They ended up at Cato's house again, finally with no one else home, no interruptions.

He pushed Clove down on the bed, slipping her shirt over her head and leaning down on her, pressing his bare chest to hers, running his hands down to her pants to feel a sharp poke. He ignored it and unzipped her pants, quickly sliding them off. He ran his hand up her thigh and felt that sharp poke again. He couldn't help his curiosity and looked down to see a knife strapped to her thigh. He laughed and pulled his lips away from her eager ones. A playful smile on his handsome face.

"I guess you're really into the games,"

She rolled her eyes playfully, "Well of course! That is what we train for all our lives," her voice was heavy with sarcasm.

Cato's face fell and his eyes lost his lust and humor. He pulled away and sighed.


Clove gritted her teeth, "Oh don't start this bull shit Cato. You're the best in the District, excluding me. You're going to be famous!"

"It doesn't matter about fame if I'm not me. I. I could lose myself in the Games," He hesitated to speak as he turned over and hung his feet over the edge of the bed.

Clove got up quickly, messing up the sheets and knocking over pillows as she climbed behind Cato on her knees.

"You're lying, it's not about that. Are you scared of killing?"


Clove laughed in disbelief, "Oh my god, yes you are!"
"Sp what? I'm not scared of killing, I'm scared of dying. I love killing, I love the sight, the sound. But that's because that's how I was raised. But what scares me, truly scares me is leaving the Games a winner with no shred of me left, just this heartless killer," His voice falling from a yell to a voice that pleaded for understanding.

Clove sighed and placed her tiny hands on his hot, broad shoulders.

"I promise you Cato, you will be you in the end and I will help you." She stopped before continuing, swallowing her pride, not trying to sound nice but giving up.

"Every step of the way, if that's what you want."

He turned around to her to see if she was serious. She smirked at the sight of his adorable face.

"Well I'm not having my district partner go weak on me,"

Cato smiled at that, leaning closer to her, his lips twitching to laugh.

"Is that all I am to you, a district partner?"

Clove smiled and didn't move, wanting him to chase after her. She just shrugged, her eyes and voice playful. "Well I guess you can convince me otherwise," and before she could say anything else Cato smashed his lips into hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth as he gripped her thigh and pushed her down onto the bed.

*sorry long wait, school was crazy! Anyway hope you like it and please tell me what ya think :)

Hunger Games belongs to Suzanne Collins