Govyle and I made our way into Treasure Town. Right before entering, Grovyle stooped me and instructed "Wait, hold on, Riley. I want you to stay hidden in the Shadows like you did in our battle."

"Really? Why?" I questioned.

"I want the general community to think I'm alone. That way, if I get caught, you can still continue the mission. On top of that, if we are ever met by a rescue team, they won't be expecting to see you in combat. I don't want you to attacking unless completely necessary," he explained.

"Um... Okay, I guess," I replied, a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to use my newfound powers much.

"While you're hidden, I want you to try to get information on potential treasure troves," Grovyle instructed. "I'm going to visit the Guild and see what kind of Rescue teams we could go up against once we start snatching time gears."

"Sounds good," I replied, vanishing myself.

Treasure Town had a fairly impressive layout. The crossroads led out to a whole set of mystery dungeons on the right and into town if you went left. I followed the shadows that led into town. There were a variety of shops and services. Amongst them was a bank, a kecleon shop, and even a move linker, which the encyclopedia said was fairly rare.

I got curious and began to follow the shadows of trees that led to an area just outside of town. The area happened to be a beach. The ocean faced a beautiful Ruby sunset and, to add to the beauty, a group of Krabby had come out blowing bubbles that floated softly in the wind, the whole scene was awe inspiring.

I sat there for what seemed like an eternity, taking in the whole scene. It was the first time I had ever seen a sunset in person. Then, I noticed another Pokemon enter the beach. It was a Shinx. The Pokemon had a small rope necklace around its neck that contained a small stone. The shading on its legs indicated that it was a male. It let out a heavy sigh before remarking "I just couldn't do it... I thought that maybe having my personal treasure with me I could do it, but I couldn't bring myself to enter."

I began to listen into his monologue a bit more. "But coming here always calms me, makes me feel better. The sunset is absolutely gorgeous," he said, eyes sparkling like mine.

He paused for a moment examining the view. However he did not notice a Zubat and a Koffing approach him from behind. The Zubat let loose an air slash onto the Shinx, hitting it just off the center of its back and sending him flying towards a nearby cave. The Necklace it was wearing broke off. "Well excuse us!" The Zubat said, smirking.

"Hey what was that for?!" The Shinx growled, obviously alarmed.

"Oh I see you dropped something," he said, turning to the necklace "we'll be taking that," he said, snatching the amulet from the ground.

"H-Hey, give that back!" The Shinx replied, slowly getting up.

"Well, if you want it so badly, come and get. I'm sure an electric type like yourself would be able to beat a flying type such as myself," the Zubat taunted back.

However, instead of attacking like most Pokemon would in this situation, the Shinx just stood there, shaking. "Hah! What a coward! Won't even defend himself!" The Koffing laughed. "Let's get out of here, Zubat," he commanded, as they ran off towards the mouth of the cave.

Ok, that was it, I had seen enough of them. I placed myself in the shadow the cave mouth was taking and said, staying invisible, in a Deep Booming voice that I knew would echo through the cave "YOU DARE TAKE HIM FOR A COWARD!"

"Gah! W-Who's there?!" The Zubat said, stopping in his tracks.

"IT IS I, THE GRANDMASTER OF ALL THINGS BAD!" I said, smirking to myself that this was actually working.

"Y-You're not anybody I've heard of!" The Koffing retorted.


"Yikes! N-No I don't!" The Koffing replied.

The Zubat turned to him, obviously annoyed. "You twit! It's probably just a weakling playing a prank on us." He scolded.


I replied, gaining physical form, but allowing the darkness of the shadows camouflage my dark purple body, leaving a pair of emerald grew eyes, gleaming in the moonlight. I let loose a dark pulse on a series of rocks near the ceiling of the entrance of the cave. As soon as they fell to the ground I blasted them into pieces.

The Zubat and Koffing stared at the pieces of the would be boulders wide-eyed. "NOW HAND OVER MY AMULET BEFORE YOU END UP WORSE THAN THE BOULDERS!" I commanded to the obviously shaken poison types.

