Author's Note:Clearly, I own nothing other than my OC lol. Anything between these / / and in italicsis sign language :) Also, between - - and in italics is text messaging. Hope you enjoy.
The Only Exception
Chapter Four
"Goodnight," He murmured, stepping back so she could go inside, turning to leave as she opened the door and stepped in.
Mike paused in his tracks as a loud moan came from the inside of the room, followed by a feminine shriek and then Mark's deep boom of surprise.
"Shit! Adrielle!" That was Mark's voice.
The next thing Mike knew, Adrielle was backing out looking pale and yanking the door shut. She looked up and her eyes connected with his immediately. He held out his hand automatically for her, and that was all it took. Adrielle rushed over to him and took his hand- by the time Mark came running out of the room half clothed to find her; both she and Mike were gone.
In the time it took to get to Mike's room, the paleness of her cheeks had transformed into a blush. He took her other hand now and guiding her over to the bed to sit down, tilting her chin up so that she would be looking at him while he spoke.
"You okay?" He asked, and she made a face at him that just about explained how awkward (and gross) it was for her to have walked in on her godfather and Michelle having sex. She made a motion for paper, and Mike collected it from her bag, that she had discarded by the door, handing it to her and waiting for her to write what it was she wanted to tell him.
'I did not need to see that.'
He laughed, and she only wished she could express just how much she liked his laugh, but of course she wasn't even supposed to have heard it.
'Sorry. I don't think anyone does. You're welcome to stay in here though, I'll take the couch.'
He was alarmed by how quickly she shook her head and then started to write.
'You don't need to take the couch. We're both adults- we can share the bed.'
'I don't want to make you uncomfortable.' He responded, and in return she smiled and put a hand lightly on his.
"You won't." She mouthed, and that was that.
They watched another movie together, and when Adrielle yawned, Mike fished out a shirt and some shorts that would be more comfortable for her to sleep in. She got changed in the bathroom and unwrapped the complimentary toothbrush the hotel offered so that she could brush her teeth. When she was done, Mike took over in the bathroom and she texted Mark to tell him that she would be staying elsewhere that night. She looked up right as Mike stepped out of the bathroom, only in boxers, and her breath caught in her throat for a moment. He was the most attractive man she'd ever met and suddenly all she wanted was to feel his skin on hers.
He noticed that she looked a bit like a deer caught in the headlights and once he was sure her eyes were on his lips he offered to put a shirt on. She shook her head though, and pulled the covers back, slipping under them and gesturing for him to join her. He did so, and she immediately moved to his side, snuggling into him and placing a hand on his chest so she could enjoy the feel of their skin touching, just like she had wanted to.
She looked up and their eyes locked, both of them knowing they were sharing a moment, and a powerful one at that. There was no need to attempt to communicate in any other way, everything that needed to happen in that moment was passed between their eyes. Finally, Adrielle looked away, taking a deep breath and putting her head down on his bare chest, body relaxing into him as he began to stroke her hair. He was warm, and she could hear and feel his heartbeat, and it only served to make her feel more comfortable there with him.
Tonight she had no problems falling asleep- the world felt right when she was in Mike's arms.
Mike woke up about an hour too early, and when he found he couldn't get back to sleep, he turned his eyes to Adrielle, studying her sleeping face and her small frame pressed up against his side. A woman had never fit quite so perfectly against him before. It took him a few moments to realise that he had begun stroking her hair automatically; it seemed to already be ingrained in him. Eventually those beautiful blue eyes opened and looked up at him, Adrielle smiling sweetly.
"You're beautiful." He told her, and she reached out to touch his face, running a thumb over his cheeks.
/You too./ She signed for him, hoping he remembered what she had started to teach him, and also hoping that he understood that she thought he was handsome.
The smile on his face seemed to indicate that he understood and after a moment she dropped her face back down against his chest with a content smile of her own, enjoying the way his hand now shifted to her back and began to stroke it. It just felt so right here with him.
She didn't startle when his alarm went off, but he shifted, turning it off and then tilting her head up for attention.
"We gotta leave for the airport today, so you should probably get ready. We can have breakfast and, I guess, find 'Taker." He spoke slower for her benefit and she nodded before reluctantly pulling away from him.
/Thank you./ She signed and he shook his head a little, smiling, before returning the sentiment.
Half an hour later they were both headed downstairs for breakfast, hand in hand once more. It was nothing official but they both felt comfortable together. Neither of them noticed Mark and Michelle in a corner booth as they walked past.
"What do you think you're doing with my goddaughter Mizanin?" Mark's loud voice boomed as he stood up from his table. Mike paused and then turned so quickly that Adrielle ran into him.
"Getting breakfast, 'Taker." He said as bravely as he could with Mark staring him down. Adrielle turned around now too as it was obvious to anyone that something was happening.
"Oh yeah? And you're holding her hand! Did you take advantage of her last night too?" Mark demanded, voice getting even louder with every word. He took a step closer and Adrielle felt Mike's hand twitch within her own.
Instead of letting her godfather intimidate Mike further, she pulled her hand from his and stepped forward to meet Mark when the man took another step, putting her hand firmly against his chest.
"Adrielle," He growled as he looked down at her, and she angrily shook her head, pushing against his chest with her hand in an attempt to tell him to back off. As he opened his mouth to talk again, she raised a hand and shook her head.
Then she stepped back, turned and promptly took Mike's hand again to lead him over to a table, ignoring Mark's angry growl, though Mike looked back nervously.
/Sorry./ She signed to him once they were back at their table, glad she had been able to teach him some basics. He smiled at her and shook his head a little.
"You're worth it." He told her, neglecting to mention the fact that Mark was practically spouting steam from his ears as he left both loudly and angrily.
When they finally got to the airport, Mark wouldn't even look at either of them, and it was Michelle who handed her bags over. Well, dropped them on the floor in front of them actually, before huffing off. Adrielle sighed, leaning into Mike, who wrapped a comforting arm around her. On one hand, she felt bad that she had upset Mark, but on the other hand she knew it wasn't her fault that he was being over-protective to the point of childishness.
Mike nudged her, so she glanced up at him and watched him as he signed.
She frowned and shook her head, kissing his cheek lightly. It wasn't Mike's fault. He took her hand when their flight was called and lightly tugged her to her feet, wrangling their bags in his other hand before escorting her to the plane. Thankfully she wasn't seated by Mark; although unfortunately she was not seated with Mike either. Actually, she wound up next to Dolph, and Mike was glad she had someone who would be able to understand her with her on the flight.
"I'll see you when we land," He told her, smiling when she nodded. He put her carry-on luggage into the overhead compartment for her and then leaned in to kiss her cheek. Adrielle settled into her seat beside Dolph and turned to watch Mike as he left for his own seat, a smile on her face.
Author's note: Okay, updating today like I promised on the tumblr (rawr-chanff)! I'm going to try to get updates out for Sweet Sacrifice and Nothing Lasts Forever soon too; I don't want to neglect them. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and let me know if anything was majorly wrong somehow lol.