Chapter 5 – A Joyous Noel
(December 25th, 1993 – 3rd Year)
Harry swung by the kitchen and grabbed a cold bottle of sparkling cider and three glasses before he followed Ginny and Hermione up to their bedroom on the second floor. He was interested in a nice slow conclusion to their first Christmas at Potter Manor as well as their first Christmas together being legally married.
The girls had a slightly different idea and pushed Harry out to the terrace and asked him to continue up to the gazebo while they changed out of their dress clothes. Harry raised a questioning eyebrow but the girls gave him a quick kiss and said that they would be along in a bit.
Harry took the elevator up to the roof and placed the bottle on a table outside the gazebo where it would stay chilled in the cool December air. He entered the wood and glass structure and lit a few of the big candles that lay around the room. Harry went and got some blankets and pillows from a small cupboard and laid them on the top of the futon that faced the door.
The futon had been purchased by Hermione, Ginny and Dee on one of their muggle shopping trips in the fall. Not only was the piece of furniture large enough and comfy enough for the three of them to sit and talk together but it made into an excellent bed when laid open. The futon faced across the small valley next to Potter Manor and was a favorite place for the three to end the day at.
Harry sat on the edge of the futon and thought about the day they had just finished. Breakfast with the Grangers, an afternoon and late lunch at The Burrow with the Weasleys and a small smorgasbord meal with Sirius, Narcissa, Draco, Remus and Tonks in the evening. Harry didn't quite believe that Professor Snape was downstairs now exchanging Christmas presents with Narcissa and Draco but that's what was happening. It had been an entertaining but somewhat draining day. Harry didn't quite know what to expect from his wives this evening other than a good snog or two and a long snuggle together before they all fell asleep.
Harry was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear or see the elevator begin running again. He was touched on the shoulder and suddenly noticed that Hermione and Ginny were standing in front of him. They both had small grins on their faces and Harry noticed as they pulled him up into a hug that they were wearing their Hogwarts robes but their bare toes were sticking out from the bottom edge.
"Where are your shoes or slippers? I don't want you to catch a cold out here by walking around barefoot."
"It's okay Harry; it was only for a moment or so." Hermione pulled Harry over to a small grouping of chairs while Ginny went back to get the bottle of cider from the outside table. Harry pried the top off the bottle and poured three small glasses of the bubbly liquid.
"We had enough Butterbeer today to float a small boat so I thought this would make a nice nightcap for us. Anyone want to make the first toast?"
Ginny and Hermione pointed at each other but Hermione was the first to raise her glass up. "Here's to friends and family. Something we have become and something that we'll always be. To the Potters!"
Harry took a sip and was surprised when both girls leaned in to give him a lingering kiss on each cheek. Ginny's smile was very broad when she giggled and spoke up next. "To the best and most considerate husband anyone could ever want. We both love you very much Harry James Potter for the kind, generous, thoughtful and protective soul either of us have had the privilege of meeting."
"You make it sound like I'm a very good pet" Harry said with a grin.
"Yes but you are our pet Jamie." Ginny put her glass down and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. She had a fierce look in her eyes when she wound her hands in Harry's hair and lowered her lips to his. Harry was almost overwhelmed by the intensity and need of the contact; Ginny let her tongue caress Harry's lips and he opened his mouth to grant her total access to his mouth. Their tongues met and gently explored each other and Harry could hear his heart beating faster the longer that that incredible experience lasted.
Ginny finally had to wrench her mouth away suddenly and she and Harry were both gasping a little to get some oxygen back into their systems. "That was incredible Gin. I love you very much."
A tap on his shoulder made Harry turn a little quickly to face Hermione. She was smiling at the look she saw in Harry's and Ginny's faces. "My turn, if you don't mind."
Harry held his arms out and Hermione almost lept into them for a good long hug. She had her head next to Harry's and he wasn't surprised when he felt Ginny come up behind them and caress his hair as she carefully gave Hermione a kiss that Harry thought was aimed just next to Hermione's uncovered ear. Hermione gave a small shudder that had nothing to do with being cold. Ginny slipped her arms around them briefly to envelope them both in a hug and then she moved away.
Hermione levered herself back out of the close hug and Harry saw that there were glad tears in her eyes. "I am so happy to be here right now to be with you and Ginny. It's like a wonderful dream that I wake up to and can enjoy every day."
She grabbed and carefully held Harry's head as she brought her mouth close to his. Harry closed his eyes anticipating the kiss but was surprised when Hermione made a sideways lick from one ear down across his mouth to the other ear. Harry was the one shaking now and saw that Hermione had a hungry look to her.
