A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but I assure this isn't going to become a dead fic. I will finish it no matter what! I won't bore you with excuses this time, just the chapter and apologies! Alright guys, so here's the deal…I've been reconsidering some things. With the recent love life issues, I've started to reconsider this fic and where it's going. I have the rest of the story vaguely planned out with Kid and it should take another few chapters until it's finished. That being said, I've decided to let you all decide if Maka will end up with Kid or Soul. After reading this chapter and getting his perspective, I'd greatly appreciate if you head on over to my profile and vote on the poll that I'll have up for who you want her to end up with. I know most of my readers are KiMa fans, but I figured I'd offer the choice in case some of you are interested in a little bit of both Also, feel free to leave your vote in a review too, in case you can't make it over to vote. Thanks! Also: I've been writing a ton of HP fics for the Twin Exchange challenges. If you're a fan of my work, and of HP, please check them out and vote! :D

The image of her before he walked out of the kitchen, that last look he risked, was one he knew would haunt his memories for years. The slight heartbreak evident on her features was enough to break his heart all over again.

But the hint of closure is really what was causing him the most pain.

She offered to talk the next day, but what was the point?

She had made her decision.

He was too late.

Kid took his place and wouldn't take her for granted, like he had. He had no choice but to live with his mistake forever.

Granted, he could fight back. He could try to out-do Kid and steal her away. It would be pretty simple, given how sly he could be when needed, but Maka didn't deserve the drama. She deserved to be happy. He only hoped he could still feel so calm and collected when he had to see them together.

It wasn't until he heard the muffled click of Maka's door that he realized he was still standing by his. He heaved a heavy sigh and slowly began to lumber towards his bed.

His cool red eyes examined his rumpled sheets and tried to fight the thoughts that his bed would be the only with one occupant in the apartment that night. With a groan at his own thoughts, he allowed himself to spin onto his bed.

He stared blankly up at the ceiling, as if that would help at all. The very moment he had relaxed is when he heard the first giggle. His eyes shot open, already more red than normal from holding back the countless unshed tears.

When he was surrounded by only darkness he had to wonder and hope that the noise had been his imagination, or that he had simply been dreaming. But his fears were confirmed when another giggle surfaced. He looked in horror at the wall that was shared by their rooms. Surely he was hearing things…

He slammed his head back onto the bed and tried to focus on taking deep, calming breaths. Kid just told her a joke before bed, right? That had to be it…and now they'd both lay down and pass out from drunken exhaustion.

But then he heard it.

The sound he had always wished he could hear. Or, rather, a sound he was sure she would have been incapable of making, thus creating the challenge and desire to hear it.

Another moan sounded from the room and Soul could feel his heart ripping in two.

The tears that he had somehow held back in the kitchen were resurfacing. This time, he had no reason to remain strong and he let them fall freely.

The escaped drops traveled slowly down his numb face, the hurt causing his body to lose feeling. He made no attempt to wipe away the shame and regret that was dripping down his cheeks.

What good would it do to clear them when they'd just be replaced by more, and when the cause behind them was incapable of being wiped away with them?

It was when he heard her moaning get louder that the pillow was pulled forcefully over his head. He tried so hard to focus on something else, but all he could feel was the soft touch of her lips on his during that moment, that stolen kiss he would dream about forever.

He began to hum, a melody he had never heard before, but he allowed it to continue, simply thankful for the noise in the other room being cancelled out. He tried so hard to not imagine how things could have been-should have been- - in his opinion.

She would have melted into the kiss.

When she pulled away, she would have "wow"-d and been speechless. Her bright emerald eyes would have met his intense ones and she would have uttered her love for him, which he would have happily returned.

After another celebratory kiss, they would have left the kitchen to find Kid waiting. His eyes would dart to their joined hands and he'd know before they even spoke. His smug look combined with Maka's admission that the night with him meant nothing would crush Kid and he'd leave in a hurry.

Instead of parting ways like they usually did when they went to bed, he would have pulled her along into his room. She'd comment and chastise him for not making his bed and he'd pick her up and throw her playfully on top of it.

He'd flash her a toothy smile, the ones she loved so much, and take off his shirt. Surely, she'd blush and would look at it, confused, when he tossed it her way.

Like a gentleman, he'd turn around to allow her to change and wouldn't turn back until told to.

And that's the moment he would be yelled at for staring, but would be too lost at seeing her in nothing but his shirt to care.

How many times had he already seen her in his clothes? And how many times had he been too blind to see what it should have meant?

Eventually, he's become too overwhelmed and would crawl onto the bed with her. He'd pull her in for another kiss and she'd happily comply.

When he reached his breaking point, the point of no return, he'd pull back and kiss her forehead, repeating his love for her. When she returned the words, he'd pull her close, so she could lay her head on his chest. It would take a lot of deep breathing and concentration, but he would calm down.

As much as he would want more, a night of kissing and cuddling would be the coolest way to end their first night sleeping in the same bed.

And then they'd talk.

Of their love, or their future, or even of her night out. And eventually she'd drift off to sleep.

He'd place a kiss on her forehead and would watch her sleeping features until he, too, drifted off to meet her again in their dreams.

And, in his world, that's how he would end every single night with her.

Afterall, he'd have plenty of nights to do more, and plenty of chances to cuddle and kiss her to his heart's content.

But, in reality, he's wouldn't.

He'd never have a night like that.

He'd never be able to call her his.

He'd never get to hear her say she loved him too…at least not with the real meaning behind it.

He'd never get to feel what it was like to hold her when he slept, or to wake up with his arms wrapped fully around her.

But Kid would.

The thought crushed him and filled him with rage. He sat up quickly and threw his pillow across the room. He glared at it as he watched it bounce where it made impact with the carpet.

