Max's POV

The alarm's annoying high pitched buzz screamed through the barely morning. I groaned, rolling over and feeling for my alarm. With my eyes still closed my arm managed to knock it over and I heard it fall to the ground with a crash. At least it stopped.

I laid there for a few more seconds, soaking up the felling of my warm bed. But I finally dragged my lazy ass out of bed and into the shower which I managed to get to with my eyes still sleepily closed. The shower woke me up and i managed to walk around without looking like a zombie.

I pulled on my jeans and a black shirt and my jumper, I then started making breakfast. I looked up at the clock and saw I still had plenty of time so I took my time brushing my hair and teeth. I packed my bag with the usual excursion crap: Lunch, water, jumper, Ipod, a book to read, pencil case and other random stuff I probably wouldn't need.

I walked into my parent's room and said bye and got a very heart-felt grunt in response.

As I walked to school in the dark the cool air nipped at my skin. But there was something refreshing about this time of night/morning and I wondered what it would be like to be able to fly at this time.

It wasn't long before I reached school and I saw the bus parked outside and a few kids there already. I waited there until all my friends had arrived. Typically it was the teachers that were late.

We then had to wait around as the teachers did a head count and let us on the bus in alphabetical order. Even though my last name was Ride, I was on before most of my friends.

I sat opposite Bridget and Lissa by myself. I saw Fang get on next and I was actually kind of surprised when he sat down next to me. To be honest, I didn't think he would, I know what Fang's like. He gave me a rare Fang smile.

I saw Dylan get on and the pain in his eyes as he sat down in front of me. I felt a bit guilty, but not at the same time. Sometimes I really hated males.

The bus finally started leaving. I leaned my head against the window, I was still tired.

About an hour into the trip things started to brighten up as the sun was now up and everyone wasn't so tired.

I casually chatted with my friends about nothing in particular. Bridget and Lissa went into their own little world as normal and I noticed Nudge and Ella were forced to sit mostly down towards the front.

Fang and I struck up a conversation about nothing important. Being squashed into the small bus seats I was aware of the very little space between us. His hand rested casually on my knee because to be honest there wasn't really anywhere else to put it.

As we continued to talk I noticed he was acting a little differently. Was Fang. Fang. Flirting with me? I tried to put it out of my mind; I wasn't going down that track again. But now I had it on my mind I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I snapped out of my trance because I could practically feel Dylan seething. And I thought I was the jealous type. Suddenly he got up and went and sat in the empty seat behind Lissa and Bridget, I tried to shrug it off, he probably just wanted someone to talk to.

About 20 minutes later he came back to his seat. I saw Lissa had put in her earphones and was playing a game on her Ipod as Bridget tapped away on the seat with her nails. It finally got the better of her and she scootered over the isle and sat down next to Dylan.

I looked away from them and continued talking with Fang; I wasn't going to let jealously into my mind. However it was impossible not to look over their way as I heard the very distinctive giggles off Bridget. Dylan had his arms wrapped around her, tickling her in the sides, causing her to push herself against his chest.

"Dylan stop" she giggled, not meaning it at all.

I think I felt my heart drop as her hands ran up his arms that were wrapped around her. I looked away and out the window. I didn't want to watch anymore.

"Max?" Fang asked softly.

I didn't look at him. I didn't love Dylan or anything, but I still felt like someone had reached into my chest and had a vice grip on my heart. My eyes stung from unshed tears. I was not going to cry. I don't do crying. Especially about boys, they just weren't worth it. I hadn't cried over a boy since the Fang incident and I planned to keep it that way. That didn't mean I didn't feel like crawling into a hole and dying. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and Dylan and Bridget, watching the scene of betrayal play out. I felt like a politician's wife, standing there like a stone while my husband talking about his cheating ways to the world. How did they do it?

I was reminded of the Fang incident. Was I doomed to always be replaced and forgotten for friends? Was I really that horrid that guys couldn't bear to be with me?

I heard Fang call my name and tap my shoulder but I didn't want to look at him. He was the last person in the world that could comfort me. He hurt me like no one else could. I was so sick of boys, especially my guy friends. All they did was go out of their way to get me. Was this like a pick on Max thing? See who can make her cry more? She who can break her first? See who can scar her most?

Finally Fang managed to pull me around so I was looking at him. His hand on my shoulder and one on my leg was rather comforting, but I knew it was fake. It had to be. After all, I was just a tool to him.

No matter how hard I tired, I knew it was true. Fang had broken me. And it took Dylan to make me realise it. I knew I was never going to fully trust a guy again. I was never going to fully open up. I was never going to trust him.

Great, I was going to be a crazy cat person. Me and my 100 cats. I shall name them in alphabetical order, Ari, Blaise, Cat, Delilah, Ella, Fray, Gaven, Holden, Isis…well you get the point.

The rest of the bus trip was awkward and depressing. I couldn't get off the bus faster when it finally stopped.