"Hey, take it easy on the man Nonnie. We have plans that he needs to be conscious for."
"Does he really need to be conscious? I'm sure he wouldn't mind us taking advantage of him in any condition."
Harry looked up at Ginny's laughter and saw that she was just finishing making up the futon and fluffing up the pillows. Harry was tapped on the top of the head and saw that Hermione had moved her face closer again. "How many kisses do you think we want tonight husband?"
"There aren't enough stars to count how many I want to give Ginny and you Nonnie."
Hermione's grin became even wider. "You're making me all gooey inside Harry. I can't believe how you say the exactly right things to make me love you more."
"It's easy to say things I mean to you and Ginny." Harry saw that Ginny was making shooing motions with her hands and decided she was trying to tell him to kiss his closest wife. Harry didn't waste much time thinking about it and pulled Hermione back into a close hug. He lowered his head and kissed his way up her neck and to her mouth. Hermione squirmed and tried to climb into his lap but Harry was holding her too tight.
Harry finally found her mouth and attacked it with almost a necessary roughness as he poured his love and desires into the contact. Hermione gasped once as she opened her mouth to let Harry's tongue in. It seemed like an incredibly long time that they stayed like that but both wanted so much more of it when they finally parted.
Hermione started to stand but Harry had to put his hands on her hips as she wobbled a little unsteadily. "You say any word about any other male in the world Harry Potter and I'll chuck you off the top of the Manor, Christmas or not."
Harry chuckled and switched his grip from Hermione's hips to one of her hands. "I may be absent-minded and oblivious some days but even I know when to shut up and just enjoy life."
Ginny returned and she and Hermione mushed Harry together with one of their incredible double hugs. Harry smiled and kissed both their foreheads in turn.
"But we don't want you to totally shut up Harry" Hermione said.
"Yes, some of us like hearing what we are doing to you and besides… we sort of have some plans that involve the use of your tongue."
Harry just couldn't stop himself from blushing at what Ginny had said but did try to brazen it through. "Really? Am I going to be the only one employing my oral skills this evening Mrs. Potter?"
A surprising tense drawl issued from Hermione's lips. "Well, you've got to ask yourself one question Harry: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
Harry collapsed giggling on the floor as Hermione fell over laughing beside him. Ginny stood with her hands on her hips. "I can NOT believe you ruined a perfectly good romantic mood by quoting a western."
"Cop movie, Gin."
"Whatever." Ginny made to flounce away toward the door but Harry and Hermione both tackled her about the knees and brought her down screaming. It quickly turned into a tickle fight and Ginny finally yelled for mercy with Harry sitting on her stomach and Hermione paying special attention to the bottom of both feet.
When the giggling finally settled, Hermione released her hold on Ginny's ankles and moved up next to the redhead as Harry lay down on her. "I apologize Gin. It just popped out of my mouth before I could stop it."
Ginny turned her head from staring up at Harry to address her wife. "Then I demand a proper apology."
"I already said…"
"Show me."
Hermione licked her lips nervously and reached out to cup Ginny's cheek with one hand. She closed her eyes as did Ginny and Harry had a close up view of his two wives expressing their love to each other in a deep and obviously caring kiss. Ginny sighed contentedly as Hermione withdrew just a bit and kissed her nose and then each eyelid carefully.
Hermione snuggled in closer to the side of her spouses and threw an arm across Harry's back. Harry blew Hermione an air kiss and smiled. "This is probably the least comfortable place we could continue on with things. I'd like to answer Nonnie's question before we get up though."
"What question?" Ginny said.
"About feeling lucky? Quit squirming Gin, if I'm too heavy I'll move now."
"Don't you dare Jamie. I've got you right where I want you." Ginny moved her legs a bit and looped her ankles around Harry's calves to hold him in place.
"Hmmm? Nonnie, I think that woke up Em."
Harry hung his head down in resignation and felt Hermione caress his neck lightly. "The answer Harry?"
"To answer your question, I feel very lucky. Not just because of the way I think this night might end up but just being a friend as well as husband to both you marvelous women. I feel loved and cherished, even when I royally bollix things up. I only miss you a little when I'm sleeping because I know you'll be right by my side or in my thoughts whenever I wake up to continue this marvelous life we have together. Yes, Nonnie, I am a very lucky punk."
