A/N: Here we go-'Now' the sequel to 'Ready'. Let me bring you up to speed.
Peeta and Katniss are now about 34 years old. Johanna and Gale are 36.
Payson and Jade are 13 years old. Katy, Gavin and Garret are now 11 years old. Effie and Haymitch have no children and are not going to have any children. They're in their early fifties now.
Finn is nearly 15 years old. He hasn't been seen other than an occasional behind the scenes visit because he lives in District 4. He's going to come into play a bit more now as they're aging.
POV is going to fluctuate depending on my mood. As always, REVIEW and ENJOY!
Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games.
Chapter 1
Payson POV
Today is the day. My father has promised me for the longest time that today would come and now it's finally here. Today I become a full fledged employee of the family bakery. Sure, I've grown up there and I know how to do most things but this time, it's because he trusts me. He thinks I'm ready to take on this responsibility. My father is awesome. He's taught me all of his baking techniques and I've helped out loads in the bakery. But it's not the same as today. Today begins my official training. Someday the bakery is going to be mine. I fully intend to carry on the family business one day.
I step out of the shower, pat myself down and brush my hair and teeth. I dress in the khaki pants and white t-shirts that are a bakery staple. I pull on my sneakers and take the stairs two at a time. My father is waiting for me in the kitchen. He's got a couple of eggs frying in the pan and after he flips them, he transfers them to a waiting dish for me and then pours me a glass of orange juice. I scoff it down. He laughs at my enthusiasm for food and then sits down.
"Okay Payson, today is your big day. You already know where everything is. You already know what I expect from you and how to behave. You already know and are comfortable with all of the basics, having grown up there all of your life. So, what do you want to begin learning first? Pastries or breads?" Dad asks. I think about it for a minute before I answer. "I think pastries Dad. It would be cool to perfect icing and be able to ice some of the cookies myself and help out that way." Dad nods. "Pastries it is. Finish up. We've got to get moving. Sun will be up before we know it." Dad says.
I wolf down my juice and clear my plate to the sink, washing it and setting it to dry. If there's one thing we don't do in this house, it's leave a dirty dish in the sink. Mom flips. She feels that you should be grateful that you had the food to put in your belly and the arms to wash your dish. Always saying that other people weren't so lucky during the Hunger Games and the Rebellion.
It's a sore subject in our house. I know that my parents were central figures in the Hunger Games and Rebellion but I haven't gotten any concrete details yet and neither has Jade. It's been our mission for some time to uncover all of it but we never have any luck. Our families won't budge until we're older and the town folk won't either. I think they're petrified that my mother will put an arrow through them but Jade thinks that it's simply out of respect.
As Dad and I exit our house, I glance over at Jade's window. Things got a little awkward yesterday. It was a total accident but it still happened. It was raining and Jade and I were in my room playing go fish on the floor. We weren't really having any major conversation or anything when she tapped my cards and made them fly out of my hand. I didn't think anything of it. I mean, we wrestle all the time. Somehow, in all the wrestling on the floor, my hand found it's way to her breast.
Yes, Jade, the girl next door and my best friend is developing breasts. I swear I never noticed before. I honestly didn't. She's always been just Jade to me. Yes, we have a very tight bond but we've never spoken about anything in health class. Yesterday changed all of that between us. We were both frozen in the moment. Awkward. Not knowing what to do or say. I was inappropriate, even though it was an accident. "Uh Jade, sorry! I didn't mean to move my hand there. So sorry." I exclaim. She sits up and just stares at me. Then she gets up quickly and dashes out of my room, and out the front door. I tried to call her, went over to apologize. She wouldn't see me. I feel really bad. I think it's time I ask my father for some advice.
"Uh, Dad. I had a weird thing happen yesterday between Jade and I and I don't know what to do about it. Could you maybe point me in the right direction?" I ask him. He nods and I tell him the whole story.
When I'm done he sucks in his breath and laughs. "Pay, you've got to do some sucking up man. Maybe bake her a cookie today and go over and try to apologize again. You copped a feel, even though it was an accident. Better hope Gale doesn't find out. He'll kick both of our asses. He's been promising me this day would come since you were babies." He says.
"What do you mean since we were babies? I don't remember being a baby with Jade?" I say. Dad smiles again. "Oh but we do. First time you laid eyes on her, you were both smitten. Looks like you and I are going to have the talk sooner than later. Tonight on the way home unless we're slow at the bakery, got it?" He says. I groan. School has covered certain topics on growing up and sex education but the bulk of it is left for your parents. A couple of my buddies have already gotten the talk from their parents and I've been dreading hearing it from mine. Way too much information.
