Its been a long... LLLLLOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time since I posted. I have bad news and possible good news. The bad news first... I'm sorry but I won't be working on this anytime soon because of alot of issues at home and with my family. Im no longer in the mindset of Ava and I'm beyond sorry. I do plan in the future to continue this but heres where we bring the possible good... If you guys want, if enough people comment... I could work on the sequel which suits more to my writing. It would start after the trip in Texas, and obviously the prologue would explain what happened in Texas with Godric and all that fun. I have a nice spin already began. I like it because it pulls the parts of my recent relationships. xD anyways comment if you guys want that, because this one has played its part in this time. I mean, I love Ava, because every time I write I put a small aspect of myself to make my writing feel more... emotional. Thats how I write. 3 I love you guys and please comment if you want the sequel. I already had a chapter written up :3 Love yah and TTFN