A/N: This chapter is for stupid-nickel. Thank you for the suggestion and I hope you enjoy!

2013. Somewhere on Earth. 6:43 pm

Kim tapped away at the keyboard of her computer. She worked on the latest chapter of another story in a long list of stories she had written based on her all time favorite television show, Doctor Who. She smiled at the work she had completed so far and felt rather proud of the adventure she looked forward to sharing.

Pausing a moment to consider the next words to write, Kim leaned back in her chair and frowned in thought. She glanced at the tele that played an episode of Torchwood as background for Kim's otherwise silent room and was struck with an idea. She turned back to the computer and began typing.

Unfortunately for Kim, she wouldn't get to finish her story because a sudden loud zap jolted her from her thoughts. She spun around in her chair with eyes widened and was rather thoroughly shocked at the sight of a man in a military overcoat standing in the middle of her living room. "AHH!" Kim screamed as she stood up and staggered back into her computer desk in one quick move.

The man's expression instantly shifted from confusion to charming. "Hi. I'm Captain Jack Harkness," he said with a smile as he held out his hand.

"What?" Kim was even more confused now, but she knew Jack and it-… he-… just couldn't be! Suddenly, she felt as though she was floating and the world was closing in around her.

"Whoa," Jack said and lunged forward to catch the fainting girl. As he lowered her gently to the floor, he shook his head slightly with a small smile. "Why do I have to have this effect on people?" He said to himself with an exaggerated sigh.

At this point, Jack took a moment to look around the room. His eyebrows lifted as high as they could go. The poster of the TARDIS caught his eye, as did the small TARDIS toy sitting on the desk next to the computer. He rose to his feet and tilted his head at the small action figure of the Doctor standing proud on the book shelf.

At the sound of what could only have been Ianto's voice, he spun on his heel and stared in disbelief at the tele. "What the hell?" He said as he crouched in front of the screen and came face to face with his own self.

Kim opened her eyes and began to think about the strange dream she was having, when she saw Jack in front of the tele. "Oh my god, you're not a dream!" she said happily as she slowly sat up.

"Well, I know some who would say otherwise," Jack said and tossed Kim a wink. "Are you okay, miss…?"

"Oh, umm, Kim," she rubbed her head with a forced smile, "yeah I'm okay. I just can't believe you are in my living room!" She suddenly jumped to her feet and grabbed her smartphone off the computer desk. "Do you mind if I take your picture? None of my friends are going to believe this."

Jack stood up and couldn't help but smirk. "Sure, but can you tell me where I am?"

"You're in my house," Kim said, than she rolled her eyes. "Of course, you mean when. It's 2013 and don't worry, you're on Earth." She smiled as she set the phone on video and propped it up so it could record her standing and waving next to Jack, which she did as any fan in her position would.

Jack, not one to disappoint, played along for a moment. "Okay, Kim, then how am I on the tele?"

"What do you mean? That's Torchwood… the T.V. show. A spin-off series of Doctor Who."

"A T.V. show?" Jack ran his fingers through his hair and then, it occurred to him. He tapped some buttons on the vortex manipulator, noting how Kim leaned in close to see what he was doing, and learned what was going on. "Oh no. I'm in a parallel universe… he's not gonna to be happy. Kim," he grabbed her shoulders, "I'm sorry to have dropped in on you like this, but I've got to go before he follows me… and he will any minute now."

"He who?" Kim asked.

"Exactly," Jack said.

Kim gasped and covered her mouth to hide the excitement bubbling over to no avail. She knew exactly who Jack meant. "You mean the Doctor?" She beamed.

"It was nice to meet you, Kim," Jack held his finger over the vortex manipulator, "Take ca-"

His words were cut off by the wheezing grinding sound of the TARDIS coming in for a landing. "Too late," Jack said as he took a step back to make room for the materializing time ship and pulled Kim back a step too.

Kim watched with wide eyes as the TARDIS appeared in the middle of her living room.

The TARDIS door flung open and the Doctor poked his head out looking about with curiosity. When his eyes fell on Jack, he crunched his eyebrows together. "Oi, Jack! What have I said about parallel universes?!" He chastised in a jesting manner with a telltale smirk.

Once again the world closed in around Kim and she sank into Jack's arms as she fainted without a word.

"Oh now look at what you did," Jack said as this time, he lifted Kim up and laid her down on her sofa. "You scared the poor girl."

The Doctor stepped out in concern for Kim. "Did I? Oops. Umm, sorry!" With the Tag game forgotten for the moment, he waved his sonic over Kim and read the settings. "Only a temporary unconsciousness brought on by extreme happiness and embarrassment. Jack, what have you been doing?"

"What? Me?" Jack laid his fingers across his chest. "I'm not the one who just appeared in Kim's living room in a large blue police box."

"You were here first," the Doctor pointed out. "Am I to assume that you simply knocked on her front door and didn't just zap in?"

As the banter between Jack and the Doctor continued, Kim woke up. She remained silent and motionless as she watched the two time travelers in utter disbelief. Here was the Doctor, real and in the flesh, standing with the TARDIS and Jack Harkness in her living room. She only hoped that her phone was still recording because there would be no way in hell anyone would believe any of this. "Umm, excuse me," Kim said with a small smile.

Jack and the Doctor paused to look down at the girl.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE DOCTOR!" Kim screamed in delight as she leaped off the sofa and wrapped her arms around the surprised Time Lord.

"Oh, umm, err," the Doctor said as he tried to peel away.

Jack laughed at the Doctor's awkwardness and saw his chance to zap out of there. He had not forgotten about the Tag game. "Well, I'm going to leave you two alone," he said with a smirk and a salute. "You're still it, Doc!"

"What? Wait a minute!" The Doctor protested, but his words fell on thin air… much to his dismay. "So, Kim is it? Right. Tell me… how do you know who I am again?"



To be continued!