Harry saw a tear leave Ginny's right eye and he kissed it away before it got too far. Hermione leaned in and quietly whispered in Harry's ear. "You have no idea of how lucky a fellow you will be tonight. Ginny and I want to wear you out."
Ginny was the one to waggle her eyebrows at Harry this time and she relaxed the hold she had on his legs and back. Hermione made it to her feet first and she and Harry pulled Ginny up into another mutual hug.
Each wife took one of Harry's hands and they led him to the edge of the futon and sat him down on the edge of it. Harry was a little uncomfortable when they both knelt and divested him of his shoes and socks before starting to attack the buttons of his shirt. Harry reached for the closure of their robes more than once but had his hands gently removed or slapped for his efforts. "Husband's first tonight" Ginny said as she slipped his shirt off his shoulders. Hermione plucked his glasses off his face and then gave him a kiss. "Your real eyes just drive me crazy. All shiny and such a wonderful green."
Harry drew the line at having them remove his pants but they did stand while they watched him undue his belt and loosen up the top snap to his trousers. He was then unceremoniously pushed back on the bed and each girl grabbed a pant leg and stripped him down to his boxers.
"Well, I never" Harry said with a laugh.
"Yes, you have" Ginny said grinning.
"And will continue to do so" Hermione finished.
"Okay I surrender. What's next?"
"Scoot back a bit and sit up. And close your eyes please. We've some new nightwear we liked to show you Harry."
"That's always a great idea but I was kind of guessing you were both starkers under the robes."
"That bit of surprise might be saved for when we get back to school Jamie. Shut those peepers now."
Harry nodded and shut his eyes. He heard a bit of giggling from the foot of the futon and a pair of zippers as Ginny and Hermione worked on divesting themselves of their robes. Time seemed to stretch out forever as Harry waited but it actually wasn't more than thirty seconds before he was told he could look.
Harry opened his eyes and then his hands clenched the sheets he was sitting on to keep him from leaping forward. The sight took his breath and a good part of his mind away. Hermione was facing him but Ginny was standing right next to her facing away from Harry.
They were both wearing his Hogwarts Quidditch jersey. Scarlet with gold stripes and trimmings; Gryffindor embroidered across the front and Potter with the number 1 on the back.
"So where did those come from?" Harry got out.
"Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon Alley. It's a surprisingly good seller they told us."
"Uh-huh." Harry still couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.
Nonnie and Ginny were wearing his jerseys – and nothing else! Since the jersey only came to their waists Harry had an unrestricted view of some of the best of his wives gorgeous assets. Hermione facing him with her long beautiful legs and depilated Mons and Ginny's fantastic bum that seemed to be begging to be touched or kissed.
Harry sat speechless for a long time. Just taking in the view he knew was only given to him. He knew his heart was racing but his mind refused to tell his mouth all the wonderful things he felt he should be saying to these two very special females.
Ginny frowned. "He hasn't said anything. Perhaps he'd like us the other way around." Both girls turned slowly 180 degrees till Harry was viewing Nonnie's tush and Ginny's red topped fanny.
Harry finally found his voice. "Either side of you two are incredible and I just can't do justice to say how… hot you both are. I definitely think that's my second favorite thing for you to wear to bed from now on."
Ginny tilted her head sideways just a little bit and batted her eyes. "Only the second favorite Harry?"
Nonnie turned around and whispered very loudly. "I think he prefers our birthday suits love."
Ginny made a move to the hem of her jersey and lifted it up just past her belly button. "Something like this Jamie?"
Harry knew he was just nodding mindlessly but he didn't seem to be able to stop. Seeing both his wives half-naked had definitely caused a reaction in his shorts. He wasn't sure he could move in any matter whatsoever without hurting himself or improbably ripping through his boxers.
Nonnie seemed to notice his condition and took pity on her spouse. "Maybe we shouldn't stand quite like this. I think Em has reared its amazingly impressive head again and it's causing Jamie some discomfort."
"There's a cure for that" Ginny said cheekily.
Harry groaned and laid down flat on his back. He closed his eyes but felt the futon move a little as his wives settled down beside him. Ginny started stroking his chest. "The little fashion show wasn't designed to make you uncomfortable Harry."
"I know Gin but if you think I'm going to NOT react to seeing either of you half-starkers then you obviously haven't been paying attention to my little friend."
"Little he says. Haven't we paid you enough compliments about your size?"
"Seeing as you, at least, has ever seen another male in the condition you always put me in, I'm not sure it's a valid compliment."
