AN: I decided to change the classic first-person, present tense to third person past tense, simply because I'm better at writing that…
AN(2): I have a bad memory so if I write something that contradicts something in the books, IT'S NOT MY FAULT! Blame my memory, I haven't read it for a while
AN(3): I know this chapter is short, I Just want to see how good you guys think it is before I actually put a commitment into writing it.
Chapter 1
Snow was dead. Paylor took over as ruler of Panem. All is at peace… for now. But, little did the public know that Snow was never the one behind the Hunger Games, although he could have easily come up with it, he could never have put his plan into action without help… but who could be helping him…?
Katniss sighed as she sat down on a nearby rock; she had been hunting for hours. She knew that she didn't need to anymore, but still she needed a source of entertainment.
"Old habits die hard, huh Catnip?" said Gale coming out from behind a tree
"How did you know I would be here?" Katniss asked back, clearly annoyed. "I didn't tell anyone, and I was sure to leave in the middle of the night!"
"Almost no one…"
"Peeta told you?"
"Relax! I was just kidding! I couldn't sleep and I saw you leaving for the woods."
They sat in silence for what seemed like forever, until Gale broke the silence.
"You really told Peeta, but not me?"
Katniss found this question hard to answer as Gale was essentially questioning their friendship, but she eventually found an acceptable response.
"well… yes, but it's not because I don't trust you that I didn't tell you… the truth is, Peeta caught me leaving the house and so I was forced to tell him…"
"Well, why didn't you just say so? Find any good game?"
More silence, only this silence lasted longer. This silence wasn't broken by Gale. This silence was broken by a loud Alarm coming from District 12.