Hello, faithful watchers! Before I begin the actual story, I will submit my own character. Don't worry, mine will be a strictly background character; all others will get their turn in the spotlight! :D

Name: Annika McAnderson

Age (7-18): 13

Godly Parent (Greek gods only. Minor gods/goddesses accepted, as long as they were mentioned in the series): Hestia

Mutant Powers/Abilities (NO Mary-Sues. Must be realistic. Include what animal DNA you have and what abilities it grants you. Limit 3 animals.):

Cat: Enhanced hearing and agility.
Bat: Bat wings and night vision. Can create sonic blasts on rare occasions.
Lizard: Indigo scales covering body and can spit poison.

Mutant Weaknesses (at least 4 weaknesses. Must have something to do with animal DNA):

Cat: Loud sounds temporarily paralyze her.
Bat: Sonic blasts are infrequent and badly aimed.
Lizard: Aversion to cold, and her scales are not much protection.

Demigod Powers/Abilities (no more than 3 powers):
Can create fire and make things burst into flame.

Demigod Weaknesses (Ex: Daughter of Hestia, aversion to cold. At least 1 weakness):
Aversion to cold and limited control over powers.

Life History (a brief paragraph telling about your life on the run or in a lab):
Annika was created following the success of the Flock. The doctor who created her decided to use bat DNA (among other things) instead of bird to create wings, and it had a disastrous aftermath. Annika accidentally destroyed the East Wing of the ITEX company she was made in. That was when she discovered her sonic blast power. Annika escaped and ran to the nearest city: Washington, DC. She was laughed at and feared because of her indigo skin, so she flew south. It was winter, and she got cold. She discovered her demigod powers when she tried to start a fire and created a weak flame out of the palms of her hands. Since then, she has created weak flames on many objects. She eventually made it to California, where she has lived ever since. She lives in a townhouse in downtown Hollywood, where people think she had some crazy surgery to turn her skin blue. To them, it's perfectly normal.

Location of Origin (Yeah, I know it was in a lab. But where?): Washington, DC

Current Location (even if you're a nomadic character, you must include this. It is important to the story): Hollywood, California

Appearance (must be realistic. No 'hair so long it trails behind but never gets tangled' business):
Annika has indigo scales covering her body and amber cat's eyes. She has bat wings that she usually hides under a black hoodie. She wears hoodies and jeans all the time. No matter what. And it's all black. She also has short red hair. Not the orange-red kind, the blood-red kind.

Personality: She doesn't trust anyone because she's afraid they'll report her to ITEX and/or laugh at her skin. She's an emo as well.

Physical Difference (Wings? Scales? Here you provide what physical differences your hybridness grants you. Must be realistic):
Cat's eyes, blue scales, and bat wings.

Likes: Black, raw meat, and rock music.

Dislikes: Light-colored, frilly things, peppy music, and cooked meat.

Extra Info (Anything else I should know about your character?):

Guess what? I will start the story very soon! ^^