Hey I'm Emily! This is my first fanfiction so please don't be too harsh on the reviews. Please review though! I would love to hear your thoughts on this story like some ideas, plots, and constructive criticism. R&R! :D

The moonlight reflected off his face, his black hair blended in with the cold dark night. I stared into his black obsidian eyes, "Nick, don't go." I pleaded desperately. He took my hand and kissed it. My eyes welled with tears as he took a step away from me. "Bye Max." He called as he disappeared into the night. I reached out, only to touch air. He's gone. He-

I shot up from my bed, rubbing my eyes. What kind of dream was that? How come ever since I've moved to Austin, Texas, I kept dreaming of this guy called Nick? I shook my head trying to get rid of the dream. It's just a dream. JUST a dream I reminded myself. I tore off my sweaty sheets and hopped out of bed. What shall I do today? I thought.

Today is my second day in Austin. I have a brother named Iggy and a mom. Iggy is blind, but I love him lots. He's my brother and my best friend. We live in a red brick house on James Patterson Street. So far I love it here, but who knows if I'll still love it here in Austin, once school starts. I ran my fingers through my knotted hair and barged into Iggy's room.

"IGGY," I screamed in his ear, "WAKE UPPP!" Iggy groaned and slapped me on the arm.

"Go away Max, no one wants you here." I chuckled and dragged a shirtless Iggy out of bed.

"We're going running whether you like it or not. So put on a shirt and sneakers." Iggy picked up the nearest item and hurled it at me. I expertly dodged it and ran out the door.

"Mommm! Iggy threw a-"

"Fineee I'll go running! Sheesh Max. Calm down!"

(a/n: I made this human MR fanfiction a little different from most cliché ones. You might be wondering how? YOU"LL SEEEE :D just keep reading)

Iggy rolled his eyes, "I can't believe I actually agreed to this!" My brother was about to race the Maximum Martinez Ride.

" I'll go easy on you, REALLY easy on you." I offered with an angelic look on my face.

Iggy grumbled something to him and yelled that he got a 5 minute head start. When I shouted go, Iggy took off sprinting. He sprinted down our street and took a left. I grinned to myself; I'll still win no matter how fast Iggy runs. Why, you might be asking me? I'll reply that I have super speedy skills. (LOL ALLITERATION)

OMG! Super speedy skills? That's so cool! Yes, it is in fact, very cool. I was born with this supernatural skill. I can run really fast, walk uber fast, and basically do anything really fast.

What about Iggy? Ah yes, Iggy. Iggy also has a power. He can see the future. Not exactly see the future since he's blind, but he can think the future. Iggy just has to concentrate in his brain on a specific person or environment, and he'll see the future just as it is. If someone does something to alter the future, Iggy won't see that.

"I'm in!" I shouted and took off. I rocketed off the sidewalk pass trees, bushes, and houses. I couldn't see anything too clearly because I was going too fast. Iggy's figure got bigger by the second.

Iggy whirled his head around and shouted, "OH CRAP! I thought I was running fast."

Not fast enough! I thought as I flew past Iggy. Iggy groaned.

I love running, not just because I'm good at it, but because running is simple. Simple is something you don't find much in this world. When you're 2, life is simple. When you're 16, things aren't so simple anymore. You get school pressure, friendship problems, guy problems, and many other problems. But I'm trying to put my horrible past behind me and start a fresh new start in Austin. I shuddered at the thought of my past; I will never be like that ever in my life. Monster, the word rang in my head as I beat Iggy to the park.