This is completely AU: a Charming family story. This will probably end up being a series of fluffy one-shots :) 'Cause that's all I need right now: pure fluff. But that's the plan for now; I'm not sure how this will turn out but let's experiment.

I can't help it. I love this family way too much for my own good.

This first chapter was inspired by Chapter 14 of my other story "Sorry and Forgiveness"

He held his newborn daughter in his arms. She was perfect; the most beautiful baby he had ever seen. Her cheeks were flushed pink, her skin was softer than silk, and her eyes…her eyes matched the color of his beautiful wife's.

"Hi baby," James cooed, "I'm your daddy." He glanced over at his wife, looking so angelic as she slept. She had been nursing Emma for the first time and didn't want to let her baby go until she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open any longer.

Emma peered back at her father with wide green eyes, tiny fingers clawing up for his. He smiled as he allowed her to try to wrap her fist around his index finger. "You're a strong one, you are," he cooed lovingly. "Just like your mother." He laughed as Emma continued to tightly coil her fingers around his own. "I love you, Emma," he continued to tell her. He was completely struck with wonderment at the bundle of life and joy that rested snugly in the nook of his arm.

Emma opened her mouth at him. He leaned in to nuzzle his nose against hers. "Huh? What's that? What are you trying to tell Daddy, huh?" Emma started to gurgle her spit and James let out a soft laugh as he reached over his wife's shoulder for a handkerchief on the night bureau. He smiled as he dabbed at her mouth gently. "You're a messy one too, aren't you?" He kissed her forehead. "Aren't you?" he repeated his baby talk.

Emma just continued to stare at her father until her tiny eyelids began drooping. James bounced his arms lightly, rocking her. "Sleep baby girl. The world will still be here to welcome you when you wake up, my love." She opened her eyes halfway to look at him once more before letting them close completely, falling into her first slumber.

James caressed her head and slowly repositioned himself on the bed so that he was lying on his back, with his baby daughter snuggled into his chest, wrapped in her knitted baby blanket. He let out a content sigh as he watched his two girls sleeping peacefully close to him. With his free hand, he reached over to sweep a loose tendril of his wife's hair into place behind her ear.

He cradled his baby protectively and dared not fall asleep himself, afraid that he would accidentally roll over if he did. So he just continued to stare at his daughter blissfully, patting her back as he listened to her tranquil sighs, feeling the comfort of her tiny chest heaving against his own. He could only wonder what first dreams she would experience.

Snow opened her eyes and looked up to see her husband lost in a trance as he gazed in complete awe and admiration at their daughter. She smiled at the beautiful image and silently reached her hand out to stroke her baby's cheek. James looked over at her with a grin and gently leaned over to kiss her full on the lips, their sleeping daughter tucked securely between them. Snow brought her hand up to brush across the scar on his jaw.

"How are you feeling?" he asked when they finally pulled apart.

"Perfect," she beamed, refusing to take her eyes off of the tiny life that rested in her husband's arms.

James smiled as he leaned back against the headboard once more and Snow scooted up to lie her head down to rest on his shoulder. He tilted his head to press a loving kiss to her temple as she continued to gently stroke Emma's soft cheek.

"I love you," he murmured, turning his gaze from his daughter to his wife.

Snow tilted her head up and propped her chin on his shoulder to return his gaze. "I love you too. I love you and Emma with all my heart."

James smiled and moved slowly to pass the sleeping infant into his wife's arms. She cradled her daughter against her, patting Emma's back soothingly.

As Snow settled back blissfully, James leaned to press another kiss to his daughter's forehead before moving his head up to press another lingering one to that of his wife's.

"I will love and protect this family with my last breath," he vowed huskily against her skin.

Tell me what you guys think :) Should I go on with this idea of nothing but fluff?