A/N: This story follows Sebastian Smythe through his move to Ohio and beyond. It'll be following the Glee canon, so look out for bits and pieces from Season 3! There will also be a decent number of OCs; one in particular that is very important, so I hope you like them! It was initially supposed to be 12 chapters, but it'll most likely go past that. But anyway, done with the rambling. I hope you like my fic. It's my first time ever writing one, so I'm a little nervous! Also, I don't own any of the characters or Glee in general. Because if I did, there would be A LOT more Sebastian. ;)

Dayton International Airport: Easy To and Through! Sebastian rolled his eyes as he read the cheezy sign placed conveniently above the route to baggage claim.

"God, can this place get any lamer?" he sighed passing a giant poster glorifying the historical achievements of the Wright Brothers. Spoke too soon, he snorted. He looked at his phone. It was vibrating, alerting him of an unread message.

From: Dad (Sent 2:49 am)

"9:00 sharp. Red car. Front of Terminal A."

Sebastian smirked at the bluntness of the text. But after four years of barely any communication, he wasn't very surprised. Their relationship was far from intimate, and Sebastian would even hesitate to categorize them as acquaintances...

THUD. Sebastian looked up from the message right as he smacked into a guy standing in his path.

"Aw fuck," Sebastian said watching his phone and the contents of his messenger bag spill onto the tiled floor.

"Oh, god, sorry man. It's my fault. I shouldn't have been standing here." Grabbing his phone and passport from the ground, Sebastian sharply agreed.

"Yeah, asshole, you really shouldn't ha-" he stopped, finally taking in the sight of the perpetrator. There were no other words to describe him but beautiful. He was tall-at least 6'3-with short, dark hair, brilliant blue eyes and perfectly tanned skin. He was obviously very athletic, with his pecs and biceps making themselves quite apparent underneath his light blue polo. Sebastian's eyes didn't reach further down than the guy's torso when the sound of a deep, but apologetic voice snapped his head back up.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry."

"It-it's fine," Sebastian shook his head slightly to regain his composure. "I blame the cheezy airport posters for distracting me." The guy let out a loud laugh.

Perfect smile, Sebastian noted.

"Yeah, they're pretty bad," he agreed starting to walk backwards as he slung his second duffle bag over his shoulder. Sebastian took the action as an opportunity to pursue, so, with a smirk, he quickly followed.

"I'm Sebastian, by the way," he said sticking out his hand.

"Lance," he said taking it in his own and giving it a firm shake.

Large hands. "So, Lance, what are you doing here in Ohio? You strike me as a guy that's more..." he slowly scanned down. "Cosmopolitan," he said with a lowered voice looking Lance directly in the eye. "No offense," he smiled. Sebastian's flirtatious side had appeared, and Lance was caught off-guard.

"I..I guess I take that as a compliment," Lance said quietly, still holding on to Sebastian's gaze.

"You should," Sebastian smiled again as they arrived at baggage claim. He looked up at the screens to figure out the corresponding carousel. Lance took that moment to regain himself. He too looked up at the screens to find the correct claim. Sebastian spotted his bag on the next carousel over but hesitated leaving Lance to grab it.

First, if not the only hot guy I'll meet in this damn state. Not letting him go that easily. He waited until the small, black luggage was closest to where they stood and quickly grabbed it. He looked back, and Lance was in the same spot bent over with a confused look trying to determine if a red suitcase was his or not. Sebastian grinned at the sight. On his short walk back, Sebastian spotted another of those corny airport signs.

Dayton International Airport: Easy To and Through! He took another look at the confused Lance.

I sure hope so, he grinned.

"Well, I'm coming from Paris," Sebastian started when he made it back to Lance who finally decided the bag was his. "Paris, France," he repeated louder, trying to regain Lance's attention.

"Oh, like Paris Paris? Wow. That's awesome...Were you just visiting?...You lived there?...I've always wanted to go to Paris...What's it like?...You've probably been to the Eiffel Tower and hundred times, huh?...So do you speak French?...You're FLUENT? That's so cool." Sebastian couldn't help but be entertained by Lance's fawning. This guy was a lot more easily impressed than he imagined. "Then what the hell are you doing here?" Lance said toning down his excitement and attempting regain at least some of his dignity.

"Moving in with my dad."

"What about your mom-?"

"I'll kill you!" he lunged, his fist barely missing my side. We both fell, but I tried desperately to scramble away from the madman. Clouded by the tears stinging my eyes, I attempted to crawl through the dark room towards the fireplace. I grabbed the mantle to pull myself up and came face to face with the shallow smile of my pursuer. He was dressed in a white tux standing next to my similarly posed mom, a photo from their wedding reception. Strange how much has changed since it was taken last year. Their framed joy and my momentary distraction were suddenly shattered when something thrown crashed into the mantle. Startled, I looked back to see him staggering towards me. Even at that distance, I could smell the alcohol that intoxicated him. I spotted the open door to my right and ran quickly towards it, slamming it closed and clicking the lock. I pulled out my phone and scrolled down to the last person I would ever call in any normal situation. But this wasn't a normal situation. Calling: Dad. A loud boom hit the closet door and the shouts of my Dad's "replacement" continued to echo through the closet. "Open the door you ungrateful little bastard!" I sank deeper into the closet keeping as much distance between me and the door as possible as the phone rang. "Come on, please pick up." After 5 rings, I dropped my head finally letting the tears fall. *click* I rose my head. "Hello?" I stared at the phone in disbelief. "Sebastian?...Son?" "Dad! Dad! Please. Help me!" "What? What's going on?" Boom...Boom...BOOM. "I'll kill you for this!" "Who is that?" "Dad, please! It's Richard. He's drunk, and he just attacked me." BOOM. "You have to get me out of here! I can't live here anymore. I want to be with you!" The was a slight pause on the other line. "What about your mom?" "I don't care about her! Please, Dad! I know we have our differences, and I know you probably hate me, but just..." BOOM "...please...!" The closet door burst open. "...save me!"

