Here's the next chapter, sorry it took so long, I've got so many open fics that I want to try and finish each one before I start posting on them again, that way I have no excuse for not posting chapters.

Chapter 19:

Caitie's mouth dropped open "Mono?" She asked, "That's what's wrong with me? I've got Mono?"

"How in the hell did she get the kissing disease?" Gibbs asked.

"I haven't kissed anyone." Caitie denied.

"It's possible to get the disease in other ways, someone with mono could have used the same drinking fountain as her and spread it that way."

"It's possible I got it from the drinking fountain at the library, I used it a lot this summer." Caitie said.

"What can we do to get her better?" Dad asked.

"Let her rest, right now that's the only course of action."

"Should I pull her out of school?" Dad asked.

"It's up to you, that might help her get better faster." The doctor said. After a few more questions, the Gibbs' left the doctors and went out to the car.

"Dad?" Caitie asked, they got into the truck and Caitie put her seatbelt on.


"Are you mad at Mom?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Just the tone of your voice, when you talk to her." Caitie said quietly.

"I'm frustrated with some things that have happened but I'm not mad at her." Dad said quietly. "I'm not going to tell you much more then that, because I don't want to bring you into something involving your mother and I. You shouldn't be in the middle of the two of us."

"Okay." Caitie looked over at Gibbs as they drove. "Are you going to pull me out of school?" She asked.

"Not sure yet." Gibbs said shortly, he changed lanes and Caitie yawned. "What would I do with you during school hours?"

They were nearly home when Caitie spoke again. "Can we stop by Wal-Mart? I need a few things."

"Like what?" Gibbs asked as he pulled onto the Wal-Mart parking lot they happened to be passing.

Caitie blushed "Chocolate and Tampons."

Gibbs pulled out his wallet and handed her a card. "Don't spend more than 20." He told her.

Caitie nodded and slipped from the truck as soon as Gibbs had parked.

Nearly half an hour later Gibbs too left the truck and went in, it had taken Caitie too long to get her things, while she'd probably only stopped to talk with a friend, they needed to get home. He'd left his Dad and Jenny alone, and he wanted to get home to do any damage control.

He scanned the open registers and after he was unable to find her, he walked down to the personal care section of the store. He could see a sign with the word 'Tampons' on it and he headed towards it.

He looked into the aisle, hoping to see Caitie as he didn't want to call her over the intercom.

Thankfully she was in the aisle and he approached her and the boy she was talking to. The boy she was talking to was wearing the uniform he'd seen several workers wear and he gritted his teeth. A Wal-Mart employee was flirting with his daughter? Halfway down the aisle though, he stopped Caitie was holding a tube of something and he looked at it, trying to see what it was.

KY Gel.

"She's almost old enough to be able to get an abortion without either of our permission." Jenny's words came back.

"It's easier for stuff to go through if it's wet."

What is Caitie talking about!? Gibbs closed the distance between him and his daughter, he wrenched the gel out of her hand, he felt it fly out of his hand and he heard a clatter at the other end of the aisle but he ignored it.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Caitie had turned around, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Why were you playing around with that stuff?"

"The boxes got knocked to the ground." Caitie said, "Josh and I were cleaning them up."

"It's easier for stuff to go in if it's wet!?"

"We were talking about the water park, the slides." Caitie said, to Gibbs it looked like she was lying and that pissed him off. If she'd be honest with him about it, he wouldn't be so mad.

"Stop lying."

"Dad, I'm not lying!" Caitie denied, her friend spoke up now.

"Mr. Gibbs, we were talking about the Water Park, and how…" He trailed off as Gibbs glared at him.

"Young man, are you on break?"

"No sir."

"Is there anything you should be doing instead of talking with my daughter?"

"Yes sir."

"Then I suggest you go do it."

The boy hesitated for a moment, but there was no mistaking the glint in Gibbs' eyes. The boy turned and fled, Gibbs turned to Caitie who was red faced with embarrassment.

"You have five minutes." With that, he turned and left the store.

The drive home was tense. Caitie refused to look at him but as they pulled up into the driveway, she turned to him. "I was in the tampon aisle and there were lots of girls with carts. I moved and accidentally knocked the box down, Josh was loading them into the shelves. I helped him load everything up since I made a mess."


"We weren't doing anything inappropriate dad."

"Is there a point to this Caitie?"

"It was innocent, we started talking about the Water Park because he muttered that he preferred that job to his Wal-Mart one. I asked him about it and he said he had worked there before and didn't like how they had to have the water running down each slide for so long before they could use the slide."

They entered the house now, Jenny and Jackson got up from the kitchen table where they'd been talking, "I don't believe that Caitie."

"I'm not lying!"

"Tell me the truth!"

"I am!" Caitie's voice got louder.

Then he said it, he was so angry he didn't realize what he'd said until after the words came out and it was too late: "Damn it Kelly, stop lying to me!"

OMG I can't believe I just did that.

Please review!