Chapter One

Yay, I'm back with the sequel! I couldn't wait any longer. Hope you like it!

Edmund Pevensie was going absolutely stir-crazy. He was about three seconds from tearing his dark brown locks out of his head or attempting to claw the freckles off of his face. His attempt at enrolling in the army had failed dramatically, mostly thanks to Lucy who had ratted him out by accident. He was living with his silent Uncle Harold, fussing Aunt Alberta and painful cousin Eustace. It was driving him completely mad. He lay down on Lucy's bed as she inspected herself in the mirror for reasons unknown to him.

"Yeah, they're the oldest and we're the youngest. We don't matter as much," he complained as he read through the letter that Susan had sent them from America. She'd said something about America not being like their adventures in Narnia and Edmund was annoyed. It had been 253 days since he'd come to this house and even more since he'd left Narnia, left Ciera. He wanted to go back so desperately that it hurt. Every night he dreamt of her face just before he left. It was sad, tear streaked but hopeful. He just prayed that he would see her again soon, preferably before he got sent to an asylum.

"Do you think I look anything like Susan?" Lucy's voice filtered through his thoughts but didn't really register. He sighed, trying not to think of the gorgeous, auburn haired girl in Narnia without him and got off the bed, approaching a detailed painting.

"Lucy, have you seen this ship before?" he asked and Lucy came up beside him.

"Yes, it is very Narnian looking, isn't it?" she asked and he could hear her smiling. His mood remained sour.

"Just another reminder that we're here and not there," Edmund complained grumpily. Then the door opened.

"There once were two orphans who wasted their time believing in Narnian nursery rhymes," Eustace Scrubb mocked the two siblings. Edmund glared.

"Please let me hit him," he said, approaching his irritating cousin. Lucy held him back.

"No," she insisted firmly.

"Don't you ever knock?" Edmund demanded. Eustace looked affronted.

"It's my house. I can do as I please. You're just guests," he said snottily. Edmund turned back to the painting before he beat Eustace to death. "What's so fascinating about that picture anyway? It's hideous."

"You won't see it from the other side of the door," Edmund said as calmly as possible.

"Edmund, it looks like the water's actually moving," Lucy said lightly, smiling as she watched the painting.

"What rubbish, see? That's what happens when you read all those fanciful novels on useless fairytales of yours!" Eustace complained.

"There once was a boy called Eustace who read books full of facts that were useless," Edmund mocked without looking away from the painting.

"People who read fairytales are always the sorts that become a hideous burden to people like me, who read books on real information!" Eustace protested and Edmund turned around. He'd had enough.

"Hideous burden? I haven't seen you lift a finger since we got here!" Edmund almost yelled. He could hear Lucy saying something but paid attention to Eustace who was now trying to escape the room. Edmund slammed the door, disabling the only exit besides the window. "I have half a mind to tell your father that it was you who stole Aunt Alberta's sweets!" Edmund said and Eustace looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Liar," Eustace said but Edmund saw right through him.

"Oh really? I found them under your bed. And do you know what? I licked every one of them," Edmund said cockily. Eustace looked scandalised.

"Oh, I'm infected with you!" Eustace said in disgust but he couldn't continue because water sprayed them both from somewhere.

"Lucy, the painting!" Edmund cried as the three saw water pouring from the painting. Unfortunately, Eustace didn't see this as a good thing. A small scuffle and a lot of yelling ensued as Eustace attempted to smash the painting. It clattered to the ground and water quickly filled the room. Edmund swam upwards towards the light, the furniture of the room no longer around him. His head broke the surface just as Lucy called his name. Turning around, he saw the ship from the picture heading towards them and started swimming quickly. He vaguely heard splashes but his ears were filled with the sound of waves.

"Edmund, it's Caspian!" he heard Lucy yell and turned to see several men in the water, one of which was indeed Caspian.

"It's alright lad, you're safe now," the one closest to him said.

