A/N: Ah… after months of hiatus… I finally updated it… yay… ^^" Sorry for the long wait, guys… And well, I hope you enjoy this chapter then! :) It's Kara-chan's plot actually, I just finish up some of the missing parts.
Note to Kuro-Tokiwa69: Well, Kara-chan, it seemed that you're a bit busy with your real life, so I decided to edit the plot of yours slightly, hope that it's okay with you. :)
Chapter #2- When the Storms Encounter
G walked down the hallway towards Giotto's office. "Tch, what does that Giotto wants now? It's three in the morning for fuck's sake!"
Entering the room after a quick knock, he shot a scowl at his boss. "Yes, boss?" he grumbled sleepily.
"Ah, G! You know, I could hear you cursing just now and I think you should really stop! I don't want my precious cute Tsuna to learn that!"
"E-Eh?" a sweat-drop formed on G's forehead when he saw just how protective his boss is to the little brunette he had just adopted a few weeks ago. "F-Fine. Now what do you want?"
Giotto smiled ever so sweetly and G knew at once that something was up. "I need you to go into town-"
"Yes, now. I need you to-"
"At fucking three in the morning?"
"Uh... Keep your voice down! Tsuna is sleeping!"
G rolled his eyes and went closer to Giotto, frown still firmly in place. "Hurry up and say what you want!"
'I've been trying to do that...' Giotto though with a frown.
"I got some Intel that there will be a Mafioso carrying confidential documents and he's handing it to our enemy. I need you to intercept them and get it before they do. Is that okay?"
"Hmph, of course. You still owe me one for calling me out this early." With that said, G turned and left, returning to his room to prepare while muttering something about damned people not needing sleep to hand over some stupid files.
"Papa…?" a soft voice mumble as a little figure opens the door of Giotto's office. A happy smile immediately spread on the blond face when he saw his son who walked in to his office, rubbing his eyes cutely with a lion stuffed toy in his arms.
"Aren't you going to sleep…?"
'So cute!' Giotto hides his urge of squeaking out at his son's overly cuteness before he scooped the small body from the ground and grinned lovingly at the little brown head. "I'm sorry Tsu-chan~ I'll go to sleep now, let's go to bed now, shall we?"
The Storm guardian stepped out of the mansion, enjoying the cool morning breeze. "This had better be worth it." With his guns in place, he made his way into town. He didn't want to use his bow that Giotto gave him since this was just a small job.
The small town was quiet with a few people moving about. Leaning against a dirty brick wall, he pulled down his hat to make his red (not pink!) hair less obvious. Red eyes steadily scanned the surroundings for anyone and feeling bored after a minute or so, he lit his cigarette and waited. As he observed for about fifteen minutes, he caught sight of a man in a black coat and under his arm was a manila folder with a small famiglia insignia.
'That must be it... The files...' He thought to himself, and slowly pulled out his gun from his pocket. However, he stopped as he watches a small silver-haired child suddenly run towards the man he is supposed to take down. 'What the hell?' He narrowed his eyes, watching the little kid who suddenly stood in front of the man.
"This is for taking my sister away, you bastards!" the child shouted, pulling out a few sticks of dynamites.
'Damn it! What is that fucking brat doing?!' he is starting panic inside, not only for the unknown brat safety but also he can't let his target run away just like that!
The dynamites were lit and as he threw them, the man realized what was going on and made a run for it. The dynamites exploded behind him and spotting G for afar made him run even faster.
"Che! Come back here, you dumb ass!" G chased after him and pulled out his gun. 'I can't believe I have to do this...' He grumbled before aiming at the man and fired his gun. The bullet going straight for the Mafioso's leg.
A loud gunshot destroyed the silence and the man let out a cry before he fell to the dusty ground, the folder sliding away from his grip. G quickly snatched up the folder and gave a "Che." to the Mafioso. "Get out of my sight before I kill you."
