Did I Mention I Hate Him?

Chapter 12

Author's Notes: THIS IS THE EDITED VERSION OF CHAPTER 12! AND IT'S LOOONGER. So I'm sorry if I confused anyone! Anyways, tell me if I missed anything! XD


Syaoran's POV:

Without Touya's idiocy wasting my time while he enjoys being in New York still, I have nothing to do. I was so booored.

So earlier today, I decided to annoy Sakura.


The next thing on my agenda was to call Tomoyo.

"Do you have something to report?"

"Syaoran—so help me—I'm going to strangle you the next time I see you," she growled over the phone.

I frowned. What's her problem? Here I was trying to make our conversation more exciting and she's all—ugh. Such a pessimistic little Grinch, I wonder why I ever thought she's nice.

I came to the conclusion to ignore her jibe. "Well…?" I trailed off.

I could practically hear her roll her eyes. "There's nothing to say—wait, there is this ball this Valentines Day."

Ew. I wrinkled my nose. "A ball? That's so stupid."

"Hey!" she suddenly cried. "I am the one organizing it!"

Now that I think about it, Tomoyo's part of the student council. I suddenly felt sorry for her. "I'm sorry," I murmured sympathetically.


I sighed dramatically. She does not even want to notice. Poor thing. "I mean, nobody likes ball. You're probably so hated right now." I can't help but chuckle soon after.

Call me sadistic, but whatever.

"What?!" She hissed.

"The truth hurts, I know."

In the next few moments, all I heard was ragged breathing; like she was trying to control her temper or something. Girls.

"Just," she finally spoke. "Don't do anything idiotic."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Like, I don't know, invite yourself in so you can have a dance with Sakura or something."

"I wouldn't do that—"

"I mean," she cut me off carefully, "It's not like I have a suit that totally matches Sakura's gown that I readied for you, and that I would hate to see go to waste. I mean, duh. Get real."

I smirked as I finally caught up. "You totally want me to go."

"No!" She gasped too dramatically.

"You totally do."

She was silent for a moment. "…Don't tell Sakura it's my plan then."

My smile was so wide right now. "Promise."


Smuggling myself inside the school, the day the ball was held, was so easy, I swear I must be some kind of reincarnation of a great assassin.

Or maybe I was born to be an assassin. If that is true, I would so love that.

But I think it's fair to say that my "easy-way-in" is caused by that female bodyguard that gets easily mesmerized by charming—cough, like mine, cough—smiles. Since I was baby-faced—chicks dig that, by the way—I really didn't look any older than most Seniors here. I would like to arrogantly point out that I might even look younger than some of them.

The ball was masquerade-themed, whether Tomoyo arranged that to help me or not, I'm relieved. I can't help but think: fate must really love me.

No mask, however, can cover Sakura's identity from me. No matter how stalker-ish that just sounded. So, when I saw a glimpse of auburn flash to my right, I knew it was my Sakura.

When I went nearer, my eyes narrowed when I saw Sakura dancing with a blue-haired dude—wait. I relaxed a little, knowing it was Eriol she's dancing with and how Sakura gets creep out with that guy.

No matter how strange it may sounds, I took comfort with that thought.

When Sakura twirled, I pushed Eriol away (whether Tomoyo intentionally appeared, dragging away Eriol with her or not. For the second time tonight, I'm still relieved).

I was the one who get to dip her after she spin. And when I said dip; I meant a really deep dip.

Twirling her around some more, I hooked my hands around her waist and pulled her to me.

Talk about suave.

"Woah," she breathed, fanning my face as she spoke.

Now that I got an up-close and personal look at her, I felt my cheeks burn. She was so pretty—no beautiful. No—magical!

She cleaned up real good tonight. Her hair was in an up-do, adorned by small gem-like accessories. I now saw what Tomoyo meant; Sakura's emerald-green dress totally matches my necktie. It hugs her petite figure like a glove and the dress drapes on the floor like a fountain. Her mask only covers half of her face, contrary to mine that makes me unrecognizable.

She smiled, her pink lush lips curving beautifully, and for some strange reason the room turned brighter—or something poetic like that. "I bet you're not Eriol."

Taking that as a compliment, I smirked and lowered my lips to her ear. I suavely whispered, "Nice guess."

I twirled her again and pulled her suddenly, her body slightly bumping against mine.

"Then who are you?" She asked.

I can't believe she didn't recognize my voice. But I don't blame her; the music was so loud and my voice, I noticed, has been turning huskier this days…I think it makes my voice sexier than usual. Ha. Well play, puberty.

"You can guess," I teased her.

She grinned at me. "Steven?"

I was silent for a moment, but in the inside I was screaming, DO I SEEM LIKE HIM? THAT WEAK, LANKY BOY? I AM A MAN. Is he the first guy she ever thinks? What about meee?"

"No," My tone slightly strained, but come on, can you blame me? "Uhm, try again."


"WHO'S RUSSELL!?" I burst before I could stop myself. "Uh, never mind." I figured it was best not for me to know.

"Okay, I give up, who are you?" She asked laughingly, her eyes glistening.

I smirked, but she won't see it. "I'm someone you know. Someone who's smart and handsome."

She suddenly laughed, throwing her head back. I frowned wondering why. Once her laughter subsided, she apologized. "I'm sorry. It's just that, the only guy I know that is smart and handsome aside from Steven—" For the record, she really did not need to mention him. He's not even 5% good-looking. "—is Yukito."

