There is a name known throughout the world that strikes fear in the wealthy. The background of the Assassin is unknown, but those that hunt for him will never find him; for everyone knows you will not find him if he does not want to be found.

Oswald Cobblepot strolled into his office at The Iceberg Lounge, eyeing the overly dressed person across his desk. "So, you're The Assassin everyone is whispering about." He stated sitting down. The Assassin watched the deformed man from under his hood, not saying a word. "I've got to say, you're not easy to find. You took out a lot of my people." Cobblepot snorted angrily.

The Assassin allowed a smile to play at his lips. "Surely you know that if I don't want to be found, I won't be. I was merely curious to see what you wanted with me." He said in a voice that wasn't entirely male. Cobblepot jumped out of his seat, his eyes wide as saucers as he pointed at the person across from him. "You're not even a male! What the hell kind of game are you playing?" he shouted. "You men are so egotistical, you think only your sex can accomplish anything in the world." She snorted turning her head away.

"Do you want the money or not?" Cobblepot asked miffed at her comment. The Assassin's head turned back to the man in front of her. "How much?" she asked. Cobblepot took a sack of money out from a drawer in his desk and tossed it in front of her. "You get half now, half when the job's done." He said crossing his arms over his chest. The Assassin opened the bag and tilted her head to the side. "Who's my target?" she asked beginning to sift through the stacks of hundreds, counting as she did so. "Bruce Wayne." Cobblepot said.

The Assassin closed the bag and stood up. "Don't try contacting me, I'll contact you." she said grabbing the bag and walking towards the door. "Now hang on a second! I need to know when you're going to do it!" Cobblepot sputtered. The Assassin stopped and turned her head a little to look at him over her shoulder. "Relax Penguin, it could take anywhere from days to months. I'll be in touch." She said walking out of the door. "I don't want to wait months!" Cobblepot shouted after her.

Kagome sighed as she put the blueprints of Wayne Manor down and glanced at the newspaper she had bought this morning again. "Nothing too helpful here." she said glancing to her right. A man around her age was talking with a giggling blonde, running a hand up and down her arm, whispering something in her ear. 'Ugh, get a room.' She thought turning her head in the opposite direction her mind drifting off as she stared out of the window.

Feeling a hand land on her shoulder, Kagome jerked and grabbed the offending appendage bending it back as she faced the owner. "Whoa, hey, sorry I was just bringing this to you. I figure it had to be yours since you're the only one that doesn't have a coffee in here." the man she saw earlier said handing a coffee cup to her. Kagome let his hand go and reached for the cup, glancing at the man's face apprehensively. "Sorry about that, and thanks it is mine." She said turning away from him.

"No problem, the name's Dick Grayson." The now identified man said holding his hand out. Kagome grabbed her papers and stood up. "I have to go." She said ignoring Dick and brushing past him. Dick turned and walked with her to the door of the coffee shop, holding the door open and giving her a smile. "Do you need something?" she asked as he followed her out. "Well, in polite societies when someone gives you their name, you give yours in return." He said. Kagome sighed and rolled her eyes as he moved in front of her making her stop in her tracks.

Dick gave her a good natured smile and held his hand out again. "You're name?" he asked. Kagome gave him a weary look before holding her hand out. "Kagome, Kagome Higurashi." She said. "Well Kagome, it's nice to meet you." Dick said. Kagome finally gave him a small smile as a red headed girl ran across the street and up to them. "Hey, Bruce wants to know if you're coming tonight." She said ignoring Kagome. Dick's smile turned into a frown as soon as the question left the girl's mouth.

"I'm going to go." Kagome mumbled looking between the two. "No, wait! You want to go to Bruce's charity event tonight?" Dick asked hurriedly. Kagome looked between him and the red head that was glaring at her, giving a small glare in return. "I don't think your girlfriend likes that idea too much." She said, glare still locked on the other girl. "Barbara's not my girlfriend, come on it'll be fun." He said. Kagome turned her gaze onto Dick and frowned. "I'm busy with… Homework…" she said slowly. "One night off won't kill you. Barb, tell Bruce that I'm bringing a date. I'll pick you up at eight, and its black tie." Dick said turning between the two girls.

Kagome blanched at the black tie comment as Dick and Barbara split away, one promising her a fun night and the other giving her another glare. 'Black tie; I don't have that kind of money for a dress.' She thought guiltily. Turning, she began to make her way back to her apartment, her thoughts spinning about what she needed to do.