Without any hesitation, the Mafioso scrambled and hopped away on his good leg, never turning back. He was lucky to have escaped the wrath of the Vongola Storm guardian.
"Why the hell did you let him go?! I have to kill him myself!" the child spluttered when he managed to catch up G.
"Don't be stupid, you brat! He would have run off if it wasn't for me shooting him! You're just some dumb brat!" G growled.
"Then you should have killed him! Isn't he some bad person?! I swear I'm going to kill him if I see him again!" the little boy balled his fist angrily as he gritted his teeth.
"What the hell did he do to you?!" he yelled, wondering what had happened to a little kid like him 'till he wanted to kill the man.
"That famiglia took my sister away! They took her because she was good! They stole her from us! And they even killed my parents so that they would go after them!" the child broke off into silent sobs as he held his head low.
G felt a little guilty and went closer to the boy, a hand reaching out. "H-Hey..."
"Don't touch me!"
"Look... Hey!" At this point, G took a good look at the child in front of him. The silver-haired child was wearing worn out brown jacket with matching pants and looked as if he hadn't showered or eaten for days.
'I know I'm going to regret this but...' he let out a sigh. "I'll take you back to my famiglia."
"H-Huh? What? But I-"
"Don't whine." G picked up the surprised boy and held him close, patting his back gently.
"D-Damn you..." the child muttered, fisting the fabric of G's shirt. But he didn't fight or tried to get away from the warm chest that make him felt safe and comfortable.
"Welcome back G," Giotto said without looking up from his paperwork. "How did it go-...? G? You might want know that there's a kid on you."
"I know."
A moment of silence.
"So... You brought back a child?" Giotto asked, his eyes softening a little. Ah~ his best friend is growing up! He is so proud!
G let out a sigh and nodded. "He was-"
"I understand, G. Go handle him."
Dropping the folder on his boss' desk, G turned to leave, careful not to wake the sleeping child. As he left the room, he walked past Lampo who looked extremely shocked with his eyes as wide as his shield and his mouth wide open.
"Oh my god, Giotto! I think I've gone mad!"
Emerald eyes cracked open and adjusted to the blurry scene before him. Suddenly, a red patch appeared in front of him.
"You're finally awake, brat."
The child shot up at once and stared at the adult. "Whaa-?"
"Name?" G asked.
"Hayato... Gokudera."
G raised a brow. "You're half-Japanese?"
Gokudera nodded, his head tilted downwards. "My mother..."
"So in Japanese, it would be Gokudera Hayato instead right?"
"Yeah. So what?" Gokudera replied sharply. "Why did you bring me here?"
G let out a heavy sigh and stuffed his hands into his pocket. He didn't really know why either, just that it was a feeling that told him to. "I don't know."
"What the hell? What kind of answer is that?!"
The adult sighed again and leaned against the wall. "It's just a gut feeling. Besides, I didn't want to leave you out there. You'd better be grateful, brat."
"Che. I didn't ask to be brought here! I don't need your care!" Gokudera swung his legs over the side of his bed but when he stood up, he felt dizzy and fell back onto the bed.
The Storm guardian rolled his eyes and went over to Gokudera. "I'm G, call me if you need anything. I'll go find some food for you so stay put."
As the door closed and G's footsteps slowly faded, Gokudera rolled to his side in bed. "Mom… Dad… Aneki…"
The silverette jolted up when he heard the door is being opened slightly. He pulled his head out from the blanket and looked at the door. He blinked his eyes when he saw a brunette stood behind the door shyly, looking at him with nervous eyes.
"Are you the new friend papa had told me…?" the boy –who seemed to be same age with him- asked timidly, and this time, Gokudera raised an eyebrow at the question asked by the other boy.
"Friend…?" he asked, but it sounded more like he is repeating the word to himself. The half-Italian watch as Tsuna climbed on to the bed –with some difficulty- and took a seat next to him.
