Title: Just married

Rating: M

Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya

Warning: Yaoi. OOCness.

Disclaimer: Yes, I own all of them. In my perverted dreams.

A/N: Miai is a Japanese traditional custom where two people are introduced to each other to consider possibility of marriage (thank you, wikipedia). I have absolutely no idea what the equivalent word in English is, so I guess we'll just have to settle with that one orz.

Chapter I

It was exactly 9:45 am when a fridge came flying out of the Heiwajima mansion's window.

Much less to say, innocent people who were just innocently passing by at the time didn't appreciate the event very well. They were shocked. They were silent. And then they started panicking. Was that a fridge? Yes, that was a fridge, their frantic whispers started to pile up in the air like water bubbles in a boiling pot, enthusiastically signaling that the flying object would very soon become the central of all Ikebukuro women's gossip circles.

Gossips were never good.

And so Tanaka Tom, the dutiful butler, calmly decided that it was time to demand a raise in his already horribly high salary because he would have to fix the luxurious labyrinth of roses for the fifteenth time that month.

Kyouhei Kadota let out a wistful sigh, having already known that it would be wise to keep his mouth shut for the time being and just carry on with his tasks like a faithful servant probably should.

"…Ne Yumacchi, do you think that that fridge was a sign of God? Maybe we're about to be conquered by the Holy Britannian Empire! Or human beings are about to evolve into…" Right next to him, Karisawa Erika twitched with excitement as she grabbed her favorite partner's hands, before both of them happily skipped towards the horizon.

Over all, it was pretty much a peaceful morning.

…Except for the fact that Heiwajima Shizuo was pissed.

It was only 9:45 in the morning, and he was pissed.

Honestly, it was not like the he didn't know how to control his anger. In fact, he had been doing quite a good job of keeping his emotion meter in check for the last few days (he hadn't been paying those anger management classes for nothing after all). It was not until this morning when he stepped into the kitchen, ready for breakfast that Shizuo came to a brilliant decision that his self-control could just go and fuck itself.

For a while, the second son of the Heiwajima family just stood there, eyes burning vicious holes into the wooden surface of the kitchen table.

Mom and Dad arranged a miai. Don't wanna go. You go instead.

Your beloved brother,


P/s: Don't glare. You know my heart's fragile.

The note smirked at him, and Shizuo twitched.

In a far corner of the room, Dokusonmaru idly licked his paw, before the feline gracefully danced away, just in time to dodge a chair being thrown violently at its direction.

Oh yes, it was pretty much a very peaceful morning.


The car screeched to a halt.

Shizuo glanced at his watch before internally damning his twin seven ways to hell and back. That fucking Delic should at least have the decency to leave him the address of the hotel where that miai was going to be. The bastard knew damn well that their father, being the CEO of the one of the biggest corporations in Japan, was not really that patient when it came to punctuality.

On second thought, maybe Delic was just fond of making Shizuo's life miserable.

The younger Heiwajima didn't even remember when this whole disaster had begun. Perhaps it was far back when they were still innocent little children, when his older brother broke grandma's precious vase and told everyone that Shizuo was the culprit. Or perhaps it was back in high school when Delic shamelessly flirted with the girl Shizuo had a crush on before dumping her mercilessly on Valentine's Day. Or perhaps it was when their father finally announced that his elder son had been chosen to be the heir of the Heiwajima Corporation, and that from then on, Delic should be dragged to omiais every other day so that he could choose for himself a fitting bride.

His older brother hated omiais, and Shizuo sure as hell didn't like them either.

Because most of the times Delic had to go, he would be forced to take his twin's place instead. The smooth bastard would somehow always find a way to either bribe or threaten Shizuo into being his replacement, and to the younger Heiwajima's surprise (and anger), their parents had bought it every single time.

Golden eyes narrowed behind magenta lenses.

Fucking Delic, he cursed once more as his fingers tangled into blond hair, trying to make it less messy while he walked a little faster towards the restaurant.

The automatic door opened with a soft clicking sound.

Shizuo flicked his phone open. Now which floor was it aga-

The blond almost dropped the device as his shoulders bumped hard into something soft. He hastily lifted his head up, a bit worried as he knew that the accursed strength that he was born with might have already caused damage to the unsuspecting victim. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Not at all, sir, it was partly my fault anyway." He blinked as a silky voice reached his ears.

"Are you okay?"

"…Ah? I'm fine, thank you." The Heiwajima responded, blushing slightly as he realized that he had been staring. But hey, it was not every day that you get to see such a deep red eye color. The man still looked Japanese nonetheless, with a bit of a skinny body and black hair that complimented his pale complexion.

"You seem to be looking for something, sir?" It was when the stranger spoke up again that Shizuo noticed the uniform he was wearing.

So he's a waiter…

Somehow, Shizuo had an odd feeling that the raven didn't look like one.

"Yeah" He smiled nervously, pushing the thought to the back of his head. "I'm looking for this room…"

"Oh? You're Heiwajima-san, I suppose? Please follow me."

The blond smiled slightly as he complied, suddenly finding his mood a bit brightened.