My eyes twitched. "Oh come on." I forced my cool. I resolved to feign. "How about that Li guy? He's got to be...something right?"

"You said smart and handsome," she snorted, "That guy is an idiot."

"You think I'm handsome though?" I grinned toothily after I took note she never mentioned anything about my looks.

Both of us froze for a moment, realizing my mistake. Then she gasped loudly. "Y-you, it can't be—don't tell me—"

"Shortie, you're stuttering."

"Syaoran!?" She hissed before she checked looked to her left and right, as if checking if someone else caught a 19-year-old guy in a high school dance. She took my hand and led me outside the gym.

Not many people are out there; just a couple of teenagers, stumbling as they walk. I guessed the punch must have been spiked. Ha. Epic.

Once we were in the parking lot, she ripped her mask and mine off. Now I got a great look of her pretty little face that was powdered with light make-up (unlike another girl not wearing her mask that I saw earlier, shudders). I didn't even mind how angry she looked right now. She still looks pretty. "What are you doing?!"

I shrugged. "I wanted to dance."

She gave me an not-so amused look and I smiled sheepishly.

"Before you get mad at me, and scream, and nag," I began, rolling my eyes and making faces. She opened her mouth to say something, but I cut right through her. "But can't you at least appreciate my efforts of being here?" She fell silent. I sighed. "I know you're always so "paranoid" when I'm near because of the things I have done in the past—and still will do in the future—to torment you, but you don't have to be on your guard every time I'm near.

I noticed so many things today, you speak softly and smile a lot. So many tiny details that I don't get to see every time you and I are together. Why is that?

But I want you to keep in mind that I don't always have some other intentions. Like today, for example: I'm here only because I wanted to dance—"

"Syaoran, I—"

"—with you," I interrupted her again.

I smiled. "I hope you start to notice things about me too, if that isn't too much to ask. Try and notice that I won't do any of this to just any girl. Do you get me?"

"Why?" She asked, looking confused.

Oh my sweet, dense, but still very short Sakura.

"Why?" I smirked, lazily shoving my hands inside my pant's pocket. I shrugged. "You're special."

I saw her go frozen, and I took it as a sign to go near her. A breeze passed us and locks of Sakura's hair moved along with it. I gingerly hooked my finger along the tresses and pushed it gently behind her ears.

"And you know what I realized just now?" My mouth can't seem to stop. I neared my face to her's and gazed straight to her eyes. "I think the reason why you act so barbaric when I'm with you is because you think I'm special too." I chuckled. "I maybe right, I maybe wrong, but I hope even if I am not right you won't tell me because I want to believe I am. Even if I'm just deluding myself."

Silence met air and Sakura only stared at me, unable to speak.

"And," I added since I might as well do. "I so noticed you calling me by my first name tonight."

I winked at her teasingly and her jaw dropped.

Laughing at her speechless expression, I placed my finger under her chin and lift it up and closed her mouth.

How can I say it? You're my teddy, can you bear to be my valentine? No? okay.

Deciding I just want it over it, I gathered enough courage, I said, "It might be a little weird to say this now, but will you be my Valentine?" I give her one of my best smile as I waited for her answer.

When after 30 seconds and I didn't received any answer from her, I felt my confidence falter. Did I came of too strong? Did I say it wrong? Should I said the cheesy-bear bit? I mean, Did I—

"Sure," she squeaked and she cleared her throat after. "Sure. Just this year, I guess."

I heard right!? I don't think I never smiled so wide before, but I have to fake a cough to cover it up. Too embarrassing. My cheeks were even burning, damn it! I cleared my throat too. "Cool, cool," I murmured, acting like it's nothing. "Should we—uhm, I don't know, dance or something?"

Asking Sakura to be my Valentine might have used up all my confidence.

She chuckled softly. "I don't know," she bowed her head. "Should we?"

I looked away to avoid letting her see my red cheeks. I shrugged. "If you like—"

"Just dance with her! You act too slow!"

Both of our heads whipped to our left and I have to face-palm myself when I saw Tomoyo filming us with her video camera and Eriol grinning at us mischievously. Those two are more compatible than they think.

Then, I heard Sakura muttered, "screw this," before she took hold of my hand and dragged me inside the building and to the dance-floor. She positioned us both and my eyes widened when she hooked her arms around my neck. Pulling me to her, she said, "Let's just get this over with and dance, okay?"

Sparks flying, I circled my arms around her waist. I smirked. "With pleasure."

After a few moments, Sakura started to rest her head on my chest as we glided slowly, moving together in perfect motion. Her voice was quiet and tranquil as she spoke. "Just for the record, even if I find you oh-so annoying most of the time..."

I have to roll my eyes at that point.

"—I guess you're slightly right."

It took me a few moments before I answered. "About you finding me attractive or was it the part where I made a speech about being special to you?"

She moved her head away and refused to look at me. I frowned.

"Try and guess it yourself," she grumbled.

I grinned lopsidedly. "You so think I'm special to you."

"No I do not!"

"Aw come on," I cried. "Can't you at least say you think I'm handsome or something?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, like the usual Sakura I always knew. "You're egoistical, I can tell you that."

This is the edited version since I wasn't completely happy with the first one. Bear in mind that I will also edit the other chapters someday. :")

This is sort-of a Valentine Special.