Let the good time roll

"Come on, I could just sit on the beach all day while you hang with your "friends". You wouldn't know I was there." Deeks pleaded cheerfully.

"No, Deeks. A vacation doesn't work if what you are trying to get away from follows you." Kensi spat with a ruthless glare back at her partner. She was leaving for Hawaii tomorrow as a request from an old friend who needed some help with a personal case of his. The way he was talking on the phone, made Kensi slightly nervous. He never sounded so visibly frustrated before.

"Fine, pick you up at the airport when you get back." Deeks said sheepishly catching up to her in a few strides.

"That would be nice." Walking back to the car to go back to the HQ. It had been a long week and with a lot of random gun fights. All kensi wanted to do was go home and sleep before heading to Hawaii for whatever she had to do there. Deeks had another plan however, as he headed to the car and wouldn't let her open her door.

"What are you doing in Hawaii?" Holding his arms out in front of him so that Kensi couldn't get close enough to hit him very hard. At the suspicious glare that he received, he continued. "I talked to Sam and Callen this morning and they said that you haven't taken a vacation in three years, so why now?" Looking at Kensi with his pupy dog eyes/ your hiding something from me face, Kensi couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. "Do you have a new guy there that you haven't told me about?"

"Exactly," Kensi breathed. "I have worked for ncis for over three years and haven't gotten out ever. I have been to a lot of different cool places but all on the job. To keep my sanity I need a little break from you guys and all this work. I have a friend who has been wanting me to come and see Hawaii for along time and I finally decided to take him up on his offer." Pulling her gun out of the back of her jeans she pointed if harshly at Deeks left shoulder. "Now can we get going or am I really going to have to use this?"

Quickly Deeks stepped to his left letting Kensi put her gun away and get into the car. He had never seen Kensi so short that she would draw her gun at him before. He wasn't gonna push the matter at least until he had the back-up of Sam and Callen to protect him from Kensi's wrath. The car ride went by pretty quickly with neither of them talking very much. It was almost nine a clock in the evening when they sat down at their desks waiting for Hetty to come an tell them the news of the day so they can then go home. "So Kensi, is this friend of yours an old boyfriend or is he a current boyfriend. Maybe just friends with benefits?"

"Do you want to die or are you just testing your luck?" Sam chuckled before returning his gaze toward his dinner.

With a look toward her partner Kensi couldn't help but mess with him. "Actually we used to be engaged until he left for work and we couldn't stop fighting. We've been talking a lot recently and he we wanted to talk about things in person." Seeing that Deeks mouth was wide open and he was looking from Kensi to Callen to Sam to get someone to verify what she had just said, Kensi knew her little game had worked.

"That isn't true? Is it?" Deeks stammered. Everyone in the room was trying to suppress their laughter as they watched their mouthy coworker stare at them all confused.

"We did good work today. I don't need to tell you guys anything so you are free to go home for the weekend" Hetty barked. She turned to walk away back into her office before turning around and yelling. "Have a good trip Kensi." Sam, Callen, and Kensi got up and grabbed their bags and starting heading for their individual cars. Deeks was still rooted in his chair staring at Kensi's now empty desk.

"She was lying, right?" Deeks asked Callen who was the only one left in the bullpen. "she was just trying to mess with me. She was not engaged to this guy?"

"Are you jealous, Deeks." Callen smirked putting on his coat. Everyone in the office knew that Kensi and Deeks had a weird relationship. Both seemed to like each other but neither of them would admit it. "Go home Deeks, she will be back in a week."

Deeks turned to go to his car, he couldn't believe that Kensi might be going to see some guys she might have been in a serious relationship with. He knew she was just joking around but he couldn't help but feel a bit worried. It was going to be a long week wondering what was going on in Hawaii with this friend of hers.