Based on the popular Vocaloid song "The Lord of Darkness" with a couple of my own twists. The song features Kaito as a vampire, Meiko as a young princess, and Rin and Len as Kaito's Bat Imp friends. I hope you enjoy.

The night was crisp and clear. A shadowy figure stood atop an old church as he scanned the glorious country side. He had the appearance of a young man, lean and agile. He had a very handsome face that was slightly angular at the jaw line. His hair was a sapphire blue like his eyes, and glistened eerily in the pale moonlight. He was nicely dressed, with a dark cape that wrapped itself around him protectively like a shield from the elements.

He blinked and grinned, revealing his long sleek fangs. "Ha...I want blood." he breathed hungrily.

The dark streets below him were empty and glistened with fresh rain that had fallen only hours ago. No one was out, but candle lights flickered in the windows of many homes and laughter from parties could be heard. The vampire narrowed his eyes. Everyone was indoors at this hour. He cursed under his breath. He needed someone to feast on and he needed them fast. He hopped into the air and his figure wavered turning into a pale blue mist. The mist traveled a ways and descended to the top of a large gothic building. The vampire transformed again and he landed on his feet next to a large stone gargoyle. He rested a clawed hand on its pointed snout and sighed. Still no sign of an easy target.

Down below, a young brown haired woman walked alone in the street. She carried a basket loaded with bread and various cheeses that she had picked up from a friend at a small party earlier and was now heading home. She was very pretty, with bright green eyes and a tiny waist. Her hair was long and looked slightly tousled on one side from the wind. She had on a long white dress that flowed like silk behind her with every step she took. The vampire grinned when he spotted her. She had beautiful pale skin that tempted him to rush her, but he remained where he was. He had to plan out his attack carefully.

The woman looked up at the sky and smiled a little. The stars grinned back at her as she studied them, forming her own shapes with them in her mind. She giggled to herself and continued walking, but this time she began to sing a soft melody.

The vampire was now down on all fours. His blue eyes had grown into slits similar to a cat's and he pricked his ears at the sound of the woman's gentle voice. His breath slowed, but his heart beat increased rapidly as he slinked along to the edge of the rooftop. He gripped the rooftop tiles and pushed himself upwards, launching himself silently into the night air. He held his breath and landed stealthily next to the corner of the local cobbler's shop and concealed himself among the shadows. He pressed his body against the wet bricks and peered around the corner. The woman was very close to him now but she had her back to him. He licked his lips and slowly stalked out of the shadows.

He cleared his throat. "It is quite cold tonight, Miss." he said with a chuckle.

The woman froze and spun around. She tensed when she saw that the person talking to her was a man. "Yes, I suppose." she said slowly.

The vampire smiled. "My name is Kaito, my dear." he said approaching her. "It is dangerous on the streets at this hour...why don't you allow me to escort you home?"

The woman seemed to relax, but only slightly. She shrunk back a little as Kaito wrapped his arm around her. He was attempting to keep her warm, but to little success. His skin was as cold as ice.

The woman pulled away from him. "Don't touch me!" she said tensing up again.

Kaito held up a hand and the woman noticed his needle like claws. "Now, now. No need to be hostile." he grinned and showed off his fangs as he continued to slink closer to her.

The woman swallowed and dropped her basket and Kaito knew that she had figured out his motives. She backed up slowly then turned and ran, but did not get far because Kaito had backed her into a corner between an iron fence and a grey brick wall that had blackened with age. She pressed her back against the wall and tried to scream for help, but Kaito rushed forward and grabbed her. He threw her on the ground and pressed his hand against her mouth. The woman tried to kick him, but he had her completely immobilized.

Kaito gave her a half smile. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Don't fight me." he breathed. "Fighting makes it all the more painful...But then again, a woman who puts up a fight is a lot more fun."

Tears streamed down the woman's rosy cheeks and Kaito snapped her head back. He opened his mouth and leaned down slowly to bite into her sweet flesh. The woman swallowed and narrowed her eyes. In a flash she bit Kaito in the hand. He yelped, not in pain, but in surprise. His grip on her loosened and she kicked him hard in the stomach. Kaito stumbled backward onto the wet street. He stood and tried to collect himself, but the woman was on him again. She bashed him hard in the face with her small clenched fist. Kaito felt one of his fangs fly from his mouth and hissed in fury. He grabbed hold of the woman's arm and she began to scream.

"HELP!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! IM BEING ATTACKED! HELP!"

Several dark house windows lit. Footsteps pounced up the street and Kaito heard the barking of dogs. He let go of the woman and she fell to her knees. He jumped and transformed into mist just before a group of policeman arrived to help the terrified woman from the ground.

Agitated and in pain, Kaito returned to his secluded home in the forest. It was a large gothic building similar to a castle with several broken stained glass windows. Dark iron accents decorated the front of it and gave it an evil hellish look. The shrill call of crows echoed from around the area as though warning trespassers to stay out. Kaito transformed again and trudged wearily up to the massive front door. He pushed it open and stomped inside. The inside of the house was musty and covered in cobwebs. A large ornate staircase led up to a second floor, and a fully furnished ballroom was to the right. What sounded like children laughing came from the ceiling.

Kaito looked up and frowned. "Rin, Len? Come down. I'm not in the mood for your childish antics." he growled.

Two small bats unhooked themselves from the ceiling and fluttered down to where Kaito stood. They transformed into two children and landed on their feet. They were twins, both blonde with blue eyes. One was a young boy dressed in a black cloak and thick soled boots to match. He had a small knife tucked into the side of his belt. The other was a young girl. She wore a black hoop dress covered in bows. A white head piece similar to rabbits ears kept her hair back. Even though they had morphed into a human form, bat wings still protruded from their backs. The boy bowed respectfully and the girl gave a dainty curtsy.

"Welcome Lord Kaito." They said simultaneously.

Kaito dismissed them with a hand and sulked upstairs but two children followed him.

"Why do you seem upset?" The girl asked running up the stairs next to him. "Len and I are happy for your return."

Len nodded. "Did you get anything good to feed on tonight?" he asked excitedly.

Kaito frowned. "Why do you care?" he hissed angrily. "No. I didn't get anything!"

Rin frowned and noticed Kaito's missing fang as he yelled at her brother. "Lord Kaito! Your fang!" She reached up and grabbed his chin to hold him still as she examined his mouth.

Kaito pulled away. "I'm going to rest." he growled.

Len cocked his head. "Did you get in a fight?" he asked.

Kaito's face grew hot. "You want to know the truth? Yes! I got in a fight with a girl on the street!" he yelled.

Rin giggled. "You got beat up? By a WOMAN?" she looked over at Len and they both burst out laughing.

Kaito looked down to hide his embarrassment. He was beginning to grown dizzy form lack of blood. It held iron that he desperately needed for survival. He blinked and pushed past the laughing Rin and Len and into his upstairs room. It was lit by a single candle that melted slowly on the floor. An oak coffin was in the middle of the room and was stained a deep cherry red. Kaito easily pried open its heavy door. It was lined with beautiful red velvet that was very soft to the touch. Kaito snuffed out the candle with a wave of his hand and lay down in the coffin. He closed the lid and shut his eyes. I will get something tomorrow...I have to. He promised himself before closing his eyes to rest.


I need help viewers! Meiko will be coming up soon and I'm not sure how I would like her to dress. Either review or PM me giving a DETAILED outfit for her. Thank you all for your help!

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