We get to the bakery and begin our day. After the morning rush, Dad teaches me how to ice the cookies and I start practicing how to make roses for our cupcakes. Dad beams. "You're a natural Payson. Keep doing them like that. I'll have you icing cakes in a week!" I feel confident now. Then I have an idea. "Hey Dad!" I call him over to me. "I was thinking maybe I could make this sugar flower, this rose, bigger and maybe box it for Jade. Would that be okay? I feel really bad about what happened." Dad gives his permission and I get to work. My hands know what to do and I'm proud of myself when it comes out perfect on the second try. I box it up and very carefully write "I'm Sorry" on the cover.
When our day ends, we close up shop and head back toward home. I secretly pray that Dad forgot about giving me the talk on the way home. No such luck. "Listen Payson, I know that I'm about to make you uncomfortable but I'd be doing you a disservice if we didn't have this conversation. So please, just hear me out. I'll give you bits and pieces as you get older and as you have questions but at least let me get started on the basics with you. Okay?" I nod knowing that I have no choice.
Dad continues. "First of all, you know that men and women fall in love all the time, get married and have babies. No secret there. Making babies is often called having sex or making love. Men have the parts that we have, a penis, and women have an opening called a vagina. Penis plus vagina equals baby. Got it? Men have sperm, lets call them swimmers. Women have tiny little eggs. When the swimmers get to the egg, they make a baby. Moral of the story? Keep your swimmers away from the eggs until you're married. Got it?" I nod. Oh my god too much information.
Dad continues the torture. "So listen, in the next few years, all you're going to think about is sex. You'll be a maniac. You won't even be able to brush your teeth without thinking about it, trust me. What's important to remember is that your body is going to rapidly change and so are all the girls around you, including Jade. You're going to notice them, even her. She may be acting weird about yesterday because she's noticed you already. Keep cool. After you give this to her tonight, just wait it out. She'll come around." I look up at him and realize he might actually know what he's talking about.
I sigh. "Okay Dad. I'll keep cool. Are you sure about the sex thing Dad? I'm really going to think about it that much?" I ask. Dad laughs. "Let me know when you wake up with one. Then we'll talk more." He leaves me hanging as we walk up to our house. "Wake up with what?" I ask innocently. "You'll see." He says and opens the front door.
I turn around and march myself over to the Hawthorn's. I knock on the door and Gale answers. "Hi Uncle Gale, is Jade home? I have a gift for her." I inquire. Gale shakes his head. "Sorry Payson, she's been acting funny and told us no visitors. But I'll be sure to give this to her for you." He offers. I pass the box into his hand. "Thanks Uncle Gale. I appreciate it." I turn around and make my way back to my house. I feel dejected.
We sit down to dinner and my father regales my mother with all of our baking experiences today. Then he tells her about how I made the large rose for Jade. Mom raises an eyebrow. Katy gets up from the table and disappears into her room, leaving me with Mom and Dad. Mom looks at me. "I know about what happened yesterday Payson." I look at Dad and he shrugs his shoulders. "It wasn't me" he says. Mom waves him off. "Jade told Johanna, Payson. Here's the thing, Jade just happened to get her period yesterday for the first time."
I look at Dad for a clue. "Um yeah Katniss I didn't get that far. I just gave him the basics about eggs, sperm and body parts. Didn't want him to go into shock okay?" Mom turns red. "Alright, we'll leave this for another time. Just give her time Payson. It's not you. She's going through something right now that doesn't have anything to do with you. Trust me." Mom says and she excuses herself and leaves the room. Dad is drying dishes. I look at him completely puzzled.
Dad leans in. "Remember what I said about penis plus vagina equals baby? Keep your penis is your pants and away from Jade. Got it?" He says. I turn beet red and look down. "Got it Dad." I excuse myself and head off to my room. Today has been the strangest day in my entire life. This morning all I wanted to do was get to the Bakery and ice cookies. Now my head is spinning with all kinds of questions and thoughts about Jade. I'm not sure I was ready for all of this info just yet.
I look out the window and hope to find Jade staring back at me. After a few minutes, she comes to the window. My heart leaps in my chest. I feel horrible about yesterday. The last thing that I would ever want to do is hurt her. When she doesn't move away from the window frame, I place my hand flush against it to say hello. She does the same on her window. I feel better now. I think maybe we will be okay and get through this.
After about five minutes, Jade moves away from the window and I do the same. I ready myself for bed. As I lay there thinking about all that's transpired in the last twenty four hours, I think about how much I care about Jade. I love her. I know that I love her, that's a given. I mean, she's practically family. But deep down inside, I know that's not it. There's something else there. Some other connection.
I don't know what it is yet, but I know that it's there.
A/N: Sooo sorry that I haven't updated any of my stories. I'm an office manager for a national tax company and the last two weeks have been INSANE. In between catching up on rest, I discovered E.L. James's 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. Hubba hubba. ALL 3 books were SMOKING HOT. Holy crap! The guy is like sex on a stick, I swear LOL. No idea how it's going to be made into a movie. The whole thing is like a porn. I'll be at the midnight show lol....