"Fantine," My mistress called weakly. I hurried over to see what was wrong.

"Madame?" I was worried. The Countess Dubois had been very sick for the past three months. The doctors said she was dying.

"Would you please pull up a chair and sit next to me." She asked. I did as she asked. But when she suddenly began to cough. I quickly got up and handed her the glass of water on her nightstand.

"Would you like me to get your son, ma'am?"

The countess shook her head and handed me the glass of water. I set it back on the night sand, but I did not sit back down. The Countess noticed and immediately said, "Sit, my dear."

I sat back down. The Countess Dubois was very king woman. I have served her for ten years and for some reason she has taken a particular interest. Two years after I began to work for her she taught me to read and write. She told me of her life before she married the Count. She told me about her best friend, the diva Christine Daae. She told me about the fight they'd had just before Christine was married. I thought it was rather sad. From what she told me it w just seemed to be nothing more than a misunderstanding.

I saw Christine at the market with her children a few times. I've seen her recently and when I do I get sad. She is only four years younger than my mistress and she is still healthy and beautiful while my mistress is sick and she is becoming greyer every day.

"Fantine," My mistress whispered. I snapped back to attention.


"Have I ever told you about Edward?"

"No ma'am."

"Do you remember my fight with Christine?"

I nodded "Ye ma'am."

"Edward was connected to that." She started to stare out the window

"Ma'am?" I said, confused

"U was just remembering…I'll never forget the day I first saw him…September 19th, 1870…"