…And now he was bored again.

Really, really bored.

That woman had been talking non-stop for the last two hours.

Apparently she was a doctor. Or something. And Shizuo sincerely couldn't care less about her startling discovery in the treatment of that ago-something-phobia.

"-and this is really important because two third of the population who have agoraphobia are women-"

He wanted to bang his head onto something.

Fucking Delic.

He was really going to strangle the bastard when he saw him again.

"My, my, Harima-san, you're really a person that can make us women proud, aren't you?" His mother gracefully brought a hand to her mouth, a smile dawned on her lips as she complimented the pink-haired woman.

Funny, how she can talk as if she understands anything.

"Delic, how about talking Harima-san out for a little walk?" Oh, right, here it comes. "We adults have something to discuss here, so you two just take your time."

The blond almost rolled his eyes. Almost.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me then, Harima-san?" he smiled, trying to imitate his twin's charming attitude as best as he could. Hurry up so that I can turn you down, go home, and let Delic deal with the consequences.

The woman giggled.

Shizuo had the urge to return to his car and drive home immediately.

They exited the room in uncomfortable silence. Or it was uncomfortable for the younger Heiwajima at least, for he knew his beloved (albeit a bit unusual) mother had planned at least three years ahead and was now probably discussing about where they should build the baby's room. Sometimes the blond did wonder why his father had never attempted to stop his wife from overdoing everything, despite being the rational businessman that he was.

Shizuo sighed.

He really, really hated this job.

Fucking Delic.

The blond was suddenly pulled from his stream of thought as he found himself being pinned against the wall.

Wait, what?

…Shouldn't he be the one doing all the pinning? He was the guy here, after all.

Wait, fuck, that wasn't even his problem at the moment.

"H-Harima-san…" Shizuo massaged his forehead, trying to think of a way out. He couldn't just push her away with that monstrous strength of his.

"I've been waiting for you, Delic."

No honorifics? Excuse me, miss, but are we at that phase already?

"I'm so happy to see you again." The pink-haired woman chirped, cheerfully threading her fingers into his hair. The younger Heiwajima almost flinched when she smiled lovingly at him. "I just can't forget the other night…"

Oh. Oh.

So she was one of those one-night stands.

He wanted to break something. Anything. Preferably his older brother's head. The sex maniac had definitely known this from the beginning, and now he was leaving his poor little brother to deal with the disaster.

Shizuo hated his life.

Harima-san leaned in a bit closer.

No. He had to do something. Anything. Had to get himself out of this mess before God did.

"…Sir, I think this belongs to you."


Two heads turned to look at the raven simultaneously. As if not knowing what he had just interrupted, the man smiled gracefully before handing out a small, yet beautiful pen. "I think you dropped it when we bumped into each other earlier, Heiwajima-san."

Golden eyes blinked.

And blinked.

And blinked.

Before something clicked inside his head, and Shizuo reached out to grab the waiter's arm, pulling the shorter man towards him.

He was going to be damned to Hell. But so was his bastard of a brother.

"Harima-san," A smile. "I'm gay. And this is my boyfriend."


It all sounded like a cosmic joke. Or a sick comedy. But that was how it happened.

Shizuo cringed when a high-pitched scream penetrated through the air, threatening to either break his eardrums completely or at least give him hearing problemsfor the entire month afterwards. Harima Mika started to sob, sob, sob before turning on her heels and running dramatically towards the room they had just walked out of. The blond waited until her small silhouette disappeared completely from his sight, before letting out a heavy sigh and looking down on the still stunned waiter in his arm.

Ruby orbs blinked at him with an unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this" The blond scratched his head, sighing for the nth time that day. "Look, I will… make it up to you. Just… keep this a secret, okay?"

No response.

"Excuse me, uhm…"

"…Izaya." A moment of silent, and then he almost jumped when the raven suddenly spoke up.

"My name's Orihara Izaya."

"Orihara-san" He acknowledged. "Please don't tell anyone about what happened today."

A nod.

"Thank you very much." He smiled slightly, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. "Here… let me…"

A hand held him back.

"I don't need you to "make it up", Heiwajima-san. You have my promise not totell." Izaya tilted his head to the side, amusement evident in his voice. "Good luck."

The younger Heiwajima batted his eyelashes, and then a small smile graced his lips. "Thank you then. I have to go now… Orihara-san." Shizuo whispered.

He really is a nice man…

The blond turned on his heels and walked away, not realizing that a small blush had found its way onto his cheeks.


"Well… I just left you for a second and that was what you got yourself into? Amazing, Izaya-kun."

The raven chuckled softly as an arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulders. He didn't even need to turn around to know who that annoyingly cheerful voice belonged to. "Thought you had work to do?"

"Yep. Luckily I returned in time." A pause. "So… what are you going to do now?" Kishitani Shinra snickered, his glasses shone mischievously as he glanced at the other man. "This is getting interesting ne… boss?"

Re-adjusting his tie, Orihara Izaya felt the corner of his mouth twitch, before an eerie smirk crept onto his face.

"We'll see~"
