A/N: Sorry for the long wait, no ideas. I don't know so much of medical things; please excuse the amateur hospital plot. I barely have any idea how medics work.

Nowaki dragged himself into the on-call room. "So tired", he groaned to himself. Nowaki had been tending to the children in the pediatric department. He had been called in yesterday during lunch, missing a chance to see Hiroki when he got home. The man hadn't had enough sleep at home either. "I haven't gotten ahold of Hiro-san at all. My breaks have been cut short with all of the emergencies going on." Nowaki fell onto the bunk, shut his eyes with a deep sigh.

"Where is Kusama-kun?", one of the nurses asked, "they need him to check on a patient in room 217."
"He's taking a nap in the on-call room. I suggest you find another to check the patient, he's been working so hard for the past couple of weeks", said one of the other nurses. "Unacceptable", declared a senior doctor. "We pay these people to tend to patients, not laze about." "Sir, you hardly know Dr. Kusama, you just transferred here from another hospital." "Nonsense. Just two minutes of shut eye is enough for a doctor." "The old man's full of himself", whispered one of the nurses to another. The senior doctor barged into the room where Nowaki was resting on one of the beds. He flicked him lightly a couple of times on the back of his head. "Wake up Kusama, we need you."

The black-haired doctor flinched into the pillow suddenly. His voice muffled a strained groan, his arms lifting himself up with little effort and slumping back down into the pillow. The senior doctor was disgusted of the behavior shown from the young doctor, "Is this how they run this hospital?" The elder man made a firm pat on the younger man's head enough to get his attention. Once again, the black-haired doctor lifted his head off his pillow, a strained groan coming from his mouth. There was a sudden change of atmosphere. The nurses behind the open entrance felt it too coming from the room as they watched. The staff came to a sudden halt when the young doctor faced them from the bed. He was giving a never-before seen evil eye. "Can't You See I'm Sleeping?" questioned the junior forcefully. The nurses were suddenly fearing for their lives and the senior doctor was surprised. "You're on-call, we need you to come out." "On-call?...Wait, who the hell are you?" said the younger man in an annoyed tone. "Unbelievable", said the elder under his breath, "come with me." The senior grabbed onto the junior's arm, dragging him over to 217, the unpleasant aura following them.

The young doctor looked around, coming to his senses. 'Why am I in a hospital?' As he and the older doctor passed through the hall, other doctors greeted each other. "Doctor." 'Doctor? Do they mean me?' As they entered 217, the elder man introduced them to the child patient and her parents. "Good afternoon, I am Dr. Morinaga and this is my collegue, Dr. Kusama." 'Kusama? Doctor?' He looked down and inspected the id attached to his pocket, earning a quick tap on the wrist from Morinaga. 'Ah I'm in that boyfriend of Hiroki's body. A little weird, why am I him exactly?' "Kusama, why don't you tell them the news." Morinaga handed him a clipboard. He looked at the clipboard placed in front of him, 'what the hell is this handwriting?' He could only make out a few words and saw the condition of the child. He put on his best impression he had of the guy his friend was dating in his doctor-like state. "Your leg will be fine." He said with a smile. "You won't be able to do any running for a few weeks. Be more careful, and be sure to take your medicine to ease the pain." "Thank you, doctor." The parents said in relief. 'Nailed it.' "That will be all Kusama. Just go back to your business." "Finally!" said the younger man, earning a surprised look from the patients.

The young doctor strolled around the ICU and toward the waiting room. As he entered the main entrance, he was greeted by assistant nurses. He smiled their direction which seemed to make them all giggly. When he looked at the entrance and a way too familiar person caught his eye. "Ah Hiroki, I'm so glad you're here!" The brown-haired man stopped in his tracks as he was given an unexpected greeting from his lover. "Nowaki." "Yes, that is me! I'm so happy to see you here." Hiroki turned his head as he blushed, "Idiot, I came to see you because you weren't at home. You didn't even think of leaving a note?" "Ah, I'm sorry. I must have slipped my mind." Hiroki looked at his lover awkwardly, "Are you okay?" The doctor smiled, "Why wouldn't I be?" "You look tired", said the shorter man. "Ah, you know. So much work can burn out a person." "I couldn't have said it better myself", said a senior doctor walking toward their direction with a kind smile, "Kusama, you've been working so hard these past two weeks. I think it's about time you deserved some time off." "Thank you so much…Haruyama-sensei", said the younger man, inspecting the elder's id.

The mischevious seme set off to check out, small hints from other colleagues of the young doctor. He met up with Hiroki in front of the building. "So you have the next few days off?", asked Hiroki. "Yep", replied the taller man. "That's good", mumbled the other, "You ready to go?" "Ready when you are, Hiroki", replied the taller man in a rather forward way. Hiroki stopped in his tracks, "Ah, we've been through this haven't we?!" "Been through what?"

I'll let you in on a little secret. I have a very special name. It's a name that only one person on this world is allowed to call me.