Title: Two Worlds, One Crime
Author: totally4ryo
Artist: chinacofficaru
Beta: milady_dragon
Series: Two Worlds
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto (times two), Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Owen, OCs (children), mentions of Rhiannon Evans and family
Warnings: Some language (this is Torchwood), Mpreg, slight Gwen-bashing
Spoilers: Most of S1 & S2 to be safe.
Disclaimer I wish I owned Torchwood! If I did, everyone would be alive, Jack and Ianto would be happy and maybe, just maybe, I could have made Gwen a likable character (and less Mary Sue). This is a labor of love and no profits being made. No copyright infringement is intended for both the fiction and artwork.
Word Count: Approx 41,000

Author's note: This is an AU where Reset and Exit Wounds ended differently, with Tosh and Owen are alive. It takes place about 7 years after S2, CoE (and anything after that attempted and failed miserably to be Torchwood) did not happen. The alternate world is based on Steampunk culture, but not exactly, so if there are some differences that are common in Steampunk but shows up here, or is missing, that is the way it is in their world. This is a sequel to Two Worlds, One Love.

I want to thank milady_dragon, bookwrm89, cyberdigi and cjharknessgirl for being cheerleaders while I was working on this. I might not have finished this without them. Also major thanks to chinacofficaru for the AMAZING art. Thanks so much to everyone!

This was written for the longliveianto Big Bang.

To see amazing artwork for this, please go to: .

Ianto entered the Hub yawning. He did not attempt to hide it because he knew it would be useless, a yawn that big could not be hidden by a mere human hand. He glanced around as he entered to find the rest of the team there already, minus Jack, and hard at work.

For Tosh, that meant running several programs and jotting down notes, completely absorbed in her tasks. Owen was working up a sweat playing the holographic video game that had come through the Rift several years ago. It far surpassed any video game they had in the Hub and quickly became a favourite with the team. Even Ianto and Jack found themselves sometimes getting caught up in the game. They had discovered a few interesting ways to play one night when the kids were staying with Rhiannon, and they sent the team home early. They managed to play that version a few more times since, but not as often as they would have liked, because spending time with their children was far more important. Looking around the Hub, Ianto saw Gwen leaning against her workstation on her mobile in an argument with Rhys, who was stuck in London longer than originally planned.

Owen looked up from his game when the alarm sounded as the cogwheel door rolled back for the yawning Ianto Harkness-Jones. The medic opened his mouth to say something sarcastic to Ianto, but he ended up saying something else, although it was still sarcastic.

"You look like shit," Owen snapped, but some of his concern slipped through.

Ianto glanced over to Owen. "Appropriate," he commented, "and yet you should see Jack."

"Speaking of," Owen stated, looking behind Ianto, realising that the Welshman had arrived alone, "where is Captain Fantastic?"

Ianto shrugged and yawned again, holding his fist in front of his mouth, which did nothing to hide his yawn. "Not feeling so fantastic," he replied. He yawned again. "Coffee anyone?"

"About bloody time," Owen commented. "We've been waiting two and a half hours. You're late and Jack's not here."

"Oh, give it a rest, Owen," Tosh said, putting down her biro and looking over her monitors. "I made a coffee run for us not more than an hour before."

"But it's not Ianto's coffee," Gwen said, and then went back to her call.

"Besides, it's not like that never happened before," Tosh muttered about Jack and Ianto. She looked over at the Welshman. "Is everything all right, Ianto?"

"Any of the kids sick?" Gwen asked as she ended her call in frustration.

"The kids are good," Ianto replied as he started to make his way across the Hub to the kitchen. "Rhiannon came by the house this morning to pick up Meghan and Franklin. She took Meghan to school for us."

"What about you then?" Owen asked, shutting down the game. He started to walk away from it when he noticed Ianto pause. "Are you sick?"

Tosh rolled her eyes and looked over at her husband. "If Ianto is sick, then why is he here and Jack isn't?"

"Hush, Tosh. Can't you see I'm trying to avoid the big question?" Owen retorted. He turned his attention to Ianto, who started to walk toward the kitchen again. "Ianto," he called out.

"Not sick," Ianto replied.

"Bloody hell," Owen muttered.

Tosh giggled as she started to look excited.

Owen sighed heavily. "Okay Ianto, as much as I hate to ask but being as you look like you had a rough night and Jack's not here yet, please tell me that it's because of some things that I don't really need details of that got out of hand?"

