A new fanfic! Yippe! This one is only two chapters, but each chapter is really long, so...

I don't own Kid Icarus. I own the game. AND IT IS THE BEST GAME EVER.

Thanks to Konpeki Rei for being my beta reader and also for shipping the same characters!

Chapter One

Once More...

"Finally," I say to myself as I lower my body into the steaming water. "A break." I'm soaking in the best hot spring in all of Skyworld. The liquid feels amazing against the last remaining wounds from my battle with Hades. In fact, it feels so nice I've taken off my toga and am only wearing my shorts and tank top. I don't even strip this much to sleep.

Steam wafts around me and lulls me to a serene state, almost comatose. I'm about to doze off when a voice booms in my ears.

"Pit! I need you!"

"Gah! L- lady Palutena!" I yell as I hop out of the water. I rush to put back on my clothes.

"Were you in the middle of something?" she asks, sounding distant yet close- an effect of her using her goddess powers to project her voice.

"No, no- not at all!" I stammer. "What is it? Are the people in danger? I'm ready to fight!" I take on one of my fighting stances.

"Not even close. No, I've just recieved a g- mail from Viridi," she tells me.

"G- mail?"

"God- mail. Exclusively for heavenly beings." She lets out a little laugh. "Which I guess means you can't use it."

"Ha ha. I'll have you know I have my own account." By this point I'm making my way towards the temple, where the Goddess of Light currently is.

"Really? What's your user name?"

"No Flight Wing White 86 at gmail. com," I tell her.

"Good to know. I'll pass it on to Viridi," she replies. I stop dead in my tracks.

"Viridi? Why would you tell her my g-mail?"

"Come to the temple and I'll tell you, Pit," she teases me. I run as fast as my feet and stamina bar will let me. Before too long I'm panting and out of breath, but I've made it to my destination. I walk in and bow before my ruler. I am, after all, her Servant of Light.

"Rise, Commander," she laughs. I do so and adjust my laurel crown.

"So why would you give Viridi my g- mail?" I ask impatiently.

"Because that way she can send messages directly to you and not through me as a middleman," Palutena explains.

"What? She sent me a message? That's unexpected."

"I suppose so, but you shouldn't be too surprised," the goddess tells me. "From where I stand it seems like the Goddess of Nature took quite the liking to you, Pit." She brushes some of her long green hair out of her face.

"Yeah, a liking to me as a punching bag," I retort. I can feel myself blushing anyway.

"Yes, well," she coughs, "shall I read the letter to you or not?"

"I'm not going to deny I'm curious. Read away."

"Ahem. 'Dear Palutena, I have a request for Pit. Now that Hades has been dealt with and there's no threat of worldwide destruction, I have a feeling he's beginning to get a little pudgy from lack of exercise and all the ice cream you feed him.' "

"But floor ice cream gives you health!" I shout. Palutena glares at me. "Opps, sorry, please continue."

" 'Well, I have an idea to get him back in shape. I have had Cragalanche fixed- including the weak spot on his butt. I propose that Pit flies over to my temple and has a rematch with my warrior. If he can come, reply to this message and have him arrive at my place on Friday at noon. Sincerely, The Goddess of Nature, Viridi.' " Palutena looks in my direction. "So what do you say? Feel up to a battle?"

"I'm always up for a fight!" I cheer as I pump my fist in the air.

"Great! I'll send a reply right now." She waves her fingers in front of her. "Done."

"So old Pit Stain is gonna take on the rock again," a new, lower voice says. "Something tells me I'll have to take you back to the Rewind Spring."

"Pittoo!" I yelp as I turn to face my doppleganger. Suddenly, he rushes over to me and grabs my tunic, lifting me up into the air.

"I told you to stop calling me that," he grunts through bared teeth, pulling back his fist to punch me in the face. I shut my eyes and brace for the impact, only to feel my feet touch the ground. I peek one eye open and see Pittoo several yards away, knocked on his side. Palutena has her staff out, her hair and clothes flying behind her. Clearly, she used her goddess powers to free me from my dark twin.

"Dark Pit, you may be living in Skyworld now, but you have no right to eavesdrop. Now go back to the military base. You and Pit may fight all you want once you finish training the Centurions and he has returned from fighting Cragalanche again." She shoos him away with her hands. "Go."

"Fine. But I'm not doing this because you told me to- I still don't take orders. I'm leaving because if I fight ArmPit over here after a boss battle, he'll be nice and weak and I'll finally take him down." He flips his black hair like a teen heartthrob as he smirks. "See ya," he calls behind his back. A single raven- colored feather is left in his wake. I turn back to the goddess.

"So... can I go finish my bath now?"

She sighs, but nods. I dash out of there like I'm wearing Speed Boots and using my Tirelessness power. And while I run I keep wondering, what does Viridi have planned for me?

. . .

Friday arrives after an agonizingly long wait. I'm debating with myself over a vital decision.

"Hmm... no... nice, but I need more melee power... these are the worst attributes ever!"

"Are you ready to leave yet?" asks the booming voice I know so well.

"Not yet, Lady Palutena. I still have to decide which weapon I want to use."

"How about the Viridi Palm? Flattery goes a long way," she suggests.

