Title: Vanilla and Kinks

Author: Witchy Red

Disclaimer: I don't own any of them

Distribution: Bloody Kisses, NHA, fanfiction.net

Summary: Willow finds out the family secret (Willow/Spike)

Rating: R

Egypt 1230 AD:

The night was chilled, showing no signs of the day's heat. Stars shined brightly in the cloudless sky. Animals snuck out of their hiding places and bathed in the moonlight. Far to the west, bright fire could just be made out against the darkness. Low chanting pierced the silence.

In a small pyramid filled with the belongings and body of a forgotten pharaoh a cult of worshippers raised energy to bring out their god. They stood in a circle in the deep recesses of the temple, their hands clasped, heads thrown back. In the center of the circle was a fresh corpse. Warm blood dripped down the alter that the body was laid out on. Beneath the alter was a pool filled with the darkness of a black hole. In it something was writhing and swelling, filled with the blood of the dead man. Their chanting rose as the thing grew. It became a frantic raving of obsessed disciples. As they continued their ritual, outside storm clouds grew from nothing. They pulled the moisture right out of the desert creatures themselves. Cacti withered, lizards dried up, desert rats dehydrated. And the clouds grew.

Sian raced across the desert. Her breath came in sporadic pants, her heart pounded, muscles in her legs screamed in agony. She wasn't going to make it. The ritual was almost over. He would form and balance would never be restored. Anger coursed through her blood and gave Sian strength. They had Erian. She would destroy them all for taking her watcher.

Sian ran down the entrance of the pyramid toward the frenzied screaming far below. When she arrived in the chamber her sight went directly to her fallen watcher, their sacrifice. Her face became ashen with terror and despair. They already had their white lamb and the ritual was almost finished. Anger coursed through her filling the numbness that was her body with hot fire. Screaming incoherently she attacked, breaking up their power circle. She fought with all her strength, killing as many as she could, but they kept coming and they kept chanting. She couldn't stop it. The thing was becoming solid.

Sian heard a rumbling coming from outside the pyramid and looked up from her fight, distracted. She received a knife puncture in her gut for her lack of concentration. Doubling over in pain, Sian grew sick. Her side felt molten, it was burning, searing, she could barely move. Another demon kneed her in her side. That was all it took for the screaming rage to return. She was once again a flurry of kicks and punches, her wound numb. She couldn't win this fight but she could take as many of them as possible. Finally after all of her energy was exhausted and she had lost too much blood to function Sian lay choking on the ground in front of the thing that was almost formed.

A large demon with more eyes than he should have had in more places then they should have been walked toward her holding a large scimitar in both hands. She had destroyed the ritual to bring forth his master and for that she must pay.

Sian knew she was finished, after two years she was going to die like a dog being put out of her misery, choking on the floor, unable to defend herself.

Sian could feel her last breath coming. If the demon didn't hurry up with that scimitar she was going to die of the knife wound. Finally he reached her. His arm raised high above his head. Sian could see the menace in his eyes, all of them. She knew he would enjoy killing her. He would get off on it. Sian closed her eyes and waited for the last blow but it never came. She waited for what seemed like hours. Carefully Sian opened her eyes but she never got to see what had happened to her would be killer because a flash of the magickal lightening struck her in the chest. She had time to scream and her body convulsed. Within seconds she was dead.

While Sian was screaming in agony the half-formed creature slowly rose out of its dark pit. The ritual had not been completed. He was not whole. Fury raced through him. She had ruined it! That stupid girl had destroyed everything and there was nothing he could do about it, except, maybe. . .The thing had an idea. He staggered over to the fallen slayer and fell on top of her. His semi-liquid body molded around her and then was absorbed into her figure. A few minutes later, amidst the dead demons, killed from the lightening, Sian sat up and smiled.

Brazil 1999:

The jungle was never still. In the morning it would sing with morning birds and sunrise. At night predators would stalk their pray, breathing through the underbrush, guided by the moonlight. In the deepest part of the jungle quivered a small shack built from the labors of its inhabitants. They lived a quiet life away from civilization with only the jungle creatures and themselves for company. She was a small tough brunette with mocha skin and a wide scar that ran down half of her face. He was an ethereal beauty that lived on another plain where she spent most of her time with her love. They had lived alone for so long that when a visitor came by, a slight blonde girl, that they didn't recognize her for an enemy until it was too late. She came to their home smiling sweetly and weaving a tale of a missing teenager in trouble. They of course agreed and several hours later she was being tortured at the hands of the blonde beauty as her lover watched from beyond, incapable of interceding, incapable of saving himself and the most important thing in all the worlds to him. At her final cry of release blue light burst from both of them blinding their murderer. In that blast the lovers gave their last breaths.

LA 1999:

The dance floor was crowded with gyrating bodies. Music beat low and dangerous. In a dark corner near the stage a couple danced moving together and then apart. Their bodies pressed up against one another. His hands rested on her exposed midriff and her arms wrapped around his neck. He bent his head and kissed her just below the pulse point in her throat. Her dark auburn hair brushed against his face and her hips thrust into his. As their rhythm increased a disturbing energy rose up around them. Blue light, invisible to those without magick, surrounded them. As the dance reached its climax the light was absorbed into the couple and it began.