Like with my Labyrinth drabbles, I've already posted some of these on Deviantart, but thought I'd throw them here too. Let me know what you think!
The Avengers and everything that exists in the Marvel Universe is the property of Marvel and Disney. I just wanted to play in their toybox for a bit.
He was her favorite nightlight. There were always nights were thoughts and images would plaque her mind and Pepper would shoot up in the night, fear clutching at her heart.
But the blue-white light would tug at her vision and illuminate the shadows.
And she would see him, lying on his back, one arm thrown across his eyes, mouth slack in sleep. A great weight would fall off her shoulders, and a smile would light her face more than his arc reactor.
She'd kiss his forehead and rest on his shoulder, staring at the lit reactor. Knowing he was alive.