As always, it's to Brieanna Liu. I hope you like this story, please review afterwards!

"It wasn't as if anyone got hurt," the brown haired mumbled to his companion. It was pouring, the rain was sliding off roofs and people hurriedly splashed away as they curiously glanced at the two crazy mid-twenties getting soaked in the rain.

"N-Naoko," whispered the girl. She had bubblegum hair and soft honey eyes. Her face had turned slightly pink from the freezing cold and her fingertips were becoming numb but she didn't care. She could have died right then and she wouldn't have cared.

"It was inevitable," he simply said. He didn't feel comfortable saying it but it was more because of his feelings than the actual content.

"So it's true?" her voice barely a whisper. She shuffled her feet and wanted to leave. She didn't want to know but she needed to know. He turned to him and sighed.

"Yea, I was pretty blunt about it." What a confident, uncaring answer.

"Am-" he was silenced by the look of her eyes that refused to make contact with his. Distant and dreary. She glanced at her 4th finger on her left hand and stared at a large and beautiful diamond ring, engulfed in her memories.

"Kya! Isn't that Naoko-kun?"

"I wonder if Naoko-kun likes this..."

"Naoko-kun is my boyfriend...a dream come true!"

Amu blinked. And this. What she had thought was the road of true happiness. Stupid. Idiot. Fool. Why hadn't she taken it off? Why hadn't she?

"Amu-chan? I was pretty clear in my text message. I don't get why you're so shocked," Naoko said unconcerned. She jerked up and forced herself to smile and look into the pale, ice blue eyes. She somehow slid the ring away from her finger and gently placed it on the wet ground and looked at her finger once more. There was a white band around the finger where the ring had once been. She rubbed it gingerly and left without another word, her shoes squeaking away.

Her childhood friend/fiancé dumped her. Well, to be more specific, he dumped her a year ago. Via text message, one of the worst ways a man could break the terrifying news to, especially to someone that trusted them. Someone who had been lending excruciating large amounts of money that was desperately needed, and someone who was there to work so he could save even more money. And then someone who had always been giving emotional support.

Amu had refused to believe it. She had stuck to him thick and thin and knew him better than anyone else, probably even more than his parents. She knew that he scrunches his nose when he thinks (which was rare) or that he chases geese like a little kid when he sees them in the park. His favorite food is Miso Soup. He hates sweet but hates salty things even more. He can't play lacrosse to save his life not that he's exactly fantastic in any other sport. He can't spell jewelry despite of copying the word for 3 hours straight.

But despite of this, she liked him. She thought he was amazing in his own little way. That it was a mistake. Then again, Naoko, was a singer. A rising one, in fact. He was ranked 45th in the country. Despite of his dissatisfaction, it was almost an impossible number to reach without natural talent. Amu Hinamori did not have such a talent, maybe that's why. Maybe that was the reason why he had been lying for 4 months, saying he was out with his friends when really he was out with another girl, drinking, laughing, and kissing. Something he had never done to her before.

Its over. I dont like you at all. I'm with another woman now.

Well, he wasn't lying about how blunt he was, but after all she had done, it didn't make sense. How can someone with all emotions, throw away someone like that? Make his 'girlfriend' work 6 jobs to help him pay for his expensive equipment? Was he even human!

Amu finally arrived at her pint sized apartment at the corner of the city. She was exhausted. It was by fate that she had met that man again. She rubbed her dry fingers, kept wishing she hadn't. But yet, she was no idiot, she knew deep in her heart that the message was no joke. Amu now had 3 jobs at 3 different restuarantsl scrubbing the plates or cooking some food which was very odious. No tears came out but she felt like she had been crying for hours.

Then, suddenly, as she stood upon the doorway, she felt bubbling anger. She hated him. No, loathed him. How could he have done this? She has been worked as if she was a slave And yet, she had allowed this, she was a stupid fool who was blind of everything except him. And only the outside him.

Plink! Plop! Amu bit her lips, the rain was still hitting her weak rooftops and her clothes was drenched wet. She quickly changed into new clothes and slumped on her bed. It was a gloomy day. Amu turned on the T.V and groaned. It was the show Easter. A hit singing show that brought rookie singers to preform and attract agencies. The show had 4 rounds and its 50 contesters would sing and the agency CEO would watch them and if they considered them they would press a green button near their seat. The consideration number wasn't absolute and it could go up or down anytime during the rounds. Also the competitor can only enter once in every 5 years. It was also how he started. As she reluctantly watched, she saw a girl, probably her age, with light brown curls and wearing a ridiculous dress, started to sing. It was awful. After the girl was finished the crowd made a small round of applause and even though Amu was sure that she wouldn't get a single agency representative that would consider her, there were several hands up. Amu was absolutely shocked. What potential did they see in her? Even Amu could sing better than that. She had taken singing lessons with Naoko and but stopped when Naoko entered in Easter. She suddenly grinned maliciously. Why couldn't she enter? After all, her singing wasn't all that bad and she'll work for the 9000 yen to be admitted. If she can get ranked even higher than Naoko, he'd be knocked from his prideful thrown for sure! I'll make sure that he will bow down to me!

Amu knew for sure that the first step was to get out of the lonely apartment. It was too far off from the city, not connected and she needed the social skills. Amu was able to find a two story building, the first story was for a cafe shop that another man owned that she offered to help in order to slash the rent price in half and the second building was the actual home. It was bigger than her apartment and there were several empty rooms. Amu decided to put those rooms for rent, after all, she should save all that she could. After putting posters up for those who were looking for her cheap rent and moving her small amounts of things she dropped once more to her bed. There was hardly anything in her apartment but it still felt stuffed up. She held up at her right arm and grinned as she saw her friendship bracelet, colorful and unique as it has been since twenty years before.

"Please don't go! Please!" Amu begged to the boy. It was dark night but she could see her friend clearly

"Amu Chan, I'm not going to be gone forever. In fact, I made you this," the boy said gently. He carefully tied a friendship bracelet around her tiny wrists. It was very loose and easy to fall off.

"A fwiendship bracelet?" she questioned curiously.

"Almost. Amu-chan, you see that it's really loose right now? When you grow older and that bracelet fits you, I'll come flying back again. Afterwards I'll never leave your side and always be your lifeline."

If she recalled, he had dull black hair and a sweet smile. Every time she was in trouble or at pressure, all she needed to do was look at the bracelet, not the expensive ring, but the bracelet and it would give her hope. The bracelet was now a comfortable size to her.

PLEASE REVIEW! THANK YOU =) Please also look at my other active story, Ground Zero =D

Ikuto shall make his appearance the next assured! XP