Toshiko laughed and looked at Gwen. "As if that had never happened before either." She laughed again.

It was Ianto's turn to sigh. "I wish. At least that's fun."

"Crap," Owen swore. He took a deep breath. "Okay. Ianto, is Jack sick?

Gwen looked confused. "But Jack doesn't get sick," she protested. "Just when he's..." Realisation hit her. "Oh bloody hell," she swore, her eyes wide and staring at Ianto's back. "Again?"

Ianto stopped again and turned to face his team members. "Yep. Again. We just figured it out this morning after all night with Jack feeling ill and spending half the night in the loo. Now, can I make our coffee?" He sighed as the other three stared at him acting as if he did not have coffee yet that morning. "The smell of coffee makes Jack even more ill," he admitted. "You know how he gets in the beginning. So enjoy having coffee out in the Hub this morning, because once Jack comes in, we'll be lucky when he feels he could put up with it so we can have our caffeine fix."

Gwen groaned loudly. "You need to stop doing this to him, Ianto."

Ianto grunted as he turned and finally disappeared through the arch leading to the kitchen.

With a grin, Tosh winked at Owen and Gwen. She stood up and followed Ianto into the kitchen.

Owen followed his wife and they stood just inside the kitchen. As they watched Ianto go through his routine of making their coffee, Owen asked, "So, will Jack be in today, or should I make a house call? After I have enough coffee, of course."

"House call definitely. If we go by the other two times, he'll be down for a few days. I don't know how he can go through it again, knowing what it's like," Ianto said.

"At least for him it lasts no more than a week, and then it becomes more discomfort later in the pregnancy than actually being sick," Tosh reasoned.

"And in a couple of months, you'll be fighting with him because he'll suddenly want coffee more than his usual, meaning you don't have to hide from him to have coffee the entire time," Owen added.

"And he'll go through the majority of the pregnancy without pregnancy sickness, the lucky bastard," Tosh remarked. "They say it goes away." She turned behind her to find Gwen standing near the archway. "You said it goes away. Well, I was stuck with it pretty much through my entire pregnancy when I had Aubrey."

Ianto chuckled. "That could be because it was Owen's spawn you were carrying."

"Bugger off, Ianto," Owen snapped, while Tosh and Gwen laughed.

"But it does go away," Gwen said. "At least it did for me, both times. And Jack, he may act like he's dying for a week, but then that's it. He is a lucky bastard. You'd think whoever did that engineering in Jack's time would have made it harder for men. After all, it's not natural."

"Here we go again," Toshiko sighed. She glanced at Ianto, who rolled his eyes.

"Well it's not," Gwen stated. "Not that it's stopping these two." She looked over at Ianto with concern. "Are you sure you two can handle three children. I mean, Franklin is just barely two."

"And he'll be almost three by the time this one is born," Ianto remarked, sounding annoyed. He turned to face them, his stare going past Toshiko and Owen and settling on Gwen. "To be honest, this one isn't exactly an accident. Jack started to undergo treatments to get pregnant again several months back, but after with Franklin, we were not expecting him to get pregnant for several more months."

"You wanted another child?" Gwen asked, sounding shocked.

"Yes Gwen. We did. And I'm pretty certain we're going to name this baby Samantha."

"And you helped them?" Gwen asked of Owen.

"Yes, I did," Owen snapped. "After all, it's Jack's body, his choice.

"Jack and I will be working on some changes to accommodate for us having a bigger family," Ianto commented.

Gwen frowned at him. "You mean Jack, don't you? After all, he's the boss."

Ianto stared impassively at her while it was Owen's turn to roll his eyes. "I assume you're thinking Jack and you will be making those decisions, Gwen?"

Tosh turned to stare at Gwen.

"No. It's not what you think. Of course not. It's just that people sometimes forget their places around here."

"You're telling me," Owen remarked at the same time Ianto muttered, "We know that."

Sensing another ugly situation rising, Toshiko decided to defuse it by steering the conversation from the dangerous. She smiled. "So you both wanted Samantha to have a chance in this universe then?"

"Yes. Once Jack was pregnant with Meghan, we knew immediately that we would be having three. And now Jack's pregnant with our third. She'll be here a little earlier than the Samantha in that other universe, but age isn't everything." He turned back to the coffee machine and started to pour their coffee. "After all, in that universe, Jack was only 52 and the other Ianto was over 1200 years old."

Toshiko laughed.