"W-Wait, your amulet?" The Zubat questioned. "Then what was that wimp doing with it and calling it his 'Personal Treasure'?" He further contemplated.


"Y-Yes! Right away! Now leave us alone!" The Zubat stammered, leaving the Necklace on the ground in front of the cave.

"GOOD, NOW SCRAM!" I yelled in the most menacing voice I could create.

With that, the Zubat and Koffing were off like a Ninjask, crying like babies. As soon as they had left, I approached the Shinx, who was obviously started by the sudden flurry of events."P-Please don't hurt me, oh great and mighty Grandmaster of All Things Bad!" He pleaded, about to burst into tears.

This was about the point where I absolutely lost it and began laughing, had I really been THAT convincing? "Oh Arceus! They're all the same!" I said, chortling. "All cowards at heart! They think they're sooooo tough, but they quickly fall under pressure."

I then turned my attention back to the Shinx "Are you okay?" I asked him in a friendly tone.

However, he flinched and backed away from me. "N-No, I don't want you to hurt me, Grandmaster! You can take my Treasure!" He said, bursting into tears.

"Um... I'm not really the 'Grandmaster of All Things Bad', dude." I responded. "I just thought you might have needed some help and decided to have a little fun with those Jerks." I explained.

"O-Oh... Really?" He asked, a bit taken back by my sudden shift in character. "Who are you then?"

"Just a treasure hunter trying to do some good for this world." I replied.

"Wow! You're a Treasure Hunter?" He replied, eyes sparkling in wonder. "You must be really good then," He added.

I reached down and grabbed the Necklace the Amulet below me "May I examine it real quickly?" I questioned, to which he nodded a yes in response.

I examined the design and recoiled a bit in shock, immediately recognizing the pattern. It was the pattern of the Key to the Hidden Land, home to Temportal Tower, which is where all of the Time gears needed to be put in order to halt the planet's paralysis. "Where did you find this and who were those guys who attacked you?" I asked, handing the necklace back to the Shinx.

"Well, to be honest, I've had this for a really long time, I found it in a Mystery Dungeon, I can't remember where, though. I consider it my Personal Treasure. I've always loved legends, lore, and Treasure, and I bet this little stone fits into a much bigger mystery.

"I thought that bringing it with me to the Guild world give me the courage to join, but I couldn't muster up the courage to do it. I'm so weak... physically and mentally.

"Regarding those two who attacked me, you probably already knew that more and more bad Pokemon are popping up. Experts believe that this is a result of the flow of time getting out of whack. I bet those two were bad Pokemon who overheard me calling it a 'Treasure' and though that they could fetch a pretty price for it on the Black Market.

"Say... You're a treasure hunter, would you have any idea what my 'Treasure' is?" He questioned.

"Um... Nope! Ehehe... Not a thing. Never even seen it before," I said, lying. "Sorry I can't be of more help," I replied.

"No problem. Anyways, I owe you everything. Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?" He asked.

"I beg that you muster up the courage to join the guild and keep that treasure close. Don't let it leave your possession ever again. There may come a day when I can return with more information on your shard, and when I do I want to see you as an apprentice on an exploration team." I told him.

"Got it," he replied seriously "I'll go now," he told me, turning around and walking off. I merged myself into the Darkness once more.

The Shinx suddenly stopped and turned around. "Sir?" He called "I never got to thank you for all your help."

I stayed vanished, but replied to him anyways. "Please, it was my pleasure." I replied "I want you to remember that I always try to make the world a better place and you should do the same," I instructed.

The Shinx was looking around frantically to address me to my face. "R-Right." He said.

"Remember that above all else..." I said moving away from the beach.

As I left, I could hear the Shinx faintly say "I will..."

"Wait, I never got your name!" He shouted, somehow knowing I was going.

Well, he knows a lot about me already, no point in faking a name now. I stopped, turned, and shouted "Name's Riley, nice to meet ya!"

"Oh yeah, and my name's Amp!" He called back in response.

I left back for town square and saw Grovyle leaving the guild. I got to the nearest shadow and whispered to Grovyle "To your right,"

To which he nodded in response as we both left town.