Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or any of the characters in it.

A/N: So this story just popped into my head the other day and I don't have much else to say about it except that it takes place during season 1 before 'Partners'.

It was strange to Jack being picked up from school by Bumblebee instead of Arcee. It was also rather awkward considering the fact that Jack could not, and probably never would be able to, understand the scout's method of communication. It wouldn't have been much of an issue if Raf had been there to translate, but unfortunately for the two of them, Raf was out of town with his family, leaving an uncomfortable silence between the human and Autobot.

"So Arcee's out on a scouting mission?" Jack asked to break the silence.

Bumblebee gave a small beep as a reply, which Jack took to mean "yes". After that the silence returned and Jack found himself looking out the window. It was almost summer and that meant that school would be out soon. Jack was looking forward to being out of school. More time to spend with the Autobots and there was a smaller chance of running into Vince for a few months. He knew that while he wasn't the only one looking forward to summer vacation, there was one person in particular that was dreading it. And that person was Miko. Once summer arrived and school let out, Miko would have to go back to Japan until school started again and she could try to transfer back to Jasper. As much trouble as she could get them into, Jack still felt bad for her. Of course he should probably feel worse for Ratchet. Miko had been driving the medic crazy the past few days trying to convince him to GroundBridge her back during the summer so she could still hang out.

The sudden slamming of Bumblebee's brakes brought Jack out of his thoughts.

"Uh 'Bee, what's going on?" as soon as the words left his mouth Jack mentally slapped himself. It wasn't like Bumblebee would be able to tell him why they had stopped in the middle of the road.

Bumblebee opened up the door for Jack to get out. The teen wasted no time in getting out and as soon as he did a sick feeling washed over him as he saw what had stopped the scout. A spider web was wrapped around one of his back tires and Jack had seen a similar web before. A similar web had trapped Arcee and then later himself once and another time had held his mom captive. And then to confirm his suspicions the sound of an approaching helicopter, only drowned out momentarily by the sound of Bumblebee transforming, filled the air.

"Well what do we have here? It appears my trap didn't catch the Autobot I was hoping for," Airachnid said as she transformed and landed in front of the Autobot and human. Glancing down at Jack she added, "But I think I can make do with what I caught instead."

Bumblebee stepped in front of Jack, blocking Airachnid from snatching the human. He frantically looked around for somewhere that Jack could hide, but they were in a completely open area with only a desert and deserted road around surrounding them. Immediately he alerted the base for backup. But until that backup arrived though he was going to have to deal with Airachnid on his own. He remembered when he and Cliffjumper had rescued Arcee from the Decepticon back on Cybertron. It hadn't been much of a fight, she had run off as soon as he had started shooting, but he had heard from Arcee that the Airachnid was sneaky and used deadly tactics.

"If you want him, you're going to have to go through me," Bumblebee beeped out.

"If you insist," Airachnid quickly shot out a web that wrapped itself around the scout's body before he could even react – knocking him to the ground behind Jack.


"Jack, run!" Even though the teen couldn't understand him, Bumblebee hoped that he would get the message while he tried to get out of Airachnid's web. If he let Airachnid get Jack, Arcee would kill him.

Jack tried to run away, but Airachnid was faster. Jack had only got a few feet away before she shot out a web that knocked him down onto the ground face first. He was dazed for a moment before becoming aware of the stinging on his face and the blood coming from his nose – no doubt he had broken it when he fell. Airachnid picked him up a second later with a sadistic smirk on her face.

"Don't worry Jack we're going to have a fun time together." Jack fixed the Decepticon with a glare which only resulted in her laughing before turning her attention to Bumblebee. "Now what should I do with you? You're hardly necessary for me to get Arcee, but the Autobots wouldn't want anything to happen to their precious scout now would they? I don't need any other Autobots getting in my way, so you're going to come with me as well."

Arcee glared at the spot where Bumblebee and Jack had last been, or more like glared at the small piece of Airachnid's web that lingered there on the ground. Bumblebee and Jack were just kids, and now that sadist had them. And who knew what she was going to do to them? Jack was her partner and Bumblebee was… no Airachnid didn't know about that, and if Arcee had her way she never would. A little further up the road was a few drops of dried blood. And she had a sick feeling that it was Jack's.

"Ratchet can you locate Bumblebee's position?" Optimus Prime's voice brought Arcee out of her thoughts.

"No," the medic shook his head. "His signal is being blocked."

"He's still alive," Arcee suddenly spoke. "Both of them are alive. I would know if they weren't."

And if was true. If Airachnid had killed Jack, she would be gloating to her at that very moment. The fact that she wasn't meant that the human still had to be alive. And she knew in her spark that Bumblebee was still alive. He had to be.

"You sure 'Cee?" Bulkhead asked.

Arcee did not hesitate when she answered, "Yes."

She gave one last look to the piece of web.

If you've hurt either one of them Airachnid, I will kill you.