hey guys! :D I really hope you like it. please enjoy reading okay?

Chapter 1-Attic


90 year old Danny Fenton sat up from his old worn out bed. His daughter, Lilith, had suggested he should get a new one but Danny didn't mind. This bed had too many memories to be replaced. This was the very first bed he and Sam, his wife, slept on together for the first time as a couple. This was the bed where their children, Lilith and Aiden were conceived. This was the bed where he and Sam would sleep with their children because of their children's nightmares. The bed where they would play with their children on a rainy day. The bed where he and Sam would cuddle when they have nothing to do. And the bed where he and Sam shared their last moments together before Sam passed away.

Danny sighed and got up. He had chores to do and they aren't going get done if he was just going to sit around all day. He went into the bathroom took a shower and got dressed into his usual clothes. He swapped his white T-shirt with a red oval in the middle for a white sweater with red trimmings. He wore black baggy jeans and red sneakers. For a 90 year old, he still looked good. He grabbed his glasses and went downstairs for breakfast. The house was quiet as usual. Ever since his wife passed, he was basically alone. He sighed again as he flipped the pancakes. He remembered those times when Sam would flip the pancakes so high he thought it would burst right through the ceiling. Danny smiled at that memory as he placed his pancakes on a plate and began to eat.

When he was done, he washed the dishes and started to clean the house. The house wasn't too big nor was it too small. It was a two story house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, (1 downstairs and 1 in the master's bedroom) a cozy kitchen, a spacious living room, an attic and a basement which is where they keep a ghost portal of their own. It was a little tough for a 90 year old man in cleaning the house but no matter. He was already used to it.

After cleaning Lilith's and Aiden's old rooms, all that was left is the attic. He figured it would probably dusty so he got a pair of rubber gloves, a mask and two feather dusters. He climbed up the ladder and opened the light. The room was a little crowded with the stuff he and Sam had. There was dust but not that much as he expected. He cleaned and arranged things until before he knew it, it was already lunch. He sighed got up and stretched a little. He decided to take one last check before going down to take lunch.

As he roamed around the room, he noticed a medium sized, rectangular black box on top of Danny's old collection of NASA stuff. He walked over to it and picked it up. The box was decorated with spiders and violet skulls. Danny laughed because he knew one person who was in to these stuff until the day she died. Danny gently opened the box to reveal a black photo album. Sam's photo album. Danny smiled, this was the photo album Sam had been so busy about last year before she died. So this is where she placed it. Might as well look at it later after lunch.

For lunch, he decided to re-heat the leftover chicken stew his daughter left him last night on her visit. He placed the album on the table and went to heat up the stew. When he was done, he put some in a bowl and began to eat. He kept on looking at the album until he decided he couldn't take it anymore and opened it. He flipped to the first page where he saw an old picture him, Sam and Tucker when they were still fourteen with a note in the bottom which said:

This album consists of my memories with Danny and Tucker as we grew up… mostly Danny though because he later became my husband. Cool huh? Anyway, to the one reading this, I hope you have a good time looking at it as much as I had a good time making this. - Sam Manson-Fenton

Danny smiled at the picture and flipped to the second page.

how was it so far? please review :D