Holy crap it's been forever since I've updated this but I'm back and hopefully this won't suck too badly ;)



Soul was scribbling music notes violently on a sheet of paper. Sometimes his anger would spike and the pen ripped a hole in the paper; cutting off the dark melody in progress. When he reached the end of the page he growled and balled up the paper, throwing it off into a dark corner in the black room. He heard a high pitched kind of growl and he slammed his head on the piano keys in annoyance. He recognized the voice behind the noise as that of the imp that lived inside his soul and he was not in the mood to see him or anyone else at the moment.

"What's with you kid?" He asked as he walked out of the shadows; he wore a sharp toothed scowl that matched Soul's, and the sheet music he'd thrown was stuck on one of his horns.

"Nothing," I hissed between clenched teeth. The imp sighed and took the speared wad of music off his horn and tossed it over his shoulder.

"Tut tut Soul, you know lying isn't good for you," He scolded. "Now why don't you tell me all about it?" Soul paused for a moment; then he started telling the little demon everything. He had no idea why he was doing it, but words were pouring out of his mouth like a facet. As the story progressed his face darkened and darkened. As Soul's speech came to a close the imp growled in annoyance. Soul raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"Since when have you cared about my feelings?"

"I don't," He sneered. "But I do care when people mess with our stuff." Soul looked appalled.

"Maka is not stuff!" He shouted indignantly.

"Whatever you want to call her! She's ours and that egotistical little brat is trying to pry her away, and I'm not gonna tolerate it."

"Hey don't call Black*Star crap like that." He growled.

"Oh so now you're defending him? After what he did?"

"Although I hate what he did he's still my friend."

"Alright, so you're okay with your friend taking what's rightfully ours, it's totally cool with you that your friend was feeling up you meister."

"Hey," Soul roared. "You shut up!"

"Alright I will, and you'll just sit around doing nothing but mope while that boy sweeps her right off her feet. You have fun with that!" And with that the demon turned and went on his way. Soul stared after him; maybe he was right.

"Wait," Soul called out, a look of complete desperation in his eyes. The demon turned, shocked at the sight that met him. "Please help me." A grin wormed its way onto his face as he walked back over to the teen.

"Excellent, let's get started shall we?"

(time skiiippp~ Maka's POV)

I sat in an armchair in the living room, book poised in my lap, but I couldn't focus. My mind was still swimming from the events in the bathroom last night. I still couldn't believe what Black*Star had done. I began thinking back to last night's events.

(Flashback my children!)

Black*Star suddenly broke the kiss and I whimpered at the loss of his warm soft lips. He smiled warmly and cupped my cheek.

"You're adorable, you know that?" He laid a soft peck on my lips. "But you can't go out there without pants on." He smirked and handed me his, leaving him in a pair of plain white boxers. Once I was dressed I made my way to the door, but I was stopped by a pair of warm, strong arms wrapping around my waist. The other meister nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck; his hot breath tickling my sensitive skin. "I love you Maka, I have since we were little." I paused. He…loved me? I didn't really know what to say. I didn't want to upset him but I was so confused at the moment that I just didn't know how to respond. "I know this is all very sudden so I don't expect you to give me some answer, but please think about it." He gave me a lingering kiss on my neck then stepped away, allowing me to exit the restroom.

(And now we go back, to the future!)

I'd always thought Black*Star was really sweet and a great friend. But I'd never thought of him as a boyfriend. Though with the thought placed in my head it seemed sensible enough; Black*Star was an amazing guy and stood up for his friends and what he believed in. He never backed down from a fight, he was pretty funny, and his looks certainly didn't hurt him. Out of nowhere an image of my partner flitted through my head. I'd always had a bit of a crush on Soul, I mean who wouldn't. Most girls who met him swooned over his looks alone. But I'd been able to take a peek past his aloof surface to find the real guy underneath; the kind-hearted sensitive guy that most people never got to see.

But I'd always tried to ignore my feelings and keep our relationship professional. I could only imagine how Soul who feel if he knew about my crush; he'd be disgusted no doubt. If something like that happened we might never be able to resonate again. And no way would I get a different weapon. At that moment a certain albino decided to walk in, in nothing but his red and black boxers. I blushed madly.

"Soul what do you think you're doing?" I squeaked loudly.

"Getting a snack." He replied simply.

"And you are shirtless because…?"

"It's my house too right?" He smirked, showing off his pointy teeth. I nodded slowly then he bent over to check out what was in the fridge. I had no idea what I was doing but slowly, almost against my will, my eyes were drawn to his ass. You could tell it was toned even through the fabric of his underwear. I wondered what it would be like to touch those— Woah woah hold up! Why in the world am I thinking those things? She was so lost in her frantic thoughts that she didn't notice Soul looking over his shoulder with an eyebrow raised. "See something you like?" I blushed so hard the tomato on the shelf behind Soul was probably jealous. I was flustered and had no idea what to say so I went into default mode.

"Maka chop!" My hard cover slammed into his cranium and he cried out in pain.

"Dammit Maka what was that for?"

"For being perverted!" When he heard this he recovered almost instantaneously; a wide, shark-toothed grin crawled onto his face and his crimson eyes lit up. He walked up to me and leaned down, his face mere inches from mine.

"I don't think you're in a position to call me perverted."

"W-What do you mean?" I asked quickly. He put his legs on either side of me and began whispering in my ear.

"I know what you did with Black*Star last night Maka." I sat there paralyzed. How did he know? He must have sensed my terror through the link and I could practically feel his smirk widen. "I came to check on you and I saw everything. That was very naughty of you Maka; I think you need to be punished." I tried to escape to no avail; he had me pinned against the chair's back and had more strength than I expected. His lips slammed onto mine causing me to gasp in shock. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and coax mine out to play. I let out a tiny moan as his tongue twisted around mine, he growled approvingly.

This was nothing like the kiss Black*Star gave me last night. Where his was soft and sweet Soul's was rough and passionate. It made a fire ignite in my stomach and it only became stronger with the words my weapon uttered next.

"This is mine," He nipped at my tongue and I whimpered at his rough handling. His wet tongue trailed down my neck making me shiver. Liking my reaction he licked up and down a few more times. "And so is that," While he sucked and bit at the skin on my neck his hands drifted lower and lower until they were squeezing my ass. "And these," He hissed out, annunciating each word with a squeeze. "Are definitely mine." I continued his ministrations for a few more minutes; knowing, and most likely thoroughly enjoying, that I was putty in his hands. Then he abruptly stopped, causing me to whine out pitifully. He weaved his fingers into my hair and pulled me close. "I love you Maka," He kissed my cheek affectionately, in much the same way Black*Star did the night before. "But I don't like sharing." And with that he left me alone and very confused.

Ta daaa! I can't write much right now, my teacher is watching me like a hawk O.o But I love you all and thanks for reading!