"No way. It shoots out hearts. Hearts. It's just embarrassing to use it," I groan.

"Hmm... the Boom Orbitars?"

"Nah. Shaking doesn't really affect Cragalanche."

Palutena sighs. "Can you hurry this up?"

I run my fingers over each item in my armory, then hover over a familiar design. "Yes! I've been looking everywhere for this!"

"Your old Palutena Bow. Your favorite. And it certainly is a good choice- you work quite well with it," Palutena describes.

"Yeah. I used in the last brawl," I tell her.

"Brawl? Oh no! Were you hurt?" Concern echoes underneath her words.

"Nah, it was a smash!"

"I just can't see you in a melee."

Ugh. Way to rub it in. "That's because I wasn't." Hold on a sec... "Did you just have a sense of deja vu too?"

"Now that you mention this, that conversation does seem familiar..." Palutena's voice trails on. "But there's no time for that! You're running late. It's time to head out!"

"I'm on it!" I yell as I jump through the door that has just magically appeared. I feel my wings tingle as the Power of Flight surges through my veins.

"See that green coliseum in the distance?" Palutena asks.

"Yep." It's kind of hard to miss.

"That's Viridi's temple- your destination. You'll be there in about 3 minutes."

"Great!" I'm really excited for this fight.

"Oh look, here comes the King of the Penguins," a sarcastic girl's voice drones.

"Viridi," Palutena says.

"Penguins? Why would I be King of the Penguins?" I ask the Goddess of Nature.

"Penguins are birds with wings. But they can't fly." I grit my teeth.

"Now now, you two, settle down," Palutena says in an attempt to end the tension brewing. "There will be plenty of time for smack talk during the battle."

"Yeah, about that... this fight is one- on- one. I'm not aiding Cragalanche in any way, shape or form. I feel it's only fair you allow your warrior to go in alone, as well," Viridi's giant form (she has appeared up in the sky, projecting her image onto the world's atmosphere) replies.

"No... help? You mean Palutena can't talk to me?" I ask nervously.

"Pit, can you do it? Or do we need to retreat?" the Goddess of Light asks me.

"I'm not running away. I defeated this guy once before and I can do it again. Without help," I tell her. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Viridi snorts. "Sure you will."

"Don't doubt me," I bark. "So what do I do?"

"All you have to do is enter the gates, and all communication with Palutena will be cut off," Virdi answers.

"Goodbye, Pit," Lady Palutena says. "Good luck." She sounds afraid but also... could that be a sense of anticipation? She almost seemed... excited. Strange.

I land and walk through the gates. I feel my connection to the goddess fade. I look around the arena. Cragalanche is in the center, still as a rock. That's because he IS a rock, brainiac, I think to myself.

"So, you have returned? CRAGALANCHE CRUSH!" Viridi calls in a deep voice- she never gave Cragalanche his own, then. I take on my fighting stance.

Cragalanche rises and I immediately dash out of his arm range. He rolls up into a ball.

"You may have made him stronger but I still know all his moves!" I tease as I avoid all the attacks with ease.

"Don't bother running around in circles- you can't kick his butt anymore," Viridi reminds me.

"Oh, I know. Defeating this guy without doing damage to his rear end is a square on the Treasure Hunt, you know."

"Of course I know! It's on MY TREASURE HUNT PAGE!" Viridi growls. "Besides, who said I didn't teach this old dog some new tricks?"

"What?" Suddenly, I feel a tight squeeze around my waist. Cragalanche grabs me and holds me in his hands. He swings me around, knocking me against the temple floor.

"Ow- ow- ow- ow- ow!" I cry out with each slam. Mid- hit, I draw my bow and shoot an arrow straight into Cragalanche's right eye.

"Yes! Direct hit!" I cheer as he releases me. I then take the chance to melee his lower half while his hands are occupied.

"No no no! Cragalanche, destroy him!" Viridi is beginning to sound really nervous at this point. But it's no use. Before too long Cragalanche shatters into pebbles.

"In your rock face again!" I yell in victory, fist pumped in the air. Suddenly I realize just how dorky that sounds. I remember Viridi's comment about it last time: "That's your idea of a victory taunt? Please." My cheeks warm at the thought.

Why do I care about what she thinks?

"Grr... last time you broke him into a thousand pieces. This time he's in a MILLION! PIIIIITTT! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Viridi screams in anger.

"Whatever. Time to go home," I yawn.

"Wait..." she says.

I turn around. "What now?"

"You still have some fight left in you?" she asks.

"Um, yeah, I guess."

"Well, I still have one more warrior at my disposal," she explains.

"PLEASE tell me it's not Phosphora," I whine.

"No, it's someone stronger." I look up in the air. She's gone.

"Where are-" I begin to ask, then I notice a new figure in the arena.

It's Viridi. She looks just like she does in the clouds- blond hair in a ponytail, red dress, brown and green sandals, a crown of vines. And she's short. Really short. I suppose if she and I were humans, she'd be a bit younger than me. Like, twelve. She walks up to me.

Her face is only about a foot away from mine.

"Tell me, Pit..." she says quietly.

She has hazel eyes. Really pretty hazel eyes...

"...how would you like to fight me?"

End Chapter 1