Ginny and Hermione look at Harry in shock. He really believed what he was saying. Hermione placed a gentle hand on her husband's cheek. "Belief it or not Mr. Potter, both of us has done a little research on what we so jealously keep secret from the rest of the Hogwarts witches."
Harry waited for the explanations as Hermione and Ginny tried to figure out how to best reassure their husband. Both girls rested on their fronts and looked up into Harry's face.
Hermione coughed. "I'll go first. Scientific data only. Statistically the average length for a fully functional male organ is between 5½ and 6 inches fully engorged depending on whose study you read. And about 5 inches in circumference."
Harry had a little smile on his face when he kissed Hermione gently. "You do love doing your research Nonnie. I wish I could see your book list someday though."
"Then there's the visit the Grangers have made to the naturist beaches and resorts. You sometimes can't avoid seeing erections and, believe me Harry; you have nothing to be ashamed of."
Ginny giggled and moved her hand to the front of Harry's boxers and stroked Em through his underwear. "This is much longer than what she said was normal and neither Hermione nor I can fully wrap a hand around you when you're at your finest."
Jumping just a little bit at the touch, Harry shook his head. "I'm really not fishing for compliments dears. Some blokes brag about their 'largesse' but I'm certainly not one of those."
"We know love and that's one thing we love about you. But you shouldn't be too modest about what you naturally have. At least with us."
"I'm not going to speak for Hermione Harry but I think you're just the right size. Long and plump and filling me up and touching just all the right places every time we make love. That's so….exciting and emotionally stimulating as well rocking my world when EM is about brushing my belly button from the inside. I get excited just thinking about how wonderful Em is."
Harry chuckled but asked Ginny if she wasn't exaggerating just a little bit. She shook her head. "Tell you what hubby, we'll share our feelings and experiences at least once tonight and you can tell me how far up into me you think you are."
Ginny smiled shyly up at her husband after her statement. She stretched up a little and worried his bottom lip with her teeth for a second and then turned to her best female friend.
"Your turn to tell our husband why you get so turned on by his size."
Hermione didn't look very confident or sure of herself as she looked up into Harry's eyes. "It's… it's…"
"Hermione Granger Potter speechless? It's just me and Gin here Nonnie."
Hermione looked a little flummoxed and Ginny gave Harry a private mental nudge. He hesitated and Ginny gave him one of those looks that meant she wasn't kidding.
Furrowing his brow, Harry dropped his voice a good octave. "You will tell me now MISS GRANGER. Is that understood?"
Seeing Nonnie's bottom lip quiver just a little bit, Harry wondered if he had pushed her the wrong way. Hermione struggled to her knees then sat back on her heels. She folded her hands in her lap and lowered her head. Her voice was very soft and respectful. "Sir, you are just what I need and Em is ever more than what I ever hoped to be joined up with. Just thinking about how it feels having me filled up and loved makes me damp and wishing I could invent a permanent drying charm for my knickers. Outside of class when I'm alone sometimes I want to touch myself and get off but know I shouldn't because it won't be ever as good as having you, Em in me and making me scream in happiness. I like seeing Em all the time, even when he's occasionally just hanging around and not up to being the mighty steed I dream about mounting. I try not to drool and control myself from reaching out and fondling you all the time or maybe just having Em in my mouth. I try to control myself but there's times when I want to be very naughty and have Em in me anywhere just so you can claim me. I don't believe I'm saying all these things to you."
Harry raised himself up and kissed Hermione on the cheek. She looked up hopefully. "My fault entirely Nonnie. I ordered you to. But you thought I might when you didn't answer right away. Am I wrong?"
"No… sir."
"Do you mind me giving you orders Miss Granger?"
"No sir. I would tell you when I'm Nonnie rather than 'Miss Granger'.
"And how exactly am I to know when 'Miss Granger' is present or wants some directedness?"
Hermione drew a breath and lowered her eyes again. "May I call you My Lord when we're alone or just the three of us?"
"You have my permission, if you need it, Miss Granger. And for Ginny?"
Hermione reached out and touched Ginny's wrist. "My Lady?"
Ginny was very solemn as she replied. "You may call me that Miss Granger."
Harry wasn't upset but was a little puzzled. He hadn't imagined having a conversation like this. "And when we'd rather have our Hermione back instead?"
"Just ask for Nonnie; I'm still in here and just watching somebody else have control over me."
"Very well Miss Granger. I do have one more thing to say to you. Make that two; neither your Lord nor Lady will ever physically abuse you; we just can't do that. Anything Miss Granger desires in the way of control will be verbal only. Do you understand that Miss Granger?"