"That Ianto must be a dirty old man. Why, that Jack is practically jailbait to him," Owen quipped, making the others laugh. "At least our Jack was only around 170 when he started to shag a 23 year-old."

"Owen, you do realise that I'm making your coffee," Ianto stated.

"Sorry," Owen quickly replied, making Tosh laugh again.

Owen was the first one to have his coffee served. "I guess that means you want me to start drinking and then collect my kit to go visit Jack," he stated to Ianto.

"Exactly what I mean," Ianto reasoned. "We probably have a few more days until the major pain hits him, but I'd feel better the sooner he's looked over."

"I'll be on my way as soon as I finish this," Owen said.

"And I promise I'll send you off with a flask of coffee, as long as you do not open it around Jack."

"After he threw up on me the last time? Not bloody likely," Owen said.

Ianto smirked as he started to hand out the coffee to Toshiko and Gwen.


While Owen was on his way back to the Hub after examining Jack, the Captain had phoned Ianto to tell him that he was definitely pregnant again. Jack also told Ianto that he was still not feeling good enough to come in, and Owen had suggested he stay at home for at least the rest of the day, until he was feeling well enough to be up and around for longer than a half hour. He went on to tell Ianto that while he still felt out of sorts, he wasn't feeling bad enough to short the team by one more member than they already were, so Ianto should stay there. Before Ianto had a chance to protest, Jack assured him that if how he felt changed for the worse, he would give Ianto a call. They were still on the phone, talking about the baby, who they already started to refer to as Samantha, when Ianto heard the alarms as the cog door rolled back and Owen entered the Hub.

While Owen went down to their medical section, Ianto got comfortable in Jack's chair in the Captain's office as he continued to talk to Jack. Their talking went on to the nursery. The furniture they had so far had survived Meghan and Franklin. They would keep the furniture for Samantha, but they were discussing more than merely redecorating the nursery for a baby girl. While they knew the possibility of having three children, they had still decided to keep the flat they had bought before they found themselves in the alternate world where they had been the guests of another Torchwood. They had already made a home for themselves, but after spending time with their steampunk-like counterparts and their family, it gave both Jack and Ianto the incentive to take the extra steps with their relationship and break down the final walls. Jack had already proposed before they were returned to their universe. Three months later, they had a Civil Partnership ceremony and reception. The night was not the romance they had envisioned it would be when Jack suddenly fell ill during the reception, and yet it held its own magic because they realised that Jack was pregnant. Immediately Jack decided that if it was a girl, they were going to name her Meghan, after the other Jack and Ianto's older child. When Jack became pregnant a second time, there was no doubt it was a boy and they named him Franklin, not only to name their first son after Jack's father, but to follow the pattern of the family in that other world. So they were pretty certain they were going to have a third child eventually, but they loved the flat they had.

It was on the end of Windsor Esplanade in a new building right on the bay, a penthouse on the sixth storey. It had three bedrooms and two terraces that they spent many evenings they were off sitting on. They had a swing seat among the furnishing on the terrace off the living room that Meghan and Franklin loved. The apartment was modern and spacious, even with two children. Coming back from their time in the steampunk universe, they both got more of a kick out of the big round porthole windows they had in the kitchen, their en suite and the room that soon after was designated as the nursery. When they got it, it did seem a big large for the two of them, but they had room for guests, even if they hardly used them. They fell in love with the flat the moment they viewed it and that was enough a reason for them.

When Jack was pregnant with Franklin, they had figured they had several years at the least, and would deal with the possibility of a bigger place whenever Jack was pregnant for the third time.

Now that the third child was on her way, they knew they were running out of rooms. They would have to move Franklin out of the nursery and felt both him and Meghan should have their own rooms. So the hunt for a house was officially on. They knew it was coming, but was not sure exactly when. Both Jack and Ianto felt an excitement and trepidation in looking for a house. The house would have to be perfect, because they intended to raise their growing family in it. Ianto jotted down notes as they discussed what they wanted for what was to be a home for their family. It also had to take their breath away even more than when they found the flat.

They were going to talk first more on what they wanted, and then start looking at what was available for sale. Their call was cut short when there was a Rift alert and Ianto had to go with Owen and Gwen out on the field.


