'You smell like guilt,' Rose said sniffing Lorcan. 'And sex. What did you do? And why didn't you shower?'

'I'll shower after breakfast Rose,' Lorcan grumbled.

'Didn't answer my initial question. Maybe I should be asking, "Who did you do?" instead,' she said.

'Can we please not talk about it,' he groaned. He stuffed toast in his mouth and just looked generally unhappy.

We were all nursing awful hangovers and feeling like absolute crap so we didn't press him.

'Why do you lot look like shit?' an amused voice asked from behind us. 'I'm the one with the broken back.'

'Hey you're out,' I said happily.

'Apparently it wasn't as bad as everyone thought. Pomfrey made me take some disgusting potion and she said I'd be as good as new in ten days. Which gives me a week before the next Quidditch match. We're going to flatten you,' he said to me.

'Please Scor hasn't missed a catch all season,' I scoffed. 'The cup is finally ours.'

'You lost to us,' Lorcan said.

'Yeah but Scor wasn't playing. And if you don't beat Hufflepuff then we'll win the cup no problem,' I said, sounding far more confident than I actually felt.

'Like we'll lose to Hufflepuff,' Lorcan said. 'They haven't won a single match all season.'

'Okay shut up all of you,' Rose said, annoyed. 'Enough Quidditch talk it's boring and fairly painful. Especially this early in the morning.'

'Rose it's ten thirty,' Al said amused.

'I went to bed at five,' Rose said glaring at him.

'Well who told you to stay up late?' he asked biting into an apple.

'Well I wouldn't say told exactly,' Rose said, smirking a little. 'More like persuaded. Quite successfully I might add.'

'Don't want to hear about your sexcapades Rose,' Al said covering his ears.

'Whatever,' she said rolling her eyes. 'I'm not the one you should be worrying about. Lorcan had sex with someone he shouldn't have-told you I can smell the guilt Lorcan-and he isn't telling us about it.'

'Ro-se,' Lorcan whined. 'Don't be annoying.'

'I'm sorry,' Scorpius said suddenly. He had been pretty quiet the whole time.

'So you really love her?' Al asked his face unreadable.

'So much,' Scorpius said. 'It scares me.'

'Ria said that I shouldn't give you a hard time because you care about her but it's so difficult,' Al said. 'It's so difficult because I've seen the girls you've screwed around with and I know that if I was one of their brothers I would've killed you by now.'

'I know,' Scorpius said.

'And even if it does work out with you and Lily it has to end at some point right?' he asked. 'I mean it's not like you're going to be together forever.'

Scorpius just shifted uncomfortably.

'Wait,' Al said catching the slight shift in Scorpius's attitude. 'Do you want to be with her forever?'

Scorpius still didn't say anything. I could feel his awkwardness from three seats down.

Al groaned. 'You really do love her don't you?' he asked. 'Like proper love.'

'I think so,' Scor said.

'This is so much worse,' Al muttered almost to himself.

'I'm never going to hurt her,' Scorpius said.

'I suppose it's okay,' Al said slowly. Like he was saying something extremely unpleasant.

Scorpius's face lit up like a Christmas tree. 'What?' he asked, as if unable to believe what he was hearing.

'I suppose it's okay for you to date my sister,' he said. 'But can you please keep the snogging to a minimum?'

Scorpius didn't let him finish his sentence, he had already jumped up and bounded across the hall where he literally scooped Lily up and kissed her right in front of everyone.

'Obviously didn't hear a thing you said about keeping snogging to a minimum,' Lorcan sniggered recovering his good spirits slightly.

'Disgusting,' Rose said. 'Now they don't have to hide it they'll be going at it all over the place. It was bad enough at the Burrow.'

'What?' Al asked. 'Burrow?'

'Yes Albus,' Rose said. 'You were basically the only person who didn't notice that they were on the verge of tearing each other's clothes off for most of Christmas break.'

'I was-'

'Preoccupied,' Rose said snarkily, but I could see a hint of a smile in her face. 'Don't worry. I understand.'

'You do?' Al asked, faintly astonished.

'I mean you were in love and you were all distracted. It's not like it doesn't make me want to hurl but I get it. It's okay,' she said.

Al continued eating his apple but I could see his face brightening a bit. One thing that had really upset him was Rose's utter disdain for Ria. And now it looked like she was coming around.

'How about we go get a hangover cure from the house-elves and Lorcan can tell us about the girl he hooked up with last night,' Rose said. 'After he takes a shower.'

'Merlin Rose you're worse than my mother,' Lorcan muttered.

I grinned at my friends. Everything was alright. Well as right as things could be.

a/n: So I'm not completely satisfied with the end but since I'm going to be putting up a sequel fairly soon I guess it's okay. So There are a bunch of loose ends I still haven't tied up like Al and James's relationship, Rose's problems with her mother, Lorcan's disastrous love life and a bunch of others. I would like to say it's all going to be addressed in the next installment but it might actually not happen. Anyway so there are probably going to be two more stories. I'm going to put up the first chapter of my next story which primarily deals with Maya and Fred Weasley II. It's going to be called Butterflies And Hurricanes. I'll put up one chapter every day if I feel like people like it. I tend to get a little disheartened if I don't get any reviews. I also started writing another Sirius/OC story based on Pride And Prejudice so if that's your cup of tea please go check it out.

Anyway I wanted to thank all my reviewers especially Stromsen, duckiexx, Pebbles872 and so many others.

Much love

PS:I sorta wanted at least fifty reviews for this story so if you can get me to that number I'll love you for life :)