"What about your mom-?" Sebastian stiffened. He closed his eyes trying to get the scene out of his mind.

"So you never told me what *you* were doing in this town," he said, changing the subject.

"Haha well, believe it or not, I'm actually from here. We have Fall Break, so I thought I'd come home."

"Oh, so you're in college?" College guy here for the weekend? Perfect situation for a one-time deal.

"Yeah, I go to Swarthmore. Second year."

Sebastian stepped closer, "I'm actually considering Swarthmore. Maybe I can visit, and you can show me around. You know, so I can learn more about coll-"

"LANCE!" Both Lance and Sebastian snapped their heads in the direction of the shriek. A petite blonde was racing towards the boys and leaped into Lance's open arms.

You're kidding me, Sebastian thought turning and walking swiftly away from the embraced couple. No, wait, he stopped himself taking a look back. She could just be his sister. After a few twirls, he set her down and pulled her into a kiss.

After an extensive makeout session, Lance turned to Sebastian, arms still around his girlfriend, "I'm sorry. What were you..." But Sebastian was already on his way towards the exit almost colliding with a well-dressed driver making him drop his sign.

"Pff, whatever. He wasn't that hot anyway," said Sebastian annoyed. And I'm positive he was gay, so his girlfriend should enjoy it while she can, he smirked going through the automated doors into the brisk Ohio air. He looked at his watch. 9:15. "Great," he sighed as he scanned the parked and passing cars for any sign of the irritated face of his father. After the failure of his search, he sat on a bench to people-watch as he waited for his Dad's inevitable annoyed call. He smiled slightly when he saw a woman pull up to the curb, hop out of her car and practically tackle her daughter to the ground. They fell back into the automated airport doors, laughing and crying. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but Sebastian hoped for a similar welcome from his father. He knew that would never happen, but just his father's wanting to pick Sebastian up from the airport himself showed that they had made some sort of progress. After reflecting on all the possibilities the move could bring, Sebastian looked at his watch again. 9:57?

"Where the hell is he?" He pulled out his phone and was shocked. It was off! It must have shut off when I dropped it. Uggghhh...fucking Lance. He waited for it to turn on and it buzzed with an alert immediately after.

From: Dad (Sent 8:54 am)

"Can't make it. Work stuff. Called you a car."

Sebastian stared wistfully at the text for a full minute. He then scoffed and exited the messages. "Typical," he said with a forced laugh. Why did he expect anything more?

"Smith. Last call for a Mr. Sebastian Smith." Sebastian looked up to see the driver he passed in baggage claim holding up a sign with 'Sebastian Smith' typed in bold caps. He sighed and walked up to the shiny black car next to the man.

"It's pronounced Smythe," he said opening the door to the back seat himself and slid in.

"I'm sorry about that, Sir. Do you not have any other bags, Mr. Smythe?" he asked getting into the driver's seat.

"No, the rest were shipped to the house."

"Very good, Sir. Off to the house, then?" After receiving no answer, he started the car and drove out of the terminal. And Sebastian immediately started to wonder if this move was worth it.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally made it to the house. When they turned into the cul de sac, Sebastian pulled out his headphones and stared out the window.

So this is where he's been living, huh? No wonder he's forgotten about us.

The house was big. No. Massive. Made with white stone and covered with many windows. Sebastian couldn't even deny. It was...nice. But beyond the house's appearance, he got a vibe from it that he couldn't quite place. He stepped out of the car swinging his messenger bag over his shoulder and grabbing his small black suitcase even after the driver protested. He walked up to the front door-a dark wood one with a shiny gold handle and ornate knocker-sighed and pressed the doorbell.

Sebastian tried hard to hide his nerves. He didn't want his father to see him this way. He matured a lot in the past four years, but the presence of his father after such a long time still unnerved him. After a full minute, the door opened. Sebastian looked in to see a small housekeeper smiling up at him.

"Hello, Mr. Sebastian!" she said with a distinct Columbian accent. She was pretty young, maybe 22 or 23, and seemed to be bubbling with energy. "All of your bags and boxes are in your room. Here. Let me show you!" She grabbed his hand and began pulling him towards the staircase. Sebastian followed slightly amused at her excitement. When they arrived to the second floor, Daniela (she introduced her herself multiple times on their short journey up the stairs) gave him a quick tour. After seeing the bathrooms, study room and the entrance to the master bedroom, she finally led him to his own room. The walls were a light shade of beige and the carpet matched. The only furniture in the room was a queen sized bed made up with navy blue sheets, a dark wood desk, dark wood nightstand (Sebastian was sensing a pattern) and a large empty bookshelf. The room was mostly covered by boxes shipped from his mom's house, but other than that, it was mostly bare.

Daniela had to go home for the day, but gave Sebastian a final welcome to Ohio. He genuinely thanked her but was relieved to have his space. He dropped into the chair at his desk, suddenly tired, and pulled out his laptop. His father enrolled him in a school in Westerville, but never told Sebastian details.

GOOGLE: "Dalton Academy"

After going through the first few pages of their website, Sebastian couldn't keep the smile off of his face.

"Dalton Academy is an independent, college-preparatory day and boarding school for young men working to develop individual, spiritual, ethical, intellectual, social and physical growth."

But of course Sebastian focused on one particular phrase: for young men. He smirked as he closed the laptop. He slowly walked over to his closet and slid open the doors. A row of neatly starched blue blazers with red piping lined the right rack. He walked up and ran his hand over the embroidered "D". He smiled.

Maybe this move won't be so bad after all.