Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi

I'm going to be doing a huge time skip because I'm done writing this story.

Degrassi Graduation

I was sitting in my blue gown for my graduation ceremony. I was sitting next to Drew since he stayed back because he didn't have enough credits. On the other side of me I was sitting next to Jenna.

"I can't believe this year is over. It went by so fast." I said.

"Yeah and I cant believe that we are leaving the school that helped us all out in our own way." Jenna said. Clare and Becky were giving their speech. Then it was time to get our diplomas.

"Jenna Middleton." Principal Simpson said. "Adam Torres." He said. I walked across the stage and went to shake his hand and took my diploma in the other hand. When everyone name was called we moved our tassels. We all cheered that everything and waking up to school early. When everything was done I walked over to my parents, Bianca and Tori.

"My boys graduated." My mom said giving us a hug.

"You guys did great." Dad said giving us a hug also.

"Thanks." We said in unison. I walked over to Tori and gave her a hug I bend over to give her a kiss on her lips. I saw a flash and we pulled away. "MOM!" I said.

"Sorry but that was a perfect picture of you two." My mom said.

"So Torres do you think we can get a picture of all of us." Clare asked. Walking over with Becky, Jenna, Alli, Dave, and Eli because he came back.

"Of course." First we all took a picture including tori, Bianca, and Drew. Then a picture with the graduated and a picture with Clare and Eli. After that picture Tori and I had a picture then Tori, Bianca and Drew were in a picture. We did a family picture. We all went to my house to change out of our nice cloths. Tori was in my room sitting on my bed.

"Adam." Tori said.

"Yeah." I said.

"You never told me where your going for college next year." She said looking down at her hands.

"I'm going to a community college here so I can be with you." I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Of course I wouldn't want to leave you." I said smiling.

"Adam you are the best boyfriend a girl can ever ask for." She said smiling as she came closer to kiss me. We went out to dinner to celebrate when that was over I dropped Tori off at home since she has school in the morning. When I got home I went straight to my room and lay on my bed to think about the fun events that happened my senior year.

Everything was perfect with Tori and I. we barely argued unless somebody was trying to get in between us again but we always came out on top. Degrassi's Soccer team were runner-up in state finals. Clare and I came up with great ideas for fun activities and everything worked out perfectly. This school year was one of the best but now it's time to bring this high school adventure to an end because these are my true feelings about Victoria Santamaria.

Hope you enjoy!

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