Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Sorry that this took so long. Hint, hint for those that haven't worked it out yet, Lucy is my favourite character. Reviews are cherished, ideas even more so.

Aslan's P.O.V

"Now, you will tell me right now exactly what made you think you had the right to force the King's and Queen's out of there home" Dionysus hissed at me.

"How dare you," I growled at him. Lucy needed to leave, because of what that thing was doing to her.

"How dare I?" he thundered, "How the hell do you get to say that? When it is your fault they suffered, you were the only one that she would always forgive with the power to banish them from Narnia,"

"For her own good" I yelled back, it was logical… and the right thing to do why couldn't they see that?

"For Lucy's or yours?" he stated flatly, "What did you catch her doing? Did you see her in bed with him or something?"

"Yes I saw her in bed with him and that filthy demon had his hands on her soul" I retorted fury spilling out around me. Nobody should touch her like that, except me.

"Did you even talk to her about it?" he asked in distain, "You're an idiot. Can't you realise that you're not the only one who loves her? Stop fucking this up."

"And I was supposed to just let that continue to happen, I was suppose to let her be hurt like that?" I demanded.

"Did she even look like she was being hurt?" he snapped at me. Images of Lucy arching into his touch and humming in contentment, black silk sheet sliding off her naked ravished body filled my mind. No, he pulled her into it; I was doing what was best.

"Did I have to wait for it to go that far," I replied, "Did I have to wait until she became a shell of herself, until she was gone… forever." It hurt the very idea of her being gone. But she was gone I had taken her away. "I did talk to her," I admitted.

"And what did she say?" he asked simply.

"She said that she was fine… but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to get hurt" I defended.

"She was always going to get hurt," he spat, "She was always bleeding, for her country… her people and she welcomed it. She didn't have to be the way she is… but she is. She is because she chose it."

"That madness," I bit back a swear word. Why wasn't it obvious? I had to keep her safe.

"Yes, it is madness and she chose it" he yelled, "You can't make her into something that she's not,"

"I wouldn't want to," I yelled back, I would still love her if she were somebody else? Or was that the point.

"Well you did a damn good job of it," he spat dangerously, "Putting her back into a world where she doesn't belong… where she never belonged."

"Why can't she belong there?" I asked in frustration, "Away from harm."

"Away from harm, or away from him?" he responded darkly.

"It's the same thing," I snapped, "I just want her away from him before he hurts her." Dionysus started to laugh, deep, full body, mad, hysterical laughter.

"And the… funny part is… that it doesn't matter," he choked out in between laughter… eventually he stopped. "You took her away form everybody to keep her away from him, but the second she calls form him he'll be there. All of that for nothing."

"No," I whispered. He could, I could have hurt so many people for nothing.

"You ripped the entire world apart of four people… not to mention an entire nation, twice and it didn't even matter," he said facing away from me.

"You don't understand," I growled.

"TO HELL I DON'T UNDERSTAND," he thundered whirling to face me, "I LOVE HER TOO. You don't get to choose… if you really love her as much as I do then you'll let her be happy. However she chooses." He slid to the floor and sat there in defeat.

"Even if it will do worse than kill her?" I said holding fast to the only belief that could, the one that could make everything I'd done even remotely okay.

"Would it, would it really? Sometime you have to let go, Lucy is my best friend and I doubt that she'll ever be anymore than that" he said softly, "And you know what? As long as that makes her happy, it's okay"

"But…" I started, trying to explain.

"But nothing, it horrible and sometime it makes you want to pull you heart out of your chest and lock it up somewhere far, far away where it can't hurt you anymore… but if it makes her happy it's just the way that it is," he explained to me. His eyes implored me to understand.

"Just the way that it is?" I quoted flatly, "Who decided that it had to be like that, who decided that it had to be this hard?"

"By the Gods, will you stop being so selfish," he snapped, "It isn't always about what you want in life, sometime you just take what you can get."

"I… I have no idea how to even begin fixing this," I admitted, "I mean how…"

"It's your job to fix it, the only advice I have is to never banish her form Narnia again," he said. I shuddered. It was wrong; it was so, so wrong… I didn't know what to do. It was so bad; I should have just left it alone.

"Fuck you two are stupid" an irritable voice growled at us, we both cringed and turned to look at Lucy, standing on the arm of my Dad and he looked mad. Lucy face palmed.

"Wait… why am I hitting myself when I should be hitting you?" she said moving forward to as furious as I have ever seen her. She stalked up to us, her glare almost physically burning me and stared down at us in contempt before her face softened and she dropped to her knee. Sitting eye to eye with us.

"I forgive you," she said pulling us to her and it hurt. I wanted her to yell at us, I wanted her to scream or hit us or just something.

"I don't understand, usually when people get hurt they want to hurt the person back?" I asked. She just looked at us with that something… in her eyes.

"I don't have to do that to hurt you," she said quietly, "I just have to tell you the truth… you hurt me." Pain pushed through my body and I looked down in shame as she stood and started to walk away. I couldn't bare it, but the look on my Fathers face dared me to physically stop her.

"I didn't picture you one to run away," I said desperate to make her stay.

"I'm not running away, could stay here if I want," her voice, usually so full of emotion was empty, "But I don't want to be here, so I'm walking away. It has much more class than running."

And just like that she let my Father send her back to wherever she had come from. Probably her boarding school, she still looked like a little girl dressed in her school clothes even if she didn't act like it, even if she wasn't anymore. I will see her, as she should be, I wish I could just be able to love her.

"You are in so much trouble that it isn't even funny," my father said severely, "That girl would have given you everything if you had just of asked."

"And this is my punishment?" I asked hollowly. He chuckled.

"No this is you chance to chose the right path, because the first time you sent her away I couldn't stop you in time and I didn't think you would be so stupid as to try it a second time," he said disappointedly.

"I understand," I mumbled before looking him in the eye and saying with ever ounce of emotion in me, "Thank you."

"You know you're an idiot, right?" Dionysus asked, "Because she loves you, it's always been you… she just had no idea that you loved her back or how the hell she could make it work. You did this because you hoped that she'd be your daughter in law eventually."

"Yes, I did," the man that was Aslan's father chuckled, "I'll freely admit that, but if I'm mistaken you still have quiet a bit of story to read."

I swallowed uncomfortably, realising that I was Lucy's turn. That I would have to know exactly what I had done to her and I was scared.

Blah, I haven't updated this story in ages so I thought that it was about time that I wrote something at least. So how did you like it?