One by One

Written by: Adventure-Seeking-Juliet

When: While listening to wonderful music by an assortment of my favorite artists.

Disclaimer: Ownership of Once Upon a Time and Rumbelle does not belong to me.

A/N Much thanks to TheEvilQueen, Anna andrews, MysticDandellion, and moments spent elsewhere for your wonderful reviews! I'm continuing this story for you four, so I hope you continue to enjoy it!

Chapter Two~

" You're doing wonderfully, Belle," Regina said," You just need to use more emotion. Intent is everything when it comes to magic."

Belle was glowering at her tiny hands in frustration. She had been attempting to conjure a flame for hours, and she hadn't even managed a spark.

"What does that even mean? My intent is to conjure a flame," Belle replied, unable to hide her annoyance.

Regina shook her head," No. Your intent cannot merely be to conjure a flame. Your intent is what your going to do with that flame. Your intent is what made you conjure this flame...your intent is the emotion behind why you're doing what you're doing."

Belle nodded," intent is Rumpelstiltskin?"

The dim light from Regina's own flame cast her smiling face in an eerie glow," Yes. Your intent is the emotion you feel when you think of the beast. When you think about what he has done to you...and what you'd like to do to him."

Belle bit her lip," I-I still feel love for him. I still love him. I'm still in love with him, but-"

"But?" Regina asked, sharply.

"But," Belle said again, this time with more confidence," But I also hate what he has done...I want to kiss him, but I also want to hurt him."

"Ahh, then your intent is perfect, Belle! All you have to do is think those thoughts. Love and Hate are the strongest feelings any being can feel."

Belle closed her eyes and did as Regina had said. She thought about the flame...and its warmth, like the warmth of Rumpelstiltskin's lips on hers. Then she thought of the burn, like when she discovered he was her captor, when he kicked her out, when he had been too afraid to love her...

Suddenly, Regina was laughing. It was a harsh sound, causing Belle's eyes to jump open.

And there, in her cupped palm, was a tiny little ball of fire.

It was much smaller and dimmer than Regina's flame, but Belle was still proud of her little creation.

Regina smiled at her friend and stood to leave," Don't forget, intent is everything. I'll see you again tomorrow night, Belle."

Belle didn't even look up from her flame," Yes, it is."

She gently picked up the new rose Regina had brought to her, and set it up next to her flame.

Then, slowly, she placed the blooming flower in the fire.

She watched it burn until there was nothing left but ash.

Belle was free.

For the first time in years, the sun was touching her skin...and it burned.

But, she was free. Regina had released her the day before, and promised her she could stay in her home.

Belle wanted to do nothing more than spin around in the streets and scream and shout about how happy she was, but instead, she settled with walking to Mr. Gold's pawn shop.

Regina had told her who he really was. Her captor- in this world and the last.

Belle wasn't sure what she wanted to do. She just wanted to hurt him. It was all she had ever wanted, wasn't it?

Today, the only weapons she had were words, but she would use them to the best of her ability.

When she entered the dingy little shop, a tiny bell twinkled above the door, alerting him to her arrival.

Rumpelstiltskin turned to her," What can I do for you-"

He stopped talking as soon as he saw her face.

Belle couldn't say anything. His face was so different human. He looked like the man she had seen after their uncompleted kiss.

"Belle?" His voice was a harsh whisper, and there was a thud as his cane hit the floor.

"That would be me." Her voice was quiet, but still effective.

"But-you're dead. The Queen said you were dead-"

"Don't act so surprised to see me, Rumpel. I know you're the one who locked me up."

"What are you-" Mr. Gold seemed genuinely confused by Belle's words, but she did not stop to explain.

"Shut up. Don't even try to lie to me. You locked me up...and tortured me...and..." Her voice stared to break.

Rumpelstiltskin moved around the counter, and pulled her into his arms.

For a second, Belle was frozen there. It felt so right. His arms felt felt like home.

But only for a second.

She yanked herself free from his grasp," You locked me up, and I'm not going to let you do it again. Ever."

He reached out to her again, but Belle was already retreating out the door. She would have to find another way to hurt him. Words weren't good enough.

A/N I hope you enjoyed it! Please, review? Please? If you know what I mean.

If you would like to prompt me, please private message me your prompt or leave it in a review! I'll take anything from summaries, to songs, to pictures, to short phrases.