It was after midnight when Ianto arrived home. The lights in the entry and living room were dimmed. The rest of the house was quiet. Ianto removed his long black leather coat and hung it next to Jack's greatcoat on the coat rack in the reception hall. He toed off his shoes and made his way toward the nursery to check on Franklin. The toddler was curled up in his bed, hugging his stuffed red dragon. Smiling tenderly, Ianto leaned over to kiss the little boy's forehead, brushing the dark fringe off his head. He studied his son's profile in the nightlight and shook his head fondly.

His next stop was in Meghan's room and he kissed his daughter's head. Quietly he left her room and slipped into the master bedroom he shared with Jack. His husband was in the four-poster bed.

Jack lifted his head and smiled as Ianto started to unbutton his waistcoat. "Should I ask how it went?" Jack asked.

"How about after I shower and settle in bed with you?" Ianto studied Jack, who turned onto his back and stretched. "How are you feeling?"

"I kept down some toast and tea, which was my dinner. I have been drinking water."

"What about the nausea?"

"It settled down enough to let me get a couple of hours sleep after I got the kids to bed. I woke up just before you got in, but was afraid to move. I'm feeling okay now."

"Then you should try to go back to sleep. You'll need that as much as staying hydrated," Ianto said. He smiled at Jack. "I'll be out shortly." He smiled at Jack and then with a wink, went into the en suite.

He knew Jack still wasn't feeling good when he took his shower alone. If Jack was feeling better, he would have found his way into the shower, even if Ianto had told him to stay, especially being he had not seen Ianto since that morning. Ianto decided to take his shower quickly and get to Jack's side.

As he stepped out of the shower, Jack came into the bathroom, or more like stumbled to drop onto his knees before the toilet. Concerned, Ianto dropped to his own knees next to Jack and started to rub his back gently, heedless of his towel which fell from his waist onto the floor.

He stayed with Jack until he was able to help his husband back into the bed, and after throwing on his sleeping pants and dressing gown, quickly left the room long enough to fetch a bottle of water from the fridge. On his way back to their bedroom, Meghan's door opened and the five year old stood in the doorway staring up at Ianto.

"Hello Princess," he said, looking down at the child. "Why are you up? Do you need something?"

Meghan nodded. "For Daddy to feel better," she said. Frowning, she looked up at Ianto with tears in her bright blue eyes. "Why is Daddy sick? He won't leave us, will he? Janine's daddy got sick and he had to go away." Tears started to fall from the child's eyes. "I don't want Daddy to leave us."

Ianto fell on his knees and hugged her. "Oh sweetheart, it's okay. Daddy is sick but he'll be better soon." He wiped her face and kissed her button nose. "C'mon Meghan. Let's sit with Daddy for a while, okay? And then you'll see he's going to be okay."

They had not told their children about Jack's immortality, feeling they were too young to understand. Thankfully, Rhiannon being the team's babysitter meant most of the time while they were working all children were with Ianto's sister, and did not spend much time in the Hub, so they were unaware of the times Jack had been killed on the job. They were not around the time Ianto was near death, but Jack did not give up on him. The immortal remembered what Black-coat Ianto from the other universe had said about bringing his mortal Jack back from death, along with knowing he had once brought Ianto back from the dead when his cyber-girlfriend had killed him, by sharing the Vortex within him with a kiss.

Meghan nodded and Ianto got to his feet and handed her the water bottle. "Hold onto this for me, and you can give it to Daddy. Okay?"

Meghan nodded again, her dark wavy hair bouncing with the action. With a smile, Ianto lifted her up and carried her to the master bedroom.

"Jack?" he asked softly, in case the other man had fallen asleep. "Look who wants to see her daddy."

Jack lifted his head from the pillow and smiled when he saw Meghan in Ianto's arms, clutching onto a bottle of water. "Hey munchkin. Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Ianto placed her on the bed. Immediately, she scrambled across Ianto's side until she was snuggling up against Jack, who placed an arm around her.

"I heard you being sick, Daddy. I was scared. I got you water too." She held out the water to Jack. "Here, Daddy."

Jack smiled softly as Ianto came over to his side of the bed and helped him to sit up. He kissed his daughter's head. "I'm going to be fine, munchkin." He glanced at Ianto in question, who settled himself on the edge of Jack's side of the bed.

Ianto ran his fingers through Jack's sweaty hair and smiled. "You were too young to remember when we found out that Franklin was going to join us."

"It was a secret," Meghan said. "That Daddy was having Frankie. It still is."

Jack nodded. "Yes, it still is."

Meghan hugged Jack. "My Daddy is the most specialest in the whole wide world because he can have babies."

