I LIVE… well sort of. Finals ended and I have been freed for like a month. So maybe I will actually stay on top of stuff like these fics… I am trying to do some original writing so I don't know. Also, reading through my old fics I've realized how terrible I am with spelling and typing my words and I am using this as an official apology. Sorry I suck

The two broke out into the fresh air and away from the crowd. They smiled at each other and walked over to the railing of the balcony. Korra looked over at Mako, wondering what he wanted to talk to her about. She waited for him to start the conversation. Mako shuffled his feet and looked up at the moon. Korra looked around for something to fill the silence. It was mildly awkward. Korra cleared her throat. "You know…" she said slowly. He looked over at her. She stopped her sentence and forgot where she was going with it. There was something in his expression that she just wasn't used to, something that threw her a bit off balance.

"Yes?" he asked. There was a small smile on his face.

" Um… Did you know that I know the moon?" She smiled at his confused expression. Inwardly she was kicking herself. Who says something like that? He is going to go back inside and tell Iroh and then he will never let it go. As long as he lives he will never let this conversation go and then they will both laugh at it together forever. Korra's thoughts sped on like this, despite her knowing that Iroh and Mako had only just met.

But Mako didn't laugh. He just shook his head and smiled. "I actually had no idea that you knew the moon."

Korra smiled and looked down at her hands. "Apparently she and Aang were really good friends. So I guess you could say we're on first name basis," she laughed and then rubbed the base of her neck. The conversation sort of died away. She wondered what other silly little fact she could draw up to keep them talking. She wondered why she was so bad at talking whenever they were alone together.

Then suddenly he took a deep breath and grabbed her hand. She stared at their joined hands in mild confusion Mako smiled at her. "Korra…" he said slowly.

Before she could say anything about it Mako blurted out, "I love you." If she had been drinking anything she would have spit it out. She started to splutter as she tried to wrap her brain around what just happened. "I know… that you have a lot of better options out there than me… but if you could… maybe…" Korra couldn't wrap her mind around what was happening. Sure, she and he had just danced and it had been amazing, but she could have sworn that it was only her heart that had been racing four million miles an hour.

She didn't say anything. Mako took his hand off of hers and started to pull away. "I'm sorry…" He wanted to jump off of the balcony. He should have known that it was only him who felt what he felt during their dance.

Korra spun around after him. "Wait!" She grabbed his wrist and spun her back around to meet her. He turned around and knocked into her, sending them towards the railing of the balcony. Korra felt the rails press into her waist as Mako stood directly in front of her. For a second, all stood still. Then Korra reached up and brushed her finger across his cheek. His eyes widened in shock and he began blushing furiously. "I… I kinda love you too," she whispered.

She slowly lifted herself up on her toes to meet him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him. Mako was frozen in shock for a moment. Then he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer even closer to him and kissed her back. One of his hands remained around her waist while the other slowly moved up her back to her neck. He slowly traced his thumb over the base of her neck while she pressed her body closer to his. After a few seconds of this he pulled his mouth away and rested his forehead on hers.

Their eyes met and they both let out a nervous laugh. She fingered his collar as he cradled her in his arms. "Well…" she said after a moment. "Hmm?" he asked. He didn't take his eyes off of hers. "I guess this ball wasn't the biggest waste of time there is." He laughed and pulled her in for a hug.

She buried her face into his shoulder. "Korra, how long before they start to miss you?" She smirked and pulled back so she could face him. "I would say we've got a good fifteen minutes." He cupped her face in his hands smiled.