He'd just had a breakdown and was now sitting on the kitchen floor, refusing to get up and hugging his knees, so I sat down next him. He was whimpering, like a sad, lost and lonely puppy. I felt so useless because there was nothing I could do to help him feel any better apart from offer him some comfort food. I put my hand on his knee to show him I was trying all I could to give him some support and asked

"Well how about I get you some chocolate?".

He looked down at the ground and nodded in agreement.

"Okay" he said glumly, and sighed.

I got up off of the floor and looked around in the cupboards until I found some. I turned around, sure enough he was still on the floor, but he was looking at me with a look that was filled with so much sadness that it hurt. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks. He sniffed, so I grabbed some tissues for him to wipe his runny nose. I sat back down next to him and handed him a few tissues, leaving the rest on my lap for him to take if he needed them. I broke the bar into a few pieces and gave him some to.

A few minutes of silence between us passed.

"Thank you" he said, but his voice still sounded broken.

I smiled.

"It's the least I could do, considering I probably triggered this".

He stopped nibbling the chocolate and looked me straight in the eyes.

"It's not your fault I'm an emotional wreck right now! It was me that forgot all about my resit! Please, don't blame yourself!"

I was lost for words and had no way to respond, but I found some. "Dan, it was only about 10 minutes ago I was laughing like a maniac playing on the playstation whilst you were trying your hardest to study for an exam you have in less than 10 hours! Of course I'm going to blame myself!" I responded.

His reaction was the same as mines.

"Phil, you weren't the one that acted like a hormonal teenage girl and threw a tantrum, and by the way, I'm still not going to my exam" he said, and crossed his arms.

I unfolded one and took his hand in mines. I made him face me when he tried to look away.

"Dan, like you said earlier, no one is going to make you and it's certainly not going to be me" I said softly.

That's when it happened, the best moment of my life so far.

After two seconds of me saying what I did he quickly examined my face, giving it one look up and down before resting his right hand on my cheek, placing his left hand on my shoulder, and pulling me in. His kiss was amazing, by far better than any other I had received from anyone before. It was even better than Delia Smith pancakes, and that says a lot. I was in so much shock that I hadn't closed my eyes and wasn't even moving my mouth, but Dan knew that if I had wanted him to stop, I would have told him, so he continued.

I put my arms around his waist and embraced all I could of him and he put both of his around my shoulders. I used all of my kissing experience I'd gotten in the past but you could just tell he had 100% more than I've ever had or probably ever will, not that I would EVER wish to be with anyone else. His hands somehow magically got underneath my t-shirt and it felt amazing, and I wanted him to feel the same way, but my clumsy hands couldn't get underneath his shirt. He could sense this because I could feel him smile whilst his lips were on mines and he pulled away for a short amount of time before returning, without it on. He put his fingers around the bottom of my t-shirt before almost ripping it off, but I liked this one so I put my arms in the air, like a child, and he pulled it off instead.

It continued like this for the next hour or so, we only occasionally stopped for breaths, but we finally stopped for good and we lay down on the sofa, my head rested on his chest, where we both fell asleep.