Jack chuckled and hugged her. He traded an amused look with Ianto, after catching the other man rolling his eyes. Ianto winked at him. Both men knew their daughter was smart.

As expected, she let out a surprised gasp and lifted her head, wide blue eyes staring at Jack in wonder. "Am I getting another brother?" she asked.

"Tad and I are pretty certain that this time you're going to have a little sister."

"A sister?" Meghan pulled back to clap. "I want a little sister. YAY!" She hugged Jack again. "So that's why you're sick, Daddy?"

"Yup. That's why I'm sick. That's how we know a new baby is on the way."

Meghan scrambled to her knees and gave Jack a big sloppy kiss. "I'm so happy, Daddy! Are we going to tell Frankie?"

"In the morning, sweetheart," Ianto said with a smile. "We just found out today. Daddy's going to be sick like this for a few days and then he'll feel better. And then in about six months, you'll have a baby sister."

"We already know what your sister's name will be," Jack said with a smile.

"What Daddy?"


"Oh pretty. I like that," Meghan exclaimed, bouncing on the bed in excitement.

Ianto could tell that the bouncing motion was not helping Jack, who started to look paler than Jack already was. He quickly leaned over and scooped her up into his arms. "Easy darling, we don't want to make Daddy sick again, do we?"

"Oh! Oops. Sorry Daddy."

Jack chuckled and opened the bottle of water to take a sip. "It's all right, munchkin. You're happy and that makes me happy." H e smiled at her and had another drink of water.

Meghan yawned, which made Ianto laugh. "Now that you know that Daddy's going to be okay, do you think you can go to sleep now and stop worrying?"

"I'm not worried anymore," Meghan exclaimed.

Jack laughed. "It might be hard for her to go to sleep if she's excited."

"I am excited, Daddy, but I'm getting sleepy," Meghan said.

Ianto looked at Jack and then moved around to his side, still holding onto Meghan. He pulled back the bedding on his side and settled her on the bed. "You can stay until you fall asleep. Okay?"

Meghan nodded as she made herself comfortable against Jack. Ianto slipped under the covers. Each man slipped an arm around their daughter and they talked about the baby until she fell asleep. Carefully, Ianto managed to carry her to her room and settle her into bed without waking her. He studied her face. She had Ianto's eye shape but Jack's colour. Her jawline was Jack's, minus the cleft on her chin, and her button nose was all Ianto's. She was a perfect mix of Ianto's and Jack's features.

He made a quick check on Franklin, to find the toddler still sleeping and hugging onto his stuffed dragon. Franklin also had Ianto's button nose, eyes and jawline, but he had Jack's cleft on his chin. He took more after Ianto in looks, but if anyone looked closely, they could see Jack in his features.

The official story to anyone not in the know was that they had used surrogates – Meghan was carried by a woman who strongly resembled Jack and fathered by Ianto. Ianto had also fathered Franklin but carried by a woman who had some of Jack's features. That was what they said when asked, mostly by teachers and other parents in Meghan's school, some neighbours and the parents of the children's playmates. The team obviously knew the truth, and so did Ianto's sister, Rhiannon Evans. Her husband, Johnny, got the surrogate story, because even Rhiannon was not sure that her husband would be able to handle the truth. Rhiannon knew much about Torchwood, what they were and what Ianto did, but Johnny still believed Ianto and Jack both were civil servants.

With a smile he left Franklin's room and went back to his, where he got back into bed and pulled Jack into his arms. "Well, that was easy," he said. "Again."

Jack chuckled. "She's a pro at it. Hopefully Franklin will accept a new baby as well."

"I don't see why he shouldn't," Ianto said. He moved his head so he could kiss Jack's lips. "I love you, you know that."

"Are we okay with this? I mean, I know we were trying, but we both thought it would take longer, like with Franklin."

"And yet even he came sooner than we expected. I think those treatments that Owen and Martha had devised just work better than they thought."

"No kidding," Jack agreed with a laugh. He stopped laughing and gave Ianto a serious look. Ianto could tell that the immortal man was also a little nervous. Anyone else would not have noticed, but Ianto knew Jack better than anyone else.

Ianto ran his fingers through Jack's hair again. "We discussed it, we started you on treatments to be able to get pregnant, and we decided we wanted to plan for Samantha. Now she's on her way. Of course, I'm okay with this." He glanced at Jack sternly. "Now you do know what this means once you are well enough to get back to work."

