Blue: That sucks.

Me: IKR! Anyway I don't own PokéSpe or Pokémon in any way T^T I wish I did though... AND BE WARNED RED-FANS, RED IS GOING TO BE IMMATURE IN HERE NOT TO THE EXTREME BUT IMMATURE! *shot by red-fans*

[Pokémon Center] [Pewter City] [3:37 AM]

Bright blue eyes opened, paused, before yawning. Blue sat up on the side of her bed, before (attempting) to straighten the black mini-dress. It still fit her, but she only used it as pajamas now for some reason. Blue stretched, before taking off her mini-dress and stuffing it in her worn-out beige bag. Blue took out Ditty's Pokéball, and grabbed the gold-plated key and stuffed them both in the side-pocket. (Ditty has to memorize the 'texture' of the item in this story) Blue went to the polished, dark oak closet and swung open the two doors. Blue grabbed her usual clothes, a blue tank-top, a red mini-skirt, blue socks, striped running-shoes, and a hat. Blue put them on, before grabbing the beige bag and swung it over her shoulder, and out the door. Blue walked into the main room of the Pokémon Center, put Ditty on the counter (as the key), before going out the sliding doors, the warm sun rays greeting her. Blue walked to the side of the building, the long, soft grass tickling her legs. Blue spotted the thing she was looking for, a high window that was open, Blue whistled and Ditty almost immediately appeared. Blue took out Ditty's Pokéball, before returning the little purple Pokémon. She put Ditty back in her bag, before going to the local PokéMart and bought a gift, she got it wrapped-up and put a red ribbon on the top, putting a tag on the present before stuffing the present in the bag, paid a few PokéDollars before walking down the route to Pallet Town. It was apparently one of the DexHolders' birthday, specifically Red's. All the DexHolders were going to be there, and Blue had just a plan to make them all happier than ever...

[Red's Birthday Party] [Pallet Town] [4:30 PM]

Blue acted all innocent and smiley throughout the party, while thinking out her plan. Blue ignored the nagging sensation to rub her temples, she could swear her brain was hyperventilating. She couldn't come up with a perfect plan, because all of the DexHolders' have their own list of surprises. She could have a back-up plan, but then again something else might happen and then she'd have to have a long list of back-up plans. Blue sighed inwardly, before enjoying the party a little... Everyone seemed to be enjoying the party, even Green and Silver seemed a little happier than their usual state. Confetti was thrown over everyone at some point, but it only lightened the mood. Apparently, Blue has been thinking longer than she had expected, because it was time to open the gifts. Blue stacked her gift by the other 11 ones. Red seemed just like a little boy, ecstatic to see what he got. Blue got him a new, folding shiny red bike.

[Pokémon Center] [Pewter City] [9:52 PM]

Blue sat on the bed, planning again. She sighed as nothing came to mind, before she plopped onto her bed, turned off the dim nightlight and pulling the clean, plain white sheets over and falling into a deep, dreamless sleep. Blue woke up, yawned, and stood up, stretching and popping a few bones before looking at the clock beside her bed. 2:47, Blue dug around in her bag a little before bringing out an old, faded dark mahogany brush and went to the bathroom, taking off her crumpled mini-dress and and taking a warm shower. Blue emerged from behind the curtain, wrapped in a towel and grabbed the handle of the mahogany brush before brushing her long, brown locks. Blue went back to her bag, taking out a toothbrush, and walked back in the bathroom. Blue brushed her teeth, before using the mouthwash by the sink. Blue flashed a grin, her white teeth sparkling. "Perfect." She said before changing into her usual clothes and putting the towel back on the hanger. Blue grabbed her bag, before opening the window, and looked outside, making sure no-one would see her. Blue went out, it was uncomfortable but at least you won't get caught by Chansey coming out of a random room and not paying for it. (You have to pay for a room here)

[Town Square] [Pallet Town] [3:00 AM]

Blue ran to Pallet Town, taking a moment to look around, Pallet Town had grown to a more modern town, before thinking of who should she hook up first? It'd be way fun! (Basically barging into their houses and looking through their stuff) Sure, it's like an invasion of privacy, but, oh well. Blue decided to go to Yellow's and Silver's first, they'd have about 8% chance of being with their loved one. Blue let Ditty out, and they went to Yellow's house, the one as close to the forest as possible. Blue opened the painted white gate, Yellow hadn't bothered locking it. Ditty morphed into Yellow's key (Blue stole it one time) and Blue opened the slowly, this door creaked every time it opened... Every. Single. Time. Kind-of like in some horror movie when you open a haunted house's door. Creepy. Blue tiptoed over to Yellow's room, but the wooden floor creaked with every step. Blue hissed quietly at the floor, it could give her away. Yellow could wake up at the sound of a hat dropping. Blue looked in the drawers, under a few pillows Yellow's head wasn't on, before she looked under the bed. Cliché place to hide your crush's stuff, but oh well. Blue ran her fingers over the picture, before pulling it from there. Blue was examined the face.

Me: Not really a cliffhanger since my reviewers already saw that, but, oh well. if you're new, please review! :) This is new and improved~