"Yes My Lord."
"The second promise we make to you is that only the three of us will ever know about 'Miss Granger'.
Harry motioned with one hand to Ginny and both came up beside their wife and leaned in to kiss her.
Hermione raised her head up and smiled. "Yes Jamie?"
"We're done with Miss Granger now."
"Thank you both. That was wonderful."
"So…are you the least little bit horny Nonnie?"
"Oh, for Merlin's sake Ginny, yes! Somebody touch me before I spontaneously melt. Or burn up."
Ginny wasted no time in grabbing Hermione's jersey and quickly stripping it off her. Harry pulled Hermione down so that she was lying flat and he and Ginny started kissing her face, neck and shoulders. "So where would you have us Nonnie?"
"My nipples love, please. Gin, do you mind… Could you…"
"Of course Nonnie." Ginny smiled so Hermione could see her and planted a kiss just along the point of her chin. As Harry began teasing one of the points of Nonnie's chest with his lips, Ginny began dropping kisses and occasional small nips in slowly making her way down Nonnie's body.
Harry didn't have to watch Ginny's progress. The way that Nonnie reacted when Ginny reached a particularly sensitive spot was a good enough indication of how well Ginny knew Nonnie's body. Harry heard and felt his wife get more excited as Ginny and he worked on further exciting her. He felt her take in a deep breath with a moan when Ginny reached her lower lips. She bucked up in sudden release and Harry knew that Ginny had found her center with her fingers or her mouth. Or both.
Nonnie began thrashing around wildly and jammed Harry's head and mouth more firmly into her breast. Harry closed his teeth carefully over the nipple he was latched on to and began sucking and frantically licking the nubbin with his tongue.
Nonnie's body jerked in a series of small convulsions and Harry turned his head in time to see her mouth open wide in a silent scream. She fell back to the futon, totally limp and Harry released any contact he had with her breast.
Ginny's shiny face appeared across Hermione's prone and gasping body and Harry leaned across to give his wife a kiss. Ginny lips were full of the taste and smell of Hermione so that answered Harry's half curious question. Both smiled at each other and lay down sideways to bracket Hermione's body.
Hermione's eyelids were heavy and half-closed but the smile that was evident in her eyes and mouth could have been measured in miles. She kissed Harry and then Ginny in turn. "You two may be the death of me yet – but what a way to go. I'm just going to lie here and relax for a bit. Let me move over a little so the two of you can have a little of the fun that I just had. I'm content just to bask a bit in the overflow of coming and watch the two of you make love."
Moving a little sideways on the futon, Hermione was still mindful of touching the two others as best she could. She watched as Ginny and Harry continued to kiss and fondle each other. Harry finally made an effort to disengage himself from Ginny's hug and put a finger to her lips.
"I would so like to continue this horizontally but I'm so close to the edge already that it just doesn't seem fair to let you only have a second or two of being in that intimate coupling before it was over for me."
"It's not just for my pleasure you know. They'll be seconds later if Nonnie or I have anything to say or do about it."
"So how close are you Gin?"
"It wouldn't take much of any of your special talents to probably get me to Nonnie's condition. Why?"
Harry waggled his eyebrows and Ginny blushed for a second. Hermione chuckled from her prone position. "Even with my eyes closed, I can sense that Harry was going to suggest swapping ends with you so he and you could do a little bit of that oral practicing that was mentioned earlier."
Ginny nodded and moved up so that she could swing her leg up and across Harry' shoulders so she was straddling his head.
'You know, I've got a very wonderful view from where I'm lying.'
'Rats, I was going to say that Harry.'
'Great minds must think alike.'
"I don't think it's your minds that you are both admiring now.'
'You're absolutely right!' Ginny's mental giggle caused Harry to smile.
Harry's view was a little restricted but he saw Nonnie's hand come up first to slap Ginny's cheek lightly and then to start pressing her bum down to rest on Harry's lips. Ginny gave a large gasp but then lowered her head. Harry felt the redhead's silky hair graze and tickle the tops of his thighs. His exclamation of happiness was muffled and passed through Ginny's fanny to cause her to shiver unexpectantly.
As Harry had predicted, it wasn't long until Ginny's practiced hands and mouth brought him over the edge. He stopped his actions only momentarily but tightened his hands on her bottom and continued with his ministrations until he received a reward of his own in the releasing of her own essences and heard her cries of bliss.
Ginny lay panting face down on Harry's torso for a few minutes while they both recovered. Nonnie had watched both releases and slipped out of bed. By the time she came back from her errand, Ginny had turned around and was cuddling at Harry's side.