"Yes, I do. I'm off field duty until after I have Samantha. Of course."

"Good. I know you were mostly good about it the other two times, but you still had your moments. I know it's hard to just sit around while the rest of us are in dangerous situations, but risking the baby is not an option." He raised his eyebrows, staring at Jack, until the man finally nodded in agreement.

"So what kept you out at all hours of the night?" Jack asked, looking up at Ianto. "Anything I should be concerned about?"

"Depends on what you mean? If you're thinking something is going on between me and Tosh or Gwen, or even Owen, no. Not at all."

Jack snorted. "It doesn't have to be on the team," he said slyly.

"You only tease because you know bloody well that it's only you."

Jack's grin grew. "That's what I love to hear."

Ianto rolled his eyes. "And yes, Jack, I'm going to still love you and think you're sexy when you're all big and have swollen ankles." He broke out in laughter when Jack pouted at him.

"You told me that I don't get fat," Jack said indignantly, still pouting.

"I didn't say fat this time either," Ianto pointed out, "but it's silly to believe that you won't get bigger as our child grows inside you." Ianto placed his hand on Jack's abdomen. "Honestly? I can't wait. I can't wait for when I touch you here I can feel her kicking."

Jack smiled brightly. "Yeah?"

"Oh definitely." Ianto returned the smile as Jack rested his hand over Ianto's.

"There are some things with pregnancy that I'm not looking forward to, but on the whole..." He smiled more and squeezed Ianto's hand. "It's worth it. All I'll be dealing with for the next few days, and the last months of feeling fat and the waddling about."

Ianto tried to hide a snort, but did not succeed. "At the risk of you getting mad, I'm glad you're the one able to have our children because I'm not sure I'd be able to handle going through it." He grinned at Jack. "You're a better man than I am, Jack Harkness-Jones."

"Well, putting it that way, how can I be mad?" Jack's grin turned devilish. "However, I'm sure if you were able to be in my place, you'd do just fine."

"Oh, I'm glad you have so much confidence in me, because I don't. It doesn't matter anyway, because it's not very likely to happen."

Jack lifted Ianto's hand and entwined their fingers. "Oh, I don't know. If we get what we're hoping, then some centuries down the line, you would be able to get an operation."

"If we get what we're hoping. I won't start planning our future in the 39th century until we know for sure."

"We're going to have a very long time together, Ianto. I know it. Maybe even forever. I mean, you heal faster now. That's a good sign that things are going the way we hope." As Ianto started to open his mouth, Jack spoke up first, "And even if not, having you able to heal fast means you're more likely to recover from something that could be fatal. That would extend your life."

Ianto sighed. He did not want to get their hopes up, and have Jack even more hurt when he died than his husband already would. On the other hand, Ianto wasn't about to allow Jack to get upset then. So he simply smiled and leaned over Jack. "Jack?"


"Shut up and kiss me."

Jack's grin grew and his eyes sparkled, knowing exactly what Ianto meant. "With pleasure."

The two lost themselves in a deep kiss with Jack sharing more of his lifeforce with Ianto.

Sometime later, the two snuggled in their bed, the lights dim. Jack kissed Ianto's nose. "So you didn't sway me from asking about what kept you working so late."

Ianto shrugged. "We intercepted a call about some fish dealing drugs down at the docks. So we went to investigate, and sure enough, some Blowfish are up to something. From what we are able to make out, it's not drugs. I believe they are dealing with selling alien artefacts. So we were looking into it more. Gwen left early because we still have Rhys in London waiting for UNIT to get their heads out of their arses and finally releasing the cargo to take back here. She had to get her kids from Rhiannon. Tosh and Owen had Aubrey in the Hub until we decided to call it a night. Owen and I are on call for the night, and to be honest, I hope to bloody hell that those blasted Blowfish stay at wherever they call home until tomorrow."

"I hope so too. I'm enjoying having you here with me. Don't laugh, but I feel better now."

"Well then, Blowfish permitting, I might go in later tomorrow. Let Gwen carry my slack for the time, since I did it for her tonight."

"I think you should take tomorrow off to take care of me."

Ianto chuckled. "We'll see, Jack. First let me get through tonight with not being called out. Now how about you attempting to get some sleep."

"Yeah. I imagine you need to get some sleep too. Can't have you tired dealing with those Blowfish. Be careful, Ianto."

"I intend to." He leaned over to kiss Jack again, and then the couple settled down to sleep.