastard? F-Feliciano just told me…" was all he could get out as the tears started streaming down his face.

Spain closed his eyes for a second and then whispered, "W-Well..I'm glad I could see you again Lovi~. Even if…it's for the last time."

"NO! Don't you fucking talk like that dammit! You're going to come back! You're going to make a full recovery! And then you'll keep pissing me off like you normally do and calling me a tomato whenever the hell you feel like it! So…please….Don't let this damn thing beat you dammit."

All the pleading and begging he did couldn't help at all as Spain slowly closed his eyes for the very last time still with his ever present smile on his face, now frozen for eternity.

"S-Spain..? SPAGNA! DANNAZIONE SPAGNA! NO! SI PREGA DI TORNARE! PER FAVORE! NON TI AZZARDARE A LASCIARMI!" (SPAIN! DAMMIT SPAIN! NO! PLEASE COME BACK! PLEASE! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!) He cried out as he sobbed into Spain's unresponsive chest. "Ti…t-ti amo…..Antonio.." He whimpered, inhaling the sweet scent of churros and tomatoes for the last time.

If only he could have said those two words when Spain could have heard him say them.

Then in the cruel face of irony the country of Spain made a full recovery right after that….but its nation never did.


Damn memories…who the hell needs them… Romano thought to himself as he sat on the window seat in his room. It's been exactly twenty-five years since that day, and ever since then Romano barely left the house.

He still tried to make it seems like he was fine but his expressions and the way he acted said otherwise, even his part of Italy was still suffering (not as much as before but it wasn't still completely back to what it was before Spain's death). The only times he even left was when Veneziano forced him to go shopping for them (for the sake of getting him to actually get up and move around) or when he wanted to go somewhere else to be alone. Most of the time he'd sit on the window seat staring out at the sky or land or he'd walk by a small pond near their house, he refused to go anywhere near the tomato patch Spain helped him plant, it was must too painful to.

But Romano's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door."Ve~ fratello? Are you in there?"

For a second Romano felt tempted not to answer but then he remembered that Veneziano would only keep pestering him until he spoke. "What the hell do you think dumbass? What do you want now?"

"Ve~ well the store's having a big farmer's market out front! Could you go buy some vegetables so we can have fresh ones for the pasta tonight?"

"No. Go do it yourself dammit." He scoffed then turned back to the window. Why did Feliciano have to keep bugging him all the time? Can't his stupid fratellino see that he just wanted to be alone…of course he was practically alone anyway with Spain gone. But that plan was thrown right out the window when Romano heard the familiar sound of a lock being picked and the door opening up.

Why the hell did I have teach him to pick locks…? Romano thought with a small groan as he turned at glared at his smiling brother. "I told you I'm NOT going out today Veneziano. Go get the damn things yourself."

"But I can't fratello!" Veneziano whined with a childish pout. "What if the pasta burns because I'm not watching it! Per favore fratello!"

Romano glared back for a few seconds before he sighed and stood up. "Fine dammit….you fucking owe me for this."

"Si! I'll make a whole bunch of gelato for you when you get back home! It'll be my treat for you!" Veneziano chirped with a bright smile. "Have fun fratello! Maybe you'll make a new amico!"

"Whatever dumbass…" Romano groaned as he grabbed his jacket and the money then headed out to the local farmers market. But when he was out of sight of the house he stopped and leaned against a nearby tree. "Ugh…dammit Venenziano…." He grumbled, lately Veneziano's favorite thing to say now every single time he left the house was 'Have fun fratello! Maybe you'll make a new amico!' It was nice of his younger brother to care enough to do that but he was the older one! He should be helping Veneziano! Hmph..yeah right… Romano thought with a scowl as he started walking again. He might be the younger one but he's sure as hell in a lot better shape than I am right now…

When Romano arrived the entire market was already in the height of the business day. Many of the best produce was already sold but luckily Romano was able to get his hands on more than enough. Smirking at the small victory he headed over to the check-out when a bright red tomato in the stand next to him caught his eye. But when he reached out his hands met another.

Before Romano could look up and glare at the person who was taking HIS tomato they laughed and said, "Ahaha~ lo siento! I didn't know you wanted that tomato too!"

Hearing that Romano froze and refused to look away from the tomato in front of him. I-It can't be…! I-It just can't! He thought, but his curiosity got the better of him and he slowly looked up to meet the bright cheerful emerald eyes gazing back at him.


Well? What do ya think? Good? Bad? Complete crap? What? :D

But wow...is depressing..that's SO not like me... ._.

Oh! And here's a preview of chapter two! (AKA the only part that I have of it. ^_^;)

"Spagna…" Romano repeated again, trying to figure out of the Spanish man in front of him was a hallucination or a mirage or something like that! How could a dead nation be…?

"Ah, lo siento." The man said with another small laugh. "I know my Italian's not the best but did you just call me España? That's a country señor. Or is this just a joke to welcome me here?"

Romano didn't answer back all he could do was stare at what looked like completely alive Spain cheerfully smiling back at him.

AND that's all for this chapter people! Tell me what ya think! :D