Helping Out A...Friend?-

Summary- Kurt and Sebastian meet at the Lima Bean (Of Course), after Blaine broke up with him. Blaine broke up with him for Bear-Cub (Dave) believe it or not. Sebastian started joking around with Kurt, like usual, then Blaine and Dave walk in. Sebastian decides to *help* Kurt a little bit.

A/N:Hope you guys like it it's my first fanfic.

P.S.-I tend to use nicknames like Sebby, Seb, Bas, Kurtsie ect. If I use it in the wrong place try to ignore it!

"Hey Gay-face!" came a framiliar voice from behind the pale boy. "Where's the boy-toy? Wait, let me guess. He's out getting you some boy clothes? Am I right?" Sebastian asked,taking a seat across from Kurt.

"That's none of your business, or mine I guess." Said Kurt, not even looking up from his poetry assignment.

"What do mean it's not you business?" Sebastian asked leaning closer, too close for Kurt's comfort.

"He dumped me, happy? Don't get too excited though...he found someone else,looks like you're not getting your shot for a while Meerkat." Kurt replied, still not looking up from his assignment.

"Ah come on, don't take it so hard. Anderson usually doesn't date girls anyway." Sebastian said his smirk in perfect place.

Kurt looked up to glare, but was surprised to find the boy taking out text books and scribblers.

"What are you doing?" Kurt asked just as Sebastian opened his math book.

"Well mini Gap, if you're so concerned, it's called math homework." He said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kurt let out a small sigh. "I got that, why are doing it here?" Kurt asked totally unaware he was staring at the warbler.

"The Lima Bean is usually where I do my homework, so unless you have the answer to this equation," Sebastian said gesturing to his book."Shhh." He was a little humored by how much this annoyed Kurt.

Okay, but why are you doing it at my table?" He asked with deep irritation. The one good thing he had seen from the break-up was Sebastian out of his life.

"Why take up two tables for-one, instead of one table-for-two? Oh and there's a drop of coffee on call that poetry?" He asked looking down at Kurt's papers and shaking his head.

Kurt quickly piled another stack of papers over his assignment, but realized Sebastian was still looking at his papers. He glanced down to find a piece of paper covered in little *Blaine* and *Kurt + Blaine* drawings, he then shoved all his books in his bag as a light blush flooding his cheeks.

Sebastian gave him one of those 'This is why you're still single' looks and returned to his math.

Kurt thought about responding to Sebastian's look, but what was he supposed to say? 'Yeah we broke up, but I still love him.' He couldn't say that... especially not to Sebastian.

They sat in silence until finally Sebastian asked "So why'd the hottie dump you? Besides the obvious reasons of course"

Kurt was so torn up over the break-up he didn't even care that Sebastian thought it was impossible for Kurt to dump Blaine.

"I accused him of cheating on me with..." Kurt shuts up immediately, realizing he'd almost told Sebastian the truth, 'Truth? Probably a foreign word to Sebastian Smyth' Kurt thought to himself.

Sebastian saw the nervous flicker in Kurt'seye. "With" Sebastian prompted, there was no way he was letting this go without an answer.

"With you. Okay?" Kurt was whispering and screaming at the same time-one of the many talents of his unique voice-"Happy now Smyth? I thought you'd finally gotton to him." Kurt was looking down at his long pale fingers, his voice almost breaking.

"Oh really? How did that go over?" Sebastian asked barley trying to muffle his obvious laughter.

"Well, he was cheating on me,just with David - believe it or not." Kurt stated, his voice returning to normal.

"Dave who?" Sebastian asked with true curiostity, his desire to crush Kurt's soul almost completely forgotten-almost.

"David Karofsky. Blaine said he was just a shoulder for David to cry on although it seems Blaine let him use a hell of a lot more than just his shoulder." Kurt said pushing back tears of sheer pain.

No-one said anythingfor the next hour or so while Sebastian finished his math, and Kurt thought of ways to slip a vial of poison into Sebastian's coffee without him noticing.

A/N: Okay I have this fanfic finished but I'm posting it one chapter otta time, and it's kinda short but I already have others planed. Please review!Thank You!