Now that he was no longer covered, the sounds flooded to his ears again. This time, instead of hearing the sound of Maka's moans, he was tortured with Kid's.

Meaning…that Maka was either doing something to him, or was having something done to her that would cause him to make those noises, too.

Either option was pure torture to think about.

Suddenly, another image and scene played itself in his mind. This one was of the second he had first busted the two together. With their bodies pressed together and their lips locked. That could be what was happening now, only with a lot less clothing and more connected body parts. As he considered the body parts that could be "connected" be lost all ability to focus and jumped from his bed.

After hastily jamming on his converses, he grabbed the keys to his bike and headed quickly towards his bedroom door.

Not caring if he was heard, he forcefully twisted the handle and yanked the door open. His stride quickened as he headed straight for the main entrance to their apartment. With one last backwards glance at Maka's closed bedroom door, he repeated the action and hastily tugged at the barrier to his freedom.

Surely some fresh air was all he needed to clear his head. To make the extreme jealousy and vivid mental images go away.

And the entire trek down the stairs and across the parking lot towards his bike was spent trying to convince himself that things would be alright and that he was too "cool" to be bothered by something as simple as a moan.

He climbed onto his bike, knowing that his mission was pointless and dreading the long night ahead of him. One he would be conquering…alone.

A/N: And another thank you to everyone who has followed and favorited me! I really do appreciate the love and knowing that so many people are reading what I write. You guys are amazing! Now, onto those review responses! (Don't forget, you, too, could be here. All you have to do it review! :D)

Meow-Mixed-Weasel: Thank you so much :D Your review made me smile so much, not only because it was the first, but because you were so sweet :)

TheDemonSwordsman126: Nope, s/he probably won't have an appearance in the fic, sorry!

Taren Hawk: I'm so glad you agree! Seeing as you comment every chapter, your opinion really does matter a lot! I just want to keep you faithful readers happy :D

Wordfiend: Your reviews always make me so happy! Even if they had don't it, I definitely would have never pulled the pregnancy thing. Not only because it's way too overdone, but I honestly just don't want to write it, lol. Seeing as they're both more intellectual than physical to begin with, I felt like it would be way out of character for them to just jump in be experts. Especially with first times, I think just about every person would be nervous, not even taking into account that these are two self-conscious teens. I had never considered that it was the start to a "healthy sexual relationship" but I'm so glad you pointed it out! I honestly couldn't have put it better myself about her chest, or lack thereof. That's always been Soul's issue with her, not her issue with herself, and I'm so glad you see it that way too! I can totally understand her being a little insecure being naked in front of him the first time, but I think that's driven from her past with her father and not with her size. And honestly, when you meet the right man, none of that matters, especially during the honeymoon phase :D As if the review wasn't amazing enough, then you tell me I have something pro writers don't. As if my ego needed more boosting after reading your already amazing review. But thank you, so much :D My 'Show, Don't Tell' is thanks entirely to one amazing teacher, as it is for most people that have a passion in something. I figured your long-arsed review deserved a long-arsed response :D But truly, thank you so much! You really do inspire me and your reviews make my writing that much better knowing that someone appreciated the little things. Thank you times a billion :D

GreenEmeraldGirlxoxo: Thank you again for all of the help! I couldn't do it without you guys! As for Soul's puppy…I need a name! Suggestions? :D

The shadow alchemist 05: 1) Thank you, but I'm no BlackStar xD So much as I'd like to be so I could be a part of the gang…I'm really glad you enjoy the stories though! 2) It's such a relief it didn't lose your interest! I was so worried it was moving too slow of a pace. First lemon jitters and all! 3)I promise I'm still writing, even if it's slower :( And if you have any request, please let me know and I'd be super happy to write a 'breathtaking' fic for you :D 4) Screamed with happiness? Hopefully you're just as excited for this one! 5)There's a few more chapters at least, so no worries! But if you have things you want added, let me know! 6) Here it is :D

Erin Bloodrein Sage: I sure hope that one (and this one, of course) were worth the wait :D Sorry it took so long!

CherriDoll: You're welcome :D Sorry it took so long, computer issues :(

Nymphadora: Craptastic is such a perfect way to describe it! But things are getting better, so thank you! I'm sorry you had to go through it too :( But I suppose there comes a time when you start learning from it and don't take it so personally. If I open Hog's Head, consider yourself hired :D Then you'd be free to sleep there as often as you'd like xD

Kid love: Yes it's still going! I'll PM you details as soon as I can (if you read this first, send me a PM and I'll link you!) As for Kid…he's my avatar, that gives me dibs xD

nocterose: It's such a huge honor to know that I've helped you become a better writer. I mean seriously…thank you! And I'm glad the chapter worked then ;P

cora: I'm so glad you loved the song fic! Honestly I was more than a little nervous that I wasn't putting enough in that chapter, or that it was a little too off. I'm so glad it went over well!

Project Shadow: I managed to not sound too vulgar? That's so awesome! I was worried that I was sounding too graphic, and then other moments I thought I was too childish. Thanks a lot, makes me feel a lot better that I didn't fail as a "first-timer" ;D

Regas95: Thank you sir. You're the greatest and thank you for all of the help getting this chapter done and the rest of the story planned out!

Animepnk88: I'm nowhere near done writing, I promise! Even when this story finishes, I have a ton of others planned. You guys will be stuck with me for a long long long time :D Was this really the first Kid/Maka story you ever read?! I feel so incredibly honored!

Sakura Ringo: Well then I thank you, as the reader, for reading this story! I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you! I had never really considered this an AU story, but now that you've pointed it out, I feel a lot better about it! I was so worried about putting them in an unrealistic situation, but now it's totally understandable. As for calling my story "cool", Soul would be so proud of you ;P