"Yeah! Papa tells me that I'm getting a new friend today and I'm really happy! It's boring since I'm used to be the only kid in this mansion, but now, if you're here with me, I don't think I'm going to be that boring again!" the shorter boy beamed happily as a bright grin spread on his face.
Gokudera lowered his head, hiding his expression under his silver bangs as his hands gripped around the soft fabric of the blanket tightly. "For a spoiled kid like you… how will you be able to know how I feel…?" he whispered lowly, but loud enough for Tsuna to hear.
"E-Eh?" Tsuna's smile faded away a bit as the silverette's body trembled slowly.
"You have everything… you have a family… you have fame… you have peoples who respects you… but I… my parents get killed by the rival family, my sister get kidnapped away and I can't even save any of them… how would you be able to feel this feeling of losing someone that is important in your life?!" Gokudera yelled out the last part, he bit his lips, holding hard not to let those tears run down from his eyes as those sad memories start to play in his mind once again. He will have expected the brunette to run away, since he knows he might have scared him, but no. Tsuna just sat at there, observing him slowly before he grabbed the other boy's hand.
"It's okay to cry out…" Tsuna muttered out slowly, as if he is able to seen through the silverette's pain. "I… had a sad past like you do too, but then… ever since Papa adopted me, he had given me a new family…"
The brunette smiled up sincerely as Gokudera looked at him in surprise. Slowly, he watch as the younger boy rubbed the tears from the edge of his eyes away before he pulled him into an embrace.
"W-What are you doing?" the half-Italian managed to stutter out.
"Papa told Tsuna that a hug will always be able to make someone felt much better… I hate to see peoples cry… especially those who are my friends… so, please don't' cry anymore, okay? I'll stay like this until you felt much better."
Gokudera just sat there silently, since he is too shocked at how gentle and friendly the younger boy is.
It's been a long time since someone will care so deeply for him. Ever since his parents were killed and his sister was being taken away, he had never had a true friend who will be willing to listen to his problems and comfort him. It give him a warm feeling… to realize that there's someone who will still care for him.
"Say…" finally be able to find his voice, Gokudera mumbled out softly. "Will you willing to be my friend… forever…?"
Little Tsuna blinked his eyes at what the elder boy said, before he grinned. "Of course! We can even be the best friends forever!"
After hearing Tsuna's words, Gokudera's face unconsciously formed a small, happy smile for the first time that day.
Outside the room…
"Ah~ my Tsu-chan is just so kind and cute!" Giotto squealed out silently at the cuteness of his son. The red head who leaned on the wall next to him let out a 'cheh' as a sweat-drop formed on his forehead.
"You're spoiling him too much, Giotto…" G muttered, letting out a drag of his cigarette as he looked down at the plate of pancakes lay on his hand. "When am I allowed to feed the brat?"
"Well… don't you think that they are rather similar… with us?" Ignoring G's question, Giotto asked. The storm guardian took a short glance into the room, watching as Tsuna pulled out a bar of chocolate from his pocket and took a small piece for the silverette who accepted it with a bright smile spread on his pale face.
G let out a soft chuckle, silently agreeing with what Giotto said. Indeed… as he watch Gokudera having a good laugh with Tsuna, it almost make him recalled back his past when he met Giotto, and how the blond had gave him a better and bright life.
"Maybe… you are right, shitty boss…"
He won't admit it aloud, but maybe he is starting to take a liking over Gokudera… considering how close he is with Tsuna now… Perhaps… if he adopt the brat and trained him a bit, he might become a perfect and loyal right-hand-man for Tsuna in the future…
To be continued…
Ending Note: Yosh! Finally done! =.= *sigh* Sorry if it's a bit crappy, my head is aching in pain now and this is all I can came out with… O_e *twitch, twitch* Gomen… and the next one up is Yamamoto Takeshi with Asari Ugetsu~ ^Q^ P.S: There might be an extra chapter about how G help Gokudera to save his sister; Bianchi out from the family~ :)