"Are we in Narnia?" Edmund asked hopefully. The man laughed cheerfully.

"Yes, you're in Narnia," he answered and led him towards the ship, leaving two other men to deal with a hysterical Eustace. Edmund's heart was pounding. If Caspian was here (and not looking like an old man - he only looked to be three or four years older, if that) then there was a fair chance that Ciera was around too. He was lifted onto the ship and given a dry towel.

"Caspian!" he called to get the King's attention. He turned around with a smile on his face.

"Edmund, good to see you!" he greeted. There was a small smirk on his face that indicated he knew something that Edmund didn't but Edmund noticed that there was a small hint of sadness there that made him uncertain.

"Good to see you," Edmund replied, trying not to look around too obviously for a head of auburn hair. They approached Lucy and Caspian stood on the stairs.

"Behold our castaways: Edmund the Just and Lucy the Valiant, High King and Queen of Narnia," Caspian called and the crowd bowed to them. Lucy smiled and Edmund attempted to smile whilst squinting in the sunlight.

"We should get you some clean clothes," Caspian said. Edmund looked to see Lucy looking sheepish.

"I don't think you'll have anything that fits me," she said. Caspian laughed.

"I'm sure we'll find something," he said, smirking at Edmund once again. Eustace began squealing and Reepicheep landed elegantly in front of them.

"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs sir!" the mouse said gallantly. Eustace looked utterly shocked.

"He talked! Did you see that? He just talked!" Eustace squealed.

"Yeah, it's getting him to shut up, that's the trick," Caspian said jokingly. The crew laughed. Eustace stood and approached a group of crew members who were trying not to laugh.

"I demand to know where in the blazes am I?" he demanded.

"You're on the Dawn Treader, the finest ship in Narnia's navy," said a Minotaur. Eustace took one look at him and fainted. "Was it something I said?" he asked the gathered crowd.

"See to him, will you?" Caspian said with a smile and the Minotaur took Eustace away. Edmund and Lucy joined Caspian who led them through the ship. He gave Lucy some feminine clothes (but not a dress – she point blank refused to wear one) that Edmund figured belonged to a female crewmember. Edmund received some of Caspian's clothes. As he was changing, Edmund felt something in the pocket of his trousers. Pulling it out, he saw Ciera's obituary that he'd ripped out of the paper all those months ago. He stuffed it in his other pocket, not wanting to lose that small part of her. Once changed, Edmund followed Lucy and Caspian into Caspian's cabin. Lucy's clothes were far too tight for his liking (consisting of a white scoop- neck top, a tight red satin vest, black trousers and knee high brown boots) but he wasn't going to tell her to change. He was probably just being over-protective. She wouldn't listen anyway.

"There's peace over all of Narnia," Caspian told them, gesturing to a map.

"Peace?" Edmund asked, looking at the King.

"In just three years," he answered. Lucy was twirling her hair strangely.

"And have you found yourself a Queen in those three years?" Lucy asked, tucking the hair behind her ear. Was she flirting? Edmund decided that he'd never understand girls.

"No, but I have found an impressive Princess who has proved herself to be the most useful ally I have and a liaison between myself and surrounding countries," Caspian said, giving that smirk to Edmund again.

"You speak most highly of her," Lucy pointed out. Edmund couldn't help but feel he was missing something as Caspian looked once more at him.

"She deserves it. You will meet her very soon, she's on board right now," Caspian said. Lucy beamed.

"Oh how wonderful, I can't wait!" she cried excitedly. Caspian was staring at Edmund AGAIN and he still felt like he should know something. Instead, he asked the question burning a hole in his brain.

"Where is Ciera?" Edmund asked and Caspian smiled slightly but that sadness was there again.

"She's around. You'll see her soon enough," he answered simply. "Now, how is your sword fighting?" Caspian asked, handing Edmund a sword. The young King grinned even though he felt that Caspian was hastily changing the subject and took the offered sword.

"I guess we'll find out."