Hermione held up the other half of the bottle of sparkling cider. "I put a cooling charm on it and I thought we could just finish it off now."
Ginny slid up to one elbow. "And restock some off our bodily fluids too?"
Harry groaned but smiled as Ginny tipped the bottle up and took a few long swallows. She held it out to him but pulled it back when she saw him smirk. "Go ahead and say it – there's a remark waiting to come out; I just know it."
"Okay, bottle first please." Harry took a couple of long swigs himself before handing it back to Nonnie. She finished off the last swallow and then placed the empty on a side table. Harry held up his other arm invitingly and the brown-haired witch hopped into bed and placed Harry's arm around her shoulders.
Harry waited for a moment of silence and then conspiratorially lowered his voice. He pulled Nonnie and Ginny's heads a little closer to his, looked around carefully as if he telling a big secret and spoke quietly. "What I was going to say was that I thought we had done a pretty good job of exchanging some of our best bodily fluids already."
Harry cringed and wasn't disappointed when both girls suddenly turned and attacked him. The three tumbled and turned and fell to laughing and holding onto to each other in fun and shared friendship.
When Ginny's giggles had finally settled down, she turned and slapped her husband lightly on the shoulder. "You have some cheek Mr. Potter."
"But not nearly as cute as the cheeks on my two wives" Harry said.
"Nonnie, what are we going to do with this… this husband?"
Hermione reached across to tap Ginny's hand where it rested on Harry's chest. "I don't know about you but I think I'll try talking my husband into making another attack on my virtue."
Ginny snickered. "Ready to go again huh?"
"Whenever Harry thinks he's ready or Em is 'up' for it."
Harry rolled his eyes but just nodded. "How could I not think about another go with two drop dead sexy and naked witches snuggling up next to me? Besides didn't you two threaten to wear me out a bit ago?"
"We might have said something like that. My memory is a little vague about the specifics. It was such a long time ago."
"So are neither of you satisfied by what we've done so far?"
Hermione blushed a little but ran her hand up and down Harry's chest casually. "That was quite, quite fantastic what you and Ginny did to me."
"But…?" Harry prompted.
"All that talk about Em before makes me want to enjoy that part of our sex life tonight too. If you don't think I'm demanding too much."
"Do you not think I don't enjoy being in, under, with you like that?"
"Not from what you say sometimes Jamie."
"You two are never going to get tired of making me blush are you?"
"Definitely not."
Harry chuckled just a little. "I sort of enjoy it because I have absolutely no idea of what is going to come out of your mouth next. It's frustrating and fun at the same time because you know when to quit it before it goes too far when we're out in public."
Ginny and Hermione exchanged one of those glances that told Harry they were having a bit of their own private conversation Harry looked from one to other and waited. Ginny didn't disappoint him. "Don't know what we'll say? How about if I say this." She leaned up and whispered a few sentences into Harry's ear and watched his eyebrows rise as far as they could.
Not to be outdone, Hermione leaned in and whispered a few things into Harry's other ear. He closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip and tried to control his breathing.
Ginny let go a little laugh and began clapping. "That certainly got Em's attention. He looks like he's ready to go again Nonnie."
"That was a great idea Gin. He certainly was intrigue by our suggestions."
"Hey, I'm still in the room here ladies."
"But you have to admit it Harry, we do know what titillates you."
"And Em" Ginny said pointing. "Your turn first Mrs. Potter."
"Thank you Mrs. Potter."
Harry reached over and kissed Hermione gently on the lips. "So, would you prefer the top or bottom Nonnie? I try to be accommodating to anything my wives desire."
"Actually Jamie I think I'd rather be in front with you behind me."
Ginny whistled suddenly. "That sounds scrumptious. Me too, if you please."
Harry was back to where he was earlier in the evening. His jaw fell open and he suddenly couldn't think of anything to say.
Hermione turned and got up on her hands and knees. She smiled as an idea came to her. "You know Gin, you could get up here beside me and Em could take turns with us."
"That might be the straw that broke the hippogriffs back. Take a look at the expression on Jamie's face Nonnie."
Harry James Potter didn't care what his face looked like right at the moment. He knew he was in a sort of state that he hadn't ever found himself in before. He nervously got up on his knees behind his naked wives. Strangely enough Harry could only think of one thing to say and it brought smiles to both his ladies.
"Merry Christmas to all."
Both Ginny and Hermione finished the couplet for him. "And to All a Good Night."