A/N: Two bored time travelers playing Tag. The possibilities are endless and I welcome your suggestions for the next chapters! Any Doctors, any companions, and characters from other sci-fi can be suggested (please no slash or romance unless its canon). I'll write it up. Really. This can go on for quite a while!

I don't own Doctor Who or any of the characters mentioned.

2009. Cardiff. Torchwood Institute. 3:12 pm.

"I'm telling you, Doctor," Jack said from his seat at the table, "that is not a legal move."

"Yes it is," the Doctor said matter-of-factly as he focused on the chess board on the table.

"No, it isn't. You can't move a knight three spaces up and three spaces over."

"Yes I can," the Doctor said and pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. "I just did."

"So, what you're really saying is," Jack paused dramatically, "you're cheating."

The Doctor sat up and stared at his friend with a look of shock. Jack leaned forward and gazed back, waiting to hear what the Doctor had to say.

"Alright!" The Time Lord laughed. "You caught me! I was just trying to make the game a bit more lively. Chess can be so dull sometimes. Well, all the time." He leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head. "Wish Rose would call," he muttered. "How long can she and her mum spend shopping anyway?"

"Nine hundred years and you still haven't figured that out?" Jack asked trying to hold back his laughter. The Doctor just looked up to the ceiling and sighed.

"So, you want a lively game, do you?" asked Jack with a cheeky smile.

"Sure do. What do you have in mind?"

Jack's grin widen with mischievousness. "Tag," he said.

"Tag?" the Doctor asked, a bit confused and intrigued at the same time. "You mean the children's game?"

"Yes!" Jack nodded. "Only we're going to play across time and space. Anywhere and any when, and I'll bet you won't be able to catch me. You on?"

The Doctor was clearly excited by the idea as evident by his sudden giddiness. "Oh you bet I am!" He stood up quickly and sent the chair skidding across the floor.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked and held up his wrist with the vortex manipulator wrapped around it. "We play until you either you catch me, or you give up."

The Doctor smiled wide and the excitement sparkled in his eyes. "You know I never give up, Jack!"

"Good." Jack slapped the Doctor across the shoulder and brought the hand around to the manipulator. "Tag! You're it!" With a push of a button, Jack vanished.

At that moment, Gwen entered the room and gave the Doctor a quizzical look. "What's going on in here?" she asked.

The Doctor spun on his heel and dashed past her out of the room. "Can't talk now!" he yelled. "I'm it!"

Gwen, completely flabbergasted, watched the spry alien sprint down the hall and skid around the corner. A moment later, she heard the familiar sound of the TARDIS fade away into silence. "Wonder what that was all about?" she muttered to herself, and then looked around the empty room. "Jack?"



The Doctor dashed to the console in the TARDIS and swung the monitor around in front of him. His fingers flew over the keyboard, his face scrunched in concentration watching the circular language of his native tongue dance across the screen. When he found what he was searching for, his face brightened. "Found ya!" The Doctor yanked a lever down and sent the TARDIS into the Time Vortex. "Ready or not, here I come!"



1742. London. 7:42pm.

The TARDIS landed in a dank alley with a soft thud and her door slowly creaked open. The Doctor grimaced at the noise the creak made, not that the TARDIS engines were any quieter, but still, he cautiously poked his head out to take a look around. Jack could be anywhere, but obviously not right here. The Doctor stepped out of his ship and closed the door behind him.

He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and waved it around in the air. The squeal of the sonic made the Doctor grit his teeth. He wanted to be as quiet as possible and his most beloved ship and tool were not helping. He had to use them to play the game though. Otherwise he would never have figured out that he needed to turn right and head down the street.

As he walked down the cobblestone street with few residents along the way, the Doctor felt rather exposed, especially in his blue suit. Jack could be anywhere, and that thought remained on the forefront of the Time Lord's thoughts. He sidestepped into another alley and used his sonic to check the trail. Not much further. The Doctor continued until he came to a pub.

Bad Wolf Pub, the sign above the door read. He stared at the sign a moment pondering why he still continued to run into the bad wolf even though it didn't mean anything anymore. He would continue to ponder over that later. Right now, he was on a mission. He opened the pub door and went inside.

At this time in the evening, the Doctor expected the place to be filled with people, but the pub was packed. There was hardly any room to walk and he felt this presence pushed over the limit of how many people could be stuffed inside the room. The crowd, many if not all completely drunk, happily cheered a barmaid dancing on a table. The band thrummed a song with a fast beat that seemed to keep the patrons in constant, violent motion. Jack would be here, wouldn't he, the Doctor thought with a chuckle.

The Doctor scanned the faces of those immediately around him. Of course, catching Jack wouldn't be that easy which meant the tall and thin Time Lord had to push his way amongst the crowd to get anywhere else in the pub. The Doctor had never been shoved, smashed, grabbed and splashed with ale so many times in so short a time as this, but he finally made it to the bar. He squeezed between two men sitting at the bar and flagged the barkeeper over to him.

"Have you seen a bloke tall as me wearing strange coat?" he yelled over the noise of the place.

"Yeah. You." The barkeeper said with an unimpressed frown.

The Doctor looked down at himself realizing his own tan overcoat definitely fit his description. "No no no," he said. "A different bloke with a strange coat."

The barkeeper nodded toward the table with the dancer and the Doctor turned to look. There was Jack sitting at that table staring up at the woman with a wide grin plastered on his face. The Time Lord focused on his target and worked his way through the ever moving bodies of the drunken patrons. Several times, he lost sight of Jack, but pressed on. He was close. He grinned. He was about to win.

The Doctor made it to the table with his outstretched hand ready to tag Jack, but he froze and stared at an empty chair.

"Come on, Doc!" The flustered Time Lord snapped his head up toward Jack's taunting voice coming from the other side of the table.

"I heard you coming a mile away!" Jack let himself laugh a moment, but kept his gaze on his quick friend. When Jack's laughter died down, the two men stared at each other with wide mischievous grins waiting for the other to make the first move.

Finally, the Doctor's patience ran out and he lunged across the table toward Jack only to get caught between the legs of the dancer. The startled woman stopped with her legs on either side of the Doctor now on his stomach on the table top with his arms stretched toward Jack. The noise in the pub swelled with cheers and laughter from the crowd

Jack bellowed with laughter keeping just out of his friend's reach. "So you do know how to have a good time with the ladies," he said with his hands on his hips. The Doctor gave Jack a smile and a nod knowing that with the dancer standing on his out spread overcoat, he was for all intents and purposes, trapped.

"You're still it!" Jack threw the Doctor a wink and a kiss as he disappeared into the crowd. The Doctor let his arms and head droop in temporary defeat as the dancer started dancing again cleverly brushing him with edges of her twirling skirt.

A/N: I hope you like this so far. I have a couple of scenarios already written and like I say above